Why do phone games all have to be hideous

Why do phone games all have to be hideous

Who does this art style appeal to

chinks, women, little kids

It looks like it was heavily designed-by-committee.

>guys don't want to play games where everyone looks like an anime girl, so give them manly faces
>girls don't want to play games where everyone is a big beefy muscle dude, so give them cute chibi bodies
>teens don't want to play games where you can see any visible pixels, so make them smooth paper dolls which stretch and bounce due to Flash effects

Hold up, there's Dan in the game?
Day fucking one.

Has it been released in any country yet? I wanted to emulate it to give it a try.

No idea. They keep being vague as fuck about the release date.
I miss the old spite graphic of the original but I love Puzzle Fighter and I hope at least the gameplay is just as good.

>Who does this art style appeal to
No one, but the people who consume it don't care so they can be as lazy with the designs as they want.

They usually get released in certain areas for testing before going worldwide. Usually Australia.

I think the only thing thats drawing me in as the Phoenix was teased during the trailer. I can only hope he doesnt look that ugly, and that the voice acting isnt horrendous for him

I think the style has a vague resemblance to Clash of clans and co. characters. I guess that's the kind of people they want to play the game.

How hard can it be to make HD Puzzle Fighter assets? Just color the sketches digitally instead of converting them to pixel art.

Chibi doesn't sell. Only pseudo-chibi does.

>tfw hate chinks more than niggers now
Fucking soulless monsters

Funny enough Capcom did that in a previous mobile game that looks like Puzzle Fighters, had DS characters, but didnt even bother promoting it or keeping it alive for long

They ripped off the Clash of Clans artstyle.

post characters who won't be in nu puzzle fighter

More like characters that are going to be dragged out of their graves and made to look like shit with the art style.

That's very offensive , but seriously what the fuck is up with all the Chinese on these phone games , I play multiplayer phone games and almost 100% of my opponents on any phone game are Chinese letters or Terrorist language or Russian almost never American.

when is capcom going to return?
should i just give up already?

Because its cheap as fuck to hire peple without any art skill,but because of the the gacha system, the companies can still make a maximize profit from it.

Now post some real good looking art/sprites/whatever from phone games.

Where is this from?

Disgusting. Without even knowing the game I bet it's icon is a retarded looking guy shouting / smiling like an autist with a minimal background. This game also features chests and gems you can buy with real money that let you buy cosmetic shit or p2w.

>Street Fighter Puzzle Spirits
>Has DS characters
Something went wrong

Brave Frontier
As shit as the gacha system is and how primitive the battle system is, it has some really fucking good sprite animation.

>teens don't want to play games where you can see any visible pixels
Now I understand who are those people that unironically post "pixelshit".

Everyone else looks fine. X just has a horrid pose and facial expression.

Mobile budgets are absolutely defined by being budget as fuck, so they hire shitty artists, just like they hire shitty developers too.

Only the psychologists in charge of exploiting the consumerbase are top tier I bet.

Normalfags have horrible taste.