Why are there no rpg games set in the present day?

Why are there no rpg games set in the present day?

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Fursona 5

the present day is kind of boring desu

Your life is an RPG set in the modern day.

friendly reminder she's jewish

They're usually fantasy, and there's just less scope for suspension of disbelief.


How do I respec my stat points?

how do i get a gf like this

I guess it would basically be something like The Sims which already exists

>look good
>be rich

Or, y'know, don't hate yourself. Have even the slightest shred of charisma. Don't look down on women just for being women.

>shoot a dude
>he instantly dies

the rpg gameplay loop being centered around combat doesn't lend itself to enemies which aren't HP sponges. As soon as you add modern weapons to the mix, it falls apart.
If you don't add modern weapons to the mix, the stakes feel low in a present day setting.

Jagged Alliance 2 and picrelated.


how do I stop hating myself.

>hehe, just b urself, chap

>Don't look down on women just for being women.
but how


tfw earthbound goes full fantasy after the beginning area, where you do nothing but murder innocent animals and teenage gang members

There's too many niggers in the present day

Dumb beeposter

There are plenty of "contemporary" RPGs, at least in the sense that whatever time they were released was contemporary to the release of those games. Persona is a series set in the now, pretty sure TWEWY is a now setting too. If you want to stretch your definition of RPG, then you can include any sandbox that allows you to build your character/increase your stats (saints row, GTA, Just Cause series, and any shooters that you build stats in)

What about Alpha Protocol?

And it has the best OST of any rpg in the past 15 years.

Secret World Legends is kind of modern day-ish.


>the character creator is completely randomized and there's no way to change it later
Fucking lame, I wanted to play as an INT build girl but I'm stuck as a NOTHING REMARKABLE build manlet.

user is right. Unless your face was permanently scarred by an acid attack and are therefore horrifically ugly, following those things and hitting the gym makes finding a girl totally possible.

Tabletop games seem to have much more variety in settings/themes than videogame rpgs.

Not-Mad Max rpg when?

There are RPG games that reference present times though

Because I play video games to experience something fun.


>Car Wars

One thing that stuck with me is how dueling cars sounds incredibly awesome, but is horribly realized because you both basically need the equivalents of natural 20 to hit each other. Hell, it's better to put your house on wheels and fight in that because of different rules it employs. Trainwreck of a game.

I'd make them more instakill spell equivalents.
>he hates random encounters

I'm surprised by sheer lack of urban fantasy games. That's the easy way out of "it's preset day so it has to be boring and believable". Still want that singleplayer Secret World.

OC is my fave vidya

I too would like to play games about roleplaying games. I'd like to play as the girl who plays RPGs so that her betamale classmates will hover around and lavish her with attention.

>just bee urself bro
I've tried to explain to you chads before "myself" is fucking boring.

I unironically agree with your second sentence but it's deluded to think it's impossible to be a decent person and yet not desirable at all in that way.

Hi chell

Is that Speedy?

it makes MGS seem realistic

Alpha Protocol stands out as a notable example.

Damn on top of being unattractive it looks like you're blind. You just missed two thirds of the post you replied to.

Is this a non-cunny Sup Forums thread?


>destructive hurricans and earthquakes
>social unrest on middle east
>ISIS killing people at random
>SJW and lefties destroying society
>possible war with North Korea (best Korea)
>Mexican cartels skinning people alive

I don't want to recreate reality, I want escapism

Why is Willa Holland such a dirty slag?

That game sucks, I've rolled low Int and can't restart

>the present day

who wants to play a game set in this shit show

Paid DLC

we're missing one final detail...

Most women nowadays are

But how do I BE the girl here?

Every Persona, both Devil Survivors, Parasite Eve, to name a few unless you meant modern with no magic/powers

I'm not comfortable with her pressing her genitals against that printer or her sitting on it, even if she is small and supporting herself with her arms.

This. Just be yourself and you will find a gf who will love you the way you are.

face > everything else
if your ugly it's over

Because real life is fucking awful boring shit that you read books, watch movies, and play games to get away from.

South Park The Stick of Truth and Costume Quest are all I can think of.


a compete shit rpg you mean

I'm sure people already posted the obvious examples, but not reading a thread before replying never stopped me before:

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
second half of Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
Alpha Protocol
Jagged Alliance series
STALKER series
Mother series
Costume Quest
Secret World

There's probably more

present day, present time?

>create character
>roll low STR, INT, CHR and LCK
>all viable builds revolve around these stats
>still no patch to fix this

0/10, wouldn't play

>not equipping god-denying hats to increase your wits

>one roll

it's not worth the charisma decrease they have since patch 2.011 or so.

>what is YIIK?

>what is persona 3/4/5
>what is TWEWY
>what is akibas beat


>Implying you aren't also incredibly uncoordinated and sickly

Shin Megami Tensei

Now sucks do a rpg in the 90s

Family dynamic was more volatile and you can write so much more

>tfw i have high str and wis but terrible con and low charisma and int

all so grossly dated except the last persona

OP must have Max'd his FAG in early game without thinking about consequences

It would be pointless, the first few hours alone would be spent cycling through the 4,392 genders to find the male/female.

Persona series
Jagged Alliance
Alpha Protocol
Secret World
Stick of Truth
Parasite Eve
The long Dark
Xcom Sorta
Freedom Force games
Chroma Squad
Dead Island
Akiba Series
Costume Quest
that one hipster RPG

Basically fucking neck yourself you normie retard if you want a recommendations thread just ask for recs don't "epik bait" for them.

>moving the goalposts
OP asked for games, he didn't specify anything with regards to being dated.

Literally f2p p2w garbage

Why do people give giving this kind of false advice? It's obvious to anybody with an iq above 80 that women are selfish materialistic creatures that only care about what they can get out of men. Who exactly are you shilling for with these posts?

literally all humans are selfish and materialistic.

I keep searching through this image in the hopes that i'll find some subtle, funny edit.

That's a cute girl

fucking disgusting

Thanks. She'll let Chad know of your feelings.

Who are these semen demons?

Rat face

don't forget marauders

better than yours :^)

I learned one thing from this thread - there are games set in the present day but they all warp it with magical elements, conspiracy theories, and other ludicrous plots. There is not one single RPG that deals with everyday life in a realistic setting.

I don't count strictly military stuff like 7.62 etc because those are primarily strategy games.

Is it due to the fear of the "mundane"?

There's an entire genre of video games dedicated to modern RPGs. They're called sports games.

How's it p2w you shitstain.
Please explain to me I'm probably dumb and you are smart but whatever, GO ON I'm waiting... what?
You don't have what? a job?
You don't want to grind all your life?
Meanwhile you are just playing the game for free what a spoiled child omg.

Here you go, OP

Its because we live in an odd time where you dont have to fight to survive or anything like that

RPGs can be set in old time periods because knights and shit were common place. You wanted to live? You gotta fight off animals and other plebs trying to take your land and your life.

But even that on its own lacks flavour, so it inevitably adds magic and other folk tale things of that time period

Nowadays you don't have to. The average modern experience is just waking up in a safe home, travelling to work and doing your 9-5 relatively safe, relatively uninteresting grind, then going home.

Theres no need to go on adventures and fight shit. And devs are unable to make RPGs that doesn't involve fighting shit

The notable exceptions to this are the Simulator games like roller coaster tycoon. Its literally an RPG set in modern times doing normal things with no fluff, but its an exciting job

Or its train simulator or forklift simulator.

RPGs set in completely normal modern times need an enemy for you to face, hence why Persona is set in modern times but you always venture into other worlds and shit to fight monsters

God damn this game looks awful from trailer no.3


Life is basically an RPG, you idiot. You make choices and you have stats. Age, weight, height, etc. I guess what bothers people is that they didn't get to create their character. I got lucky so I don't even want a reroll.