Tell about that day, the September 25, 2007 when you experienced Halo 3 for the first time

Tell about that day, the September 25, 2007 when you experienced Halo 3 for the first time.

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i didnt touch any other game for like 4 years, i just survived off big team battle, team slayer, and custom games.
i really miss it

Why did they ruin the Prophet of Truth in this game?

Not that I don't love the game but it's a shame the plot turned out to be so lame and predictable

> Halo 1: Major twist that the Flood are the true enemies and that Halo is a weapon that kills everyone BUT the Flood
> Halo 2: Major twist is that the Prophet's mistrust of the Elites leads to a major schism which unexpectedly leads to a human-Elite alliance
> Halo 3: Game starts out with Humans and Elites setting out to defeat the Covenant and the Flood. Game ends with the Humans and Elites defeating the Covenant and the Flood.

I was disappointed how insanely inferior it was to Halo 2

How would you have ended 3? Had Halo only been 3 games that seems like a good way to wrap up the plot?

I thought it was one of the greatest video games of all time. I haven't enjoyed a video game that much since Super Metroid way back in 1994.

There needed to be something unexpected in the middle though, some aspect of the story people would love to talk about for years to come, but there just wasn't. People still argue about getting to play as the Arbiter in Halo 2. In Halo 3 we get like five Cortana flashbacks but that's about it.

Wouldn't have been an issue if the plot and aesthetic of the game had actually reflected the dirty, savage, last-man-standing slaughter on Earth that the Believe ad campaign pumped us up for. Really, Halo Reach's aesthetics and atmosphere should've been Halo 3's.

>Halo 3: Major twist the Ark not only can activate all the galaxy's Halo rings but it can also create them.
Learn how to comprehend next time, dipshit.

Kind of a let down when the only real takeaway from that is that you get to retread Halo CE for one level. Was that really a twist on par with the previous games, or simply a justification for the title still being "Halo"?

Was in college, went to local Gamestop at like 10PM with my roommates. Long line out front, guys sitting in the back of a pickup truck having a LAN tournament in the parking lot while waiting. Pretty comfy.

Then I came home and didn't sleep for about a week because I played it so much. Probably the main reason my grades sucked that year.

>Really, Halo Reach's aesthetics and atmosphere should've been Halo 3's
Yeah, Halo 3 should have looked like an ugly Gears of War/Call of Duty ripoff. You should just fuck off to another series. Halo 2's campaign sucked and the only thing worth mentioning that came from it was it's multiplayer, the fucking Halo 5 of that generation, what shit taste you have.

What are they doing this year for the anniversary? It may not be a release but they have to do something to celebrate


They try different things, dino politics, "WE HUMAN NOW", Call of Gears prequel and they all were shit, hell they even tried GO GO Power Rangers and that was a huge misstep.

Halo 3 was so good, community first Bungie was the best Bungie now they won't let you record or stream shit from Destiny and Halo from 343 has been non stop dogshit only being praised by Reach fags.

Fuck off to Gears of Wars and Call of shit, faggot. Halo is supposed to be bright, vibrant, shiny, and colorful something even 343 got right.

Halo 3 has nothing on Halo CE PC.

Reach shares a lot with Halo 2.

I thought Halo 4 had a decent campaign and like liked Halo 5's mp but I hate Bungie's Halo games after Halo 3.

Then why does everyone whose opinion matters almost unanimously agree that the Believe campaign was, in many respects, superior to what we got?

Did Gears of War and Call of Duty invent grit and violence? What year did Saving Private Ryan come out, again?

Uh huh

Oh Halo 3.
The end of the trilogy.
The conclusion to Master Chief's story.

I thought Halo 3 was gonna be shit long before it even came out. And this is from a kid that played Halo 2 all summer straight. It didn't interest me in the slightest.

When I got to play it I got bored with it in under a day and never played it again. The only time I even played a newer Halo since then was was for a couple hours when a friend wanted to play Reach. Then we went on to replay Halo 1 co-op.

> Fuck off to Gears of Wars and Call of shit, faggot. Halo is supposed to be bright, vibrant, shiny, and colorful something even 343 got right.
Yeah those bright and Vibrant pizza skins and unicorn armor are great


The multiplayer was god tier but the story had its flaws,

Too bad that the high charity level had one of the worst map designs and that there was no epic final battle,

Leaving MC in space with a cliffhanger to a shitty new sequel was also outrageous

>Be me
>Halo fan
>Good chunk of my best gaming experiences comes from Halo CE and 2 on PC
>Halo 3 is out
>360 exclusive
>I missed the golden era of Halo multiplayer because I didn't have a 360 at the time

Such a cruel world we live in.


I can see why people liked 4, it had some good looking bits, the story was interesting but all the new characters weren't very good.

Also exploration was axed for good graphics which doesn't float well with me.

Yeah fuck Bungie after 3

I wasn't talking about their shit art style or aesthetics.

Once again, fuck off to those franchises.

Damn, I like Reach's aesthetics. Shame they had to fuck it up for 4 and beyond

nostalgia for first person shooters, with a handheld controller

the absolute state of Sup Forums

the normies took over, over a decade ago, there haven't been any actual video games for most of your life

Jesus Christ that is ugly as shit, what the fuck happened after Halo 3, did those faggots at Bungie forget about Color Theory or something. Why the fuck is the needles that come out of the needler fucking purple?!

It's F2P now and second-hand 360s are cheap as shit now if you still haven't played it

I'll probably never replay i because it's one of the few 360 games that has issues when installed to the HDD and i can't stand the jet engine noises when the 360 is running off a disc.


I want to go back

Halo 4 was always supposed to happen.

I remember playing halo campaign for the first time in co-op more so. Halo 2 then was the multiplayer experience but that was just an extension of the first fun times.
Basically got to appreciate how bungie wanted everything to feel and play just right with next gen graphics, was great.

>Go to midnight release
>Place is fucking packed out the door
>Almost last in line
>First guy to get a copy goes fucking nuts and tears his shirt off and sprints out the door
>Around 2am
>Start dozing off
>Finally at the front of the line end up getting last copy
>Suddenly have a massive burst of energy
>First game is on Guardian
>Play for almost 24 hours straight before passing out
Was a fun time.

Listen I agree with on your thoughts on Reach in. a way, yes it tried to look more gritty and Gears like. But Halo isn't as vibrant as your claiming it to be, well maybe at least on the level of the 343 trash. The alien shit looks alien and it succeeded in that, and the Human stuff is futuristic but still realistic in a way. Not reach levels of COD Aesthetic but not that cartoony

>using Arbiter's shit missions as a way to defend an ugly piece of shit like Reach
Master Chief had the colorful levels in Halo 2 while with Arbiter Bungie kept making his levels the same color as his bland colored armor for some reason.

343 armor is so fucking awful. In the original games spartans armor made them look like walking tanks. Now the armor looks like a spandex suit with random plates on it that serve no purpose.

>t-that doesn't count!

Halo had a style, Reach ruined it, 343 are trying to get it with Halo Wars 2, will have to see how Halo 6 turns out on that.

Just FYI, Halo Online's ElDewrito mod is about to drop a major update. After that, it's basically gonna be Halo 3 multiplayer on PC with better Forge, especially if you install the Halo 3 models mods. Map porting will probably happen in the future as well (they've already successfully ported a few ODST maps without shaders n shit)
>ywn couch co op with your friends ever again

Why does Halo 2 get so much shit while 1 is held up on a pedestal? Is nostalgia making you forget that every other H1 level consisted of largely the same room over and over again?

I feel like video games are the last thing you should be pretentious about.

For some reason, every Halo game past the first got dumber AI that just took more shots to kill.

That image looks good, what the fuck are you trying to get at, Master Chief levels were bright like Halo 1, and Halo 3's. Arbiter's missions are the ones that looked like shit in some places. Halo 1-3 also didn't use film grain and desaturated the color palette.

>Christmas of 07
>On day 3 of my two week school break
>Parents get me a 360 wireless adapter, Halo 3, and one year of Xbox live

I was the happiest kid alive it felt like. First match was free for all on Guardian. Fuckin good times man.

never again

>There needed to be something unexpected in the middle though
that's the twist, there wasn't one

It's still drab, unlit greys and browns, like the rest of the game.

But the arbiters missions are still in the game right? Why shouldn't he be able to use them in his argument.

SeeYou should stop playing Halo 2, ODST, and Reach all the time, those campaigns fry your brain.

I didn't. I'm a PCfriend and I was late to the party with the entire Halo series. But 3 is nice.

anyway Reach Anniversary fucking when?

Yeah that's a good way to say it and I concur, Halo has a distinct style. The reason I'm shitting on 343 is that it doesn't understand the style, style refers to things other then just color palettes, character design, world design, armor design, weapons, and vehicles. All extremely important in building a game and it's style, none of the new shit matches happy style whatsoever.

Is anyone genuinely excited for Halo 6, even after Halo 4 and 5?
If yes, what the fuck is wrong with you

>Once again, fuck off to those franchises.

Whoa, good one, ya got me

> that's the twist, there wasn't one

I'm trying to figure out of this is the most Hideo Kojima post ever made, or the least Hideo Kojima post ever made

Because most of the game doesn't look like Arbiter's shit levels.

So you're color blind, I'm glad I got an understanding.

Midnight prerelease. Got it with a few mates and UNIRONICALLY went to a gas station first to buy Mountain Dew: The orange one with the Halo tie in. Stayed up all night with mates beating the co-op campaign together. Played one round of Lone Wolves and won my very first online match. Skipped school to play all fucking day. It was the greatest memory I have.

Yes, Halo 5's mp improved and they finally dropping the cancer fucking up the franchise since 2004, original characters, plus the squad gameplay is getting dropped and split screen and lan are returning.

Right, I forgot the tan and greyish-blue.

>went to midnight release
>was 14 so they turned me down since my mom wasn't there even though I had the preorder paid off
>mom saw the long line and went to a bar since she thought it'd take a couple hours to get through it all
>got through the line in 15 minutes and i just sat outside the mall for almost 2 hours

Game was amazing though.

You want Halo to turn into gritty brown shit so yes, go fuck off to those franchises.


I have never played halo 3.

I don't care about the single player, and 5 at least provided a decent base as opposed to reinventing the series for the 5th time.

I know, because you're color blind, you will never understand the beauty of Halo 2.

I bought crackdown for crackdown. Never used the halo beta shit.

Arbiter > Master Chief

You're absolutely correct. I'll never understand the """"""""""""""beauty"""""""""""""" of an overly-gritty shooter with no shadows and a muted color palette

god gamers have been and always will be such monumental faggots
if diversity decreases the cringe i'm all for it

3 > Reach > ODST = 2 > 4 = 1

Fite me

You sure are offloading a lot of assumptions matey

I don't especially love flat tones and grittiness. I happen to really like Halo CE Anniversary because they went in the opposite direction and made it vibrant and memorable. What I was arguing since my very first post was that
Halo Reach's muted pallet and dreary atmosphere suited its setting because it depicts the bloodiest, most costly battle of a war which, up until that point, had only been depicted in comparatively small skirmishes, and
> B
If the plot of Halo 3 had matched the Believe campaign and made use of the grim aesthetic described above, it would have enhanced the sense of loss and the cost of war, making the whole affair more memorable, and which also would have made another game (Halo Reach) redundant and unnecessary, since that was Reach's major accomplishment anyway.

But you've obviously got a lot of pent up anger regarding the fact that children younger than you happen to like Call of Duty and other things you don't like, so please, feel free to continue venting on the Internet until you're good and satiated, there's a bunch of new Call of Duty: WWII videos on Youtube just waiting to be disliked.

Master Chief>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Arbiter, Rookie, Noble Six, and Locke combined

posting some 10 years old footage

>Halo Reach's muted pallet and dreary atmosphere suited its setting because it depicts the bloodiest, most costly battle of a war which, up until that point, had only been depicted in comparatively small skirmishes
Shame the actual game never gave you that feeling.

>t. assblasted marine

My friends talked me into it so we could play 4player co-op. I hate playing console games, but decide to cave and buy game and online. Cheap Chinese trash red rings later that night. Never wasted money on consoles again.

Tau armor in-game when?

I want to go back.

>Halo Reach's muted pallet and dreary atmosphere suited its setting
It didn't suit Halo's style and it looked like a generic pile of shit.

Halo 3 was about finishing the fight, you wanted muh gritty story, go play ODST and Reach. Halo 3 kept the style of Halo 1 and 2

I'm glad you agreed that Reach is an ugly pile of shit.

It was my birthday


Man Halo 3 was rendered at what? 540p?

I actually experienced it 2 weeks earlier, Sept 13, at an event in NYC.

We got to play the game on a huge Imax screen, showed off the story first, then multiplayer and a trivia contest to win an Xbox 360 and other shit. Was a good time.

I didn't even have a 360 at the time, but I was still hype for H3.

Prove that Halo 2 even closely matched the style of 1 & 3.


You're the one assblasted. You're still mad Bungie sidelined the dino, 343 said fuck two worst Halos from 2009 and 2010, and decided that the future for Halo is better off without these stupid OCs going forward after 2015's disaster.

640p. Neogaf tried to make it a shitstorm. No one cared.

What does Sup Forums think of 30 MORE YEARS OF HALO!!!

>me and my friends stacked boxes for a hour to get this skull


what the hell is wrong with you newfag redditor neogaf poltard

I already did earlier this thread.
SeeI'll post another image if you want

I want a fucking ETERNITY of halo

Everybody on Sup Forums thought it was casual garbage, and the CE and CE were the only two good ones

>Shame the actual game never gave you that feeling.

That seems like sort of a difficult opinion to back up, did we play the same game?

> Game's levels feature massive matte landscape skyboxes where the horizon is often literally on fire
> Slipspace rupture detected. Slipspace rupture detected. Slipspace rupture detected. Slipspace rupture detected.
> Entire level about attempting to evacuate civilians (almost entirely absent from previous games) from New Alexandria
> Civilian transport with 800 people on board gets blown the fuck out right in front of you
> "Shall we send search and rescue birds?" "Negative... no point."
> The UNSC cruise which donates its FTL drive to destroy the supercarrier also gets blown the fuck out in front of you
> That mission, and Jorge's death, immediately prove pointless when the Covenant fleet arrives directly afterward, making the whole conflict from that point a losing battle
> Nearly your entire squad is killed in battle in gruesome and often inglorious ways, particularly Kat
> During that mission where you fly around the skyscrapers in a Falcon in the rain, a Covenant destroyer is literally glassing the planet right in front of you during the course of the level, one of my favorite moments from the franchise period
> That whole mission conveys a hopeless impression of fighting a losing battle, recalling images of relief efforts from disasters like the hurricanes we just experienced in the US
> The triage center in New Alexandria with dead and dying civilians littering the floor
> Game ends with a hopeless, one-man last stand against an unstoppable force
> Don't even get me started on the beautiful, somber soundtrack by Marty O'Donnel

Bungie had a clear goal when they made Reach and they obviously succeeded in it. It's not their fault if you happen not to like it, but I find it interesting how so many people praise ODST for doing many of the same things Reach did.