And telling you what to think about it

>and telling you what to think about it
Most shitposts of this nature don't even have anything written to go with them
They just drop the images off and let you retards argue about it

go outside

Yes, the fags that are always going on about the SJW boogeymen ruining gaming are stupid, but so is this.

still not vidya though

Give this thread a sage if pol bullies are mean to you


give me you's if you want e-celebs to stay out of Sup Forums

>mfw the only time I ever have Sup Forums shit shoved down my throat is when someone on Sup Forums is bitching about it


Nah, I've played Bioware games.

excuse me but do you guys remember that one episode of mlp that triggered the leftist fans because it painted communism in a bad light?

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

>makes non video game thread
>brings up Sup Forums
Fuck off

ok but do you?

I never see pol, just the whiny tards complaining about it.

This isn't how this image works. You post it on a shit thread made by a Sup Forumstard. Making your own thread with it is just adding to the trash.

The irony is stunning.

>it's a Sup Forums falsef(l)ag thread
But to answer your question, as a uni student I have seen plenty of genuine SJW bullshit. Then, as a masochist, I come on here to read shit that almost sounds exactly like the SJW profs are saying but in reverse, just so I can enjoy both extremes of the political spectrum.


I could buy this argument a few years ago, but you're a fucking ostrich if you don't see it happening now.

>blatant (You) baiting
Go back to Facebook then kill yourself

Fucking kill yourself

If you are talking about the start of season 4, it's completely wrong, it paints rightism in a bad light. It's the right wing extremists that always try to force people to be the same and hate difference, not the leftists. And the episode had very little to do with communism at all.

Most barneyfags I know are actually pretty redpilled


Reply to this post if you want me to dump my entire folder of futa pone


Why does Ghazi think they're changing Sup Forums by posting the same shit ironic shitposters do but without the irony?

Do it faggot this thread can't possibly be worse


Fucking kill yourself and die

>leftists cracking down on any dissenting speech while they endeavor to melt all of humanity down into one vague blob of international feelzmen isn't intrinsically opposed to the concept of differences
Nigga you best be trolling.


Starting with my absolute fav
>tfw you will never worship rarity's bbmc

pull the fucking trigger
just do it

if i get 50 (You)'s, i'll post CP

The left can't meme. It's not a joke, they really can't.

Well that's my cue to leave

Disgusting furry

I tried but I honestly can't think of any game I recently played that was ruined by "sjws".

post the full one please
futa twilight best pone

Pretty often

2nd fav
>tfw you will never bob for applejack's marecock


Called the fbi

good taste

Not Vidya but yes.

I get sjw shit shoved down my throat from certain video games tbqh

Execute yourself

That's how it should always be, user. Sadly it's not always the case.

I think you're mentioning the wrong fetish there, friend.

it's scat

Yes but this is Sup Forums for videogames and this thread should die

But then again
I hate ponies but I hate barneyfag more, bring it on


my college was supposed to have the president of the united states of america come and give a speech but sjws rioted and he canceled. does that count?