Now that the dust has settled can we all agree this will clearly be GOTY

Now that the dust has settled can we all agree this will clearly be GOTY

perhaps game of the decade honesty

better than witcher 3 *flies away*

Is that controversial? Witcher 3 was never considered that good on Sup Forums due to its bland combat and gameplay

idk but Mipha is clearly waifu of the year

>game of the decade

I have it on WiiU but haven't played it yet. Is it fun?

Witcher 3 has more enemy types, bosses, quests, items, better story, full voice acting, better weapon durability, etc. It's in other league frankly

i like the combat, but the game has such slow level up that when u finally get the build u planned u don't have anything else to do in the game, and at some point in mid game the combat gets boring, but not bland. i liked how dlc monsters had different combat patterns too

Yep, I love it.

New game plus starts you off powerful and with a respec potion

I picked up a Switch early purely because I caught them in stock locally and figured fuck it. Wouldn't normally have bothered with BotW but the lack of games compelled me to pick it up. Still sitting around unfinished because it's such a bore. Had the same experience with OoT back in the day when that came out. I honestly don't understand how people can get so enthusiastic about slogging through a Zelda game.

But where's the technology? Might as well be a book series... oh wait... LOL

ok, it does have more enemy types (except attack patterns are repetitive for every single enemy, basically there are 5 categories: human sized monsters, large monsters, flying monsters, humans and specters) and doesn't have that stupid botw weapon durability shit, but the quests get really repetitive at some point in witcher 3. More items mean more grinding to craft stuff, so I think that's a bad thing. Also, talk about slow level up. I assume you're joking about the bosses because they feel just like regular enemies. The story is definitely not better than botw, it's just longer and has more cutscenes. The voice acting (in english at least) isn't that good for anyone who's not a main character. botw may have less voice acting, but its voice acting and characters facial expressions are undeniably better than witcher 3.
I liked witcher 3 very much, but to say it's better than botw... It's not

but right before u start ng+ ur already op, so what's the point? I've done everything in the game, there's nothing new to see, and i already got the build i wanted basically. i could gain more levels and make my build even better, but I don't think it's really worth it

I wouldn't say there's grinding for anything in witcher 3. I never had trouble getting supplies to make anything in the game. You just loot everything in sight and it piles up or just buy the stuff you need.

go play it RIGHT NOW user, it's one of the best games ever

so what's the point in having so many different items? I haven't had trouble with weapons and armor, but sometimes I'm missing alchemy ingredients because i go from place to place on horseback, not slowly walking around and picking herbs

Vanquish came out in 2010, so no.

Fuck off.

Legends spoke of a game.

A game so good it would drive people insane.

A game so special it would make people fear and despise it's power, cause them to foam at the mouth and spit vitriol to the four winds - uttering absolute nonsense to anyone who would listen, in a desperate attempt to deny the game's majesty.

As it's name spread amongst the land, panic gripped the minds of these lesser mortals. The game's reputation was boundless - winning critical appraise beyond measure, sweeping award after award, before bedding itself into popular culture lexicon for the ages.

As the game devoured the world, those who defied it stood fast - resolute in their determination to stop the behemoth in it's path.

But the power and the glory of the game was absolute. Trolls were decimated. Calls for 'You's' fell on deaf ears. The combined might of the most powerful Salt spells were washed aside by their own tears. All who stood before it fixed their gaze upon the game's splendour. And they did tremble.

It's pretty much guaranteed to not be GOTY for most simply because it's not on pc nor on PS4. A game has to be available on a system that is widely used to become GOTY or at least the awards that matter have that as a condition.
The only two big awards it might get are from Famitsu and Eurogamer.

Everyones suckinv PUBGs dick raw these days, which is laughable but very likely to take GotY awards