Video game compass thread

Post your results

My score : -5.83, -4

Any others indie casual gamers?

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i play blackwake and got 50, 78

This is godawful. Did you make it OP? Seriously fucking hope this is the first version of it.

>Your score is (0, -0.36)!

Right in the middle

>10 fucking questions
Gonna need way more than that

Fuck these pop ups. Do not view on mobile.

-2.5, 5.71
Where is my niche ?


Curiosly accurate.
I agree with the anons that say it needs more questions though.

Pretty accurate. I'm very moderate

Your score is (5, 3.21)!

just as i thought

>Those definitions for hardcore game vs casual gamer


get on my level scrubs


>click agree
>popups out the ass

I guess that's what I get for phoneposting

>hardcore means getting angry at interruptions

Gr8 quiz m8


That's nothing, casual


Get out.

I'd say I have a healthy balance

Pretty much mine but some of these questions are shitty.

Questions are loaded bullshit.

I'm guessing you made this op. The concept is good but the questions are horrible and there are far too few. if you're too stupid to come up with them just get someone else to do it

Questions are fucking awful.

>(1.67, 5)
This is really stupid. I'm hardcore because I know who Link is?

I think if you're posting on v you probably play most games, I don't see how enjoying a point and click negates enjoying a shooter

0, 1.79
I'm just a little bit hardcore.

It's easy to skew the result based on the questions and there are far too few questions. 0/10 see me after class

Your score is (2.5, 6.07)!

Pretty Accurate

Pretty accurate, but I feel like it needs a "no opinion" or middle choice and more questions. I like a pretty decent mix of vidya.



Shitty test but it came out reasonably accurate. I'm more likely to play an old forgotten aaa or maybe aa strategy game or simulator than I am to play a new indie game

This test is dicks. The only thing with a lean to the AAA side of the graph is ARE GRAPHICS IMPORTANT? DO YOU LIKE BLAND GAMES THAT ARE NO FUN?

Still, this is probably about right. I think I'd probably place myself somewhere in this area.

It actually may be some guy shilling it. This is the 2nd time I had seen it personally alone and I don't lurk on Sup Forums as much as I used to.

Top right corner at (10, 6.79). Get fucked, indie trash.

>This question about funding behind a video game

Where's the don't care option? Do people actually care about this shit? They judge video games based on how much money was put toward development?

I have life

Score: 5, 4.29
Midway Hardcore and AAA.

Then obviously you disagree.

I got -2.5, 2.14

This quiz is shit though


Good now fuck off back to plebbit, fag.

>Do not view on mobile.
Go, and stay go.

Pretty accurate.


Kinda had a centrist feel

shit test, too few questions

>good graphics are essential to have a good game
That one is tricky because graphics are as important as everything else, a game with great writing or music can be less enjoyable because it looks like dogshit

>I tend to prefer roguelikes, shmups, point and click, management or visual novels

How the fuck are shmups and visual novels related at all? And where are the fighting games?

Wow, that test was fucking shit

This is really sparse man.

You need way more questions.

>graphics are as important as everything
Have you ever played a tile based game? ASCII graphics game? Text adventure?

>To play good games you are required to have a gaming computer or a console
Who's going to agree with this? A phone with a gamepad and an emulator will let you play more than enough good vidya.

Artstyle and graphics are not quite the same thing. I left that at "Agree".

I feel like most of Sup Forums is in the upper right square so nothing special going on in here.

that question upset me too, because I like rogulikes and management over MOBA games, but I also like FPS games, but dislike visual novels and barely ever play shmups. Now what am I supposed to answer?

I'm only at the intro page and this looks like bullshit

A game needs a good aesthetic. The graphics can help sure, but lower end graphics wouldn't normally keep a good game form being good. You can still go back to older games and enjoy them just as much if not more than some current games.

Stop doing this to yourselves, phones are not made for this kind of stuff

I feel disappointed that AAA is that far



Also lacks a middle option.

>A game needs a good aesthetic
it doesn't even need that. There is a whole popular genre of mostly great games that prove this. Actual roguelikes. Not roguelites, but roguelikes.



>Hardcore gamers play video games multiple hours per day. They tend to care about achievements, collectibles and online rankings.

what a stupid fucking test

>hardcore players caring about achievements

unless it's the "ultimate medal of autistic badassery" I agree, shit is dumb

what other "gamer type" tests are there?

*kid wearing a cap arrogantly smirking in the camera*

>change the answer to Zelda
>my score is now less casual
geee, epic quiz reddit

Just because there are games where its not a variable it doesn't mean its not important, even minimalistic looking games need to work their way around it with stuff like "muh artstyle" to justify the games looking so simple

Most roguelikes don't have such fugly tilesets though.

I guess that's accurate

Which one is that?

How are you sharing this without signing up for a profile??

It sucks there are only indies and AAA. I miss the AA middle market devs like Pandemic and Sierra.

>get more towards AAA
>when I slightly prefer indies
and I even know why, since I opted with strongly agree for "I like technology that gives better performance/resolution/framerate" when AAA today is shitty post-processing with 30fps.
OP kys and learn how to make a test. Every queation sounded like my aunt wrote it
>not even a question asking what difficulty you set for doom
>but a question is who is this? xD ((toon link))


most have it worse

All these questions were retarded and irrelevant
Who the fuck made this

>10 questions
>one of them is "who is this character xD ur not a real gamur!!"
>can't give neutral answers
>asking idiotic questions like "I tend to prefer roguelikes, shmups, point and click, management or visual novels over MMOs, MOBAs and shooters" which rephrased might as well be "do you want to be more hardcore or more casual"

B чeм cмыcл нaзывaть игpы инди? Этo cлишкoм шиpoкoe oпpeдeлeниe, мoжнo пpocтo дeлить вce пo бюджeтy a нe этoй paзмытoй линиeй

>Technology advancements allowing better screen resolution, game performance, framerate, storage size and texture detail contribute to make better games.
>Agreeing with this makes you more AAA
Why? Indie games can benefit from technological advancement as well, there's no reason they have to be trapped in a unoptimized dark age.

Is that question supposed to be hardcore v casual? The two options have mixes of hardcore and casual. I think it's an indie v AAA question. Not too many AAA roguelikes or shmups.

I don't know about "most".

Seems about right but honestly it needs more questions.

I guess playing Quake-like indie games is considered neither hardcore nor indie.

Pave the road, almost true neutral coming through.

3.33 2.14
Probably correct but the list is horrible

that's not a roguelike, that's a roguelite. The name might be similar, but the gameplay difference is colossal.

Anyone got green? IF yes off yourself.

neutral master race

this one was funnier

git gud

>I tend to prefer roguelikes, shmups, point and click, management or visual novels over MMOs, MOBAs and shooters
what a loaded fucking question

>not using Clover for the comfiest shitposting

Normie gamer coming through


That was green fairy man, you illiterate and uncultured swine.

>Not green

>No "You payed more than $1k for your rig" question followed immediately by "You mostly play emulated classics"
The test isn't real enough