EZA Thread

Get in here while we wait for the podcast!

also who are you rooting for in bets?! vote now!

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Oh is that time of the week again?
Why do weeks go by so fast

>no good content at all this week
I just want to hear videogame opinions since my own are incredibly abnormal

I watched all of Knack 2 because I was that bored, and it ended up being pretty good since Damiani stayed quiet before he left.

You're a bit early, aren't you?

Summer ends in about a week. Where's that Souls Retro Ultima?

Next week

Yeah podcasts don't usually drop for like another 7 hours

Its like something like that whatever man do what you want

>blood had to stop himself from shitting on ffxv when Bosman brought up he loved it during knack 2 stream
Based blood rising through the ranks like a rocket

Friend Code was good though.

The 20th is the first episode. 19th for patrons

>Friend Code was good
Huh, ok, I'll watch it.

I didnt watch that stream but he shoudnt have stopped himself.

Is ben on the podcast this week ? I need some Metroid talk following the review.

Also Red Eagles for life !

muh vibes

When is Blood going to play Mother 3
When is Jones going to stream more Persona 5
When is Ben going to stream senran kagura

Don't know why he did but he said he liked it alright when he played it but had an enormous amount of things he flat out hated. Think he didn't wanna mess with the vibe of the stream

Yeah check it out, it slowly improving, don't know if it's just because of the ammount of news they had to cover or simply Damiani is becoming a better moderator, plus any panel without Ian is a good panel

>When is Blood going to play Mother 3

Never because he's probably waiting for an official english release like a good christian boy.

>When is Jones going to stream more Persona 5

That one I could see happening but not any time soon.

>When is Ben going to stream senran kagura

Never because their clique of SJW mods would crucify him

Why is everything fun illegal

+When is Huber going to play Fire Emblem ?

Friend Code was good except for Kyle. That guy really has the shittest taste and takes the weirdest things too seriously

Too busy watching tv all day and then reviewing 1-2 games every now and then to play anything

>why are kids being kids, god I hate kids

Calm down Kyle holy shit

They don't post at night anymore?

I'm pretty sure I heard Ben saying he will stream Blue Reflection, this could be fun (in a lot of ways)

>Friend code was good

Opening with reading old Nintendo Power is boring and Domiani just ends up getting lost in his childhood and not hosting a show

y'all think Kyle will do his weekly show when they get to sub 40k?

>Blue Reflection
Never heard of that game before
Looks like moeshit
Im in

Kyle will let eza die before he decides to make his own show again

I don't think I even want it anymore. EZA Kyle seems so different from GT Kyle that the magic would be lost.

But present day GUST is shit. He should stream Arland instead.

>Never heard of that game before
Well I can't blame you if eza is your primary source of videogame news.

He streamed Sophie the other day. Kind of

GT kyle wrote scripts (I think Ian helped him or at least for ManUps, they wrote the script together)

EZA kyle is just cruising along, it's really obvious that he doesn't want to work for this weird video game podcast group, he clearly wants to go do something else like work in comedy or scriptwriting

You guys shit on EZA constantly but can't seem to let go. You guys are so tsundere for them, it's cute.

Its not, I just dont care for moe games or any of these third rate companies that make those games
Even though I watch tons of moe anime

gust really fucked up this year

blue reflection and noa2 don't look good at all. I'm not even sure this iteration of atelier is any good either, I never see people talking about sophie or firris

I can't blame you for that either. I wish those fucking games were good..

We just want them to change so they pander to us more
Its not happening though

the only ezanime podcast I watched was jojo

after that I swore to myself that I"d never ever watch any of their anime related shit ever again

like it was painfully bad

They've really gone downhill ever since KT joined the picture. EXA_PICO is dead at this point.

Still work fine as background noise while working. Almost everyone else in this """industry""" is cancerous and even less likely to say a single word about games I actually care about.

You made the right choice.
Youd be better off taking a bunch of old gaiaonline posts and converting them to video form

Neither of them are even caught up with the anime. I could understand them not reading the entirety of the manga but you're gonna fucking do an episode and you aren't even caught up with where the anime is at and you think you got this down? Fuck.

They need to get over their spoilerphobia

>he clearly wants to go do something else like work in comedy

I hope he never gets hired in comedy, he's really not funny.

Imagine Kyle on TV making pokemon jokes

Final Bosman was really funny and charming but I don't think it would translate to any other context.

>muh xv
>muh good vibes
>muh wacky prompto selfies

bosman is a shit taste faggot

Stop posting e-celeb shit on my video game board. It is not video game culture, it is Youtube and social media culture.

e-celebs are NOT your friends. They only care about the likes and subsrcibes you give them so they can get paid. Relying on these leeches as surrogate friends is NOT healthy.

e-celeb threads are never about video games or video game characaters but the drama revolving around these literal whos.


Literally never.

Shut the fuck up namefag

Except for maybe Ben and Brad, they're all casuals so that will never happen. And with the amount of money their casual SJWs gives them monthly, I don't see why they'd ever try to cater to people like "us".

I know but we keep hoping and making threads.
Just another way to burn some hours

Yeah, the nintendo power segment takes too long so if it's a shit issue like this time it just drags on. Rest was good though

Stop posting dumb e-celeb shit on my video game board. It is not video game culture, it is Youtube and social media culture.

e-celebs are NOT your friends. They only care about the likes and subsrcibes you give them so they can get paid. Relying on these leeches as surrogate friends is NOT healthy.

e-celeb threads are never about video games or video game characaters but the drama revolving around these literal whos.


>really funny
That's an overstatement.

Only one I bothered to check out was Steins;Gate. Skipped to where they talked about the vn and stopped watching it shortly after. Why even bother to make it a topic if you've never read it or the sequel?

stay mad

I know they arent my friends
But there is no other place to post eceleb threads
And these ecelebs are videogame related so
Moderation also seems to be split, these threads sometimes get deleted instantly and others are allowed to reach bump limit

go there.
don't come back.

>no other place to post eceleb threads
literally any other website
>Moderation also seems to be split
you are a fucking idiot and don't understand how this website works.

Where is it ben

So they can make another episode of it later

>that time during E3 where Ben and Brad discussed Peach Beach Splash and clearly just wanted to talk about its qualities as a game but everyone else on screen and in chat were acting like little children because it had girls with huge tits on the cover

Half the internet refuses to give the game a chance because anime tiddies and the other half refuses to discuss anything but the anime tiddies.

I just wanna hear people talk about the gameplay man. It looks fun.

It's easier to see who's mentally challenged that way.
Ben and Brad were serious like intelligent human beings, while Kyle and Brad's girlfriend were about to die right here and then.


I hate the way they handle their content and i only really like 2-3 of the guys.
They're stil ltoo much quantity shit and too many streams that noone watches, they'll never fix it though. I wouldn't either if i would get like 50-60k bucks like they do

Had to tap out of the Knack 2 stream. Ben and Huber were especially annoying.



The T-1000



Is there anything Huber doesn't like? No the wonder he always gets what he wants, he wants it all

>xv is the greatest jrpg ever because realtime day and night cycle and photos
>doesn't talk about the story at all
>hasn't even finished it
>dropped Persona because protag too cool
>dropped nier and turned off the music
>doesn't like the max payne series
He should've just stuck with final bosman

He doesn't like Yakuza 2 :^)

Big Ben Moore wilding out in the comment section of EZAnime

He seems to be easy to trigger

Why is Ben so fucking awful at fighting game despite claiming to have followed the scene for a long time. His dojo shit is so painful to watch.

He claims to be a lot of things, but he's just a normie

watching evo once a year is different from learning how to play

To be honest his job is to play a lot of videogames, not to spend a lifetime on a single one in order to be good at it. At least he tries and you can't say that about a lot of game journalists

Bosman is troll and loves being a contrarian. He knows how badly he triggers people whenever he says shit like the P5 and Nier:A music stuff. He loves going against the crowd and will stand by it even if he knows he wrongs solely for being against the crowd and you guys only feed him more while he laughs like a madman.
He has also made it very clear that he doesn't like being force recommended into playing stuff but the rest of the allies do it anyway and then get triggered when he shits on it.

TL;DR Bosman is a troll and all of you are playing on top of his hand.

>All the newfags in youtube comment section that want Bosman out of EZA

Who else is going to be outlandishing autistic and picky about weird things in a group of mostly hugbox feelgoods.

>anime elitists

Is it true kyle hates psychonauts? I dont have time to watch his vids

>Fun Game Monday this week
>Starts with Bosman revealing he beat Wozniak in the worst way he wanted
It's almost poetic

I also had a good hard laugh when he was mad at the end of the Napoleon level. Also the Knack II stream wasn't bad at all.

There's some stuff he loves. Like the big levels where he can explore, the figment collecting, the little bits of oddity (brain kissing, the baggage collecting). But the humor isn't catching on to him and he's very critical on the story. He also doesn't like the clairvoyance gags. This week he said he really enjoyed weeks 2 & 4, so maybe watch those and this week's.

I find it hard to ever stay annoyed at Kyle for too long ever. His opinions and autistic tendencies over little itty bitty things are generally so outlier-ish that he comes across as genuinely "different" so to speak. No wonder he manages to stomach coming to lurk Sup Forums for leaks every so often

what way?

While casually watching football, not paying attention, and in a "bad run". He looked down at his 3DS after the run ready to start a new run and saw the score. Essentially, a complete accident.

>bos beat woz

That's not trolling, that's just retarded and being childish. Also i hope the whole "troll" thing ends soon. I feel like i'm on gamefags in 2010

Thats so kyle it hurts

Watched their episodes on Berserk and One Piece. The videos need more structure and they don't seem to do much research beyond their prior knowledge on the shows before each episode.
Bosman's taste in games has always been ridiculous, why are you still complaining about it as if it's some big revelation? He likes what he likes and he's honest about it. At least he's genuine.
He said XV was one of his favourites, not the greatest. There's a difference. Also he said he finished it on a Gundam stream.
youtube.com/watch?v=f7AqWngkfdI Ben has always been the worst ally.

Hilarious, but poor Kyle

first thing

i'm not complaining about it, i'm calling him a shit taste faggot

>that like eight possibilities
Based Jones

When is Blood streaming DaS3? Wasn't there a time limit?

I dont like Damiani

He mentioned in the Knack II stream that he's got the character created, he just has to get the cosplay together as that was required.