Freedom of speech isn't freedom of consequences :'(

>Freedom of speech isn't freedom of consequences :'(
>No place for speech like This!
>Unironically advocates censorship of public speech.

This didn't work in the 60's and it won't work now.

I'm missing something, what does that have to do with the game?

Nazi germany was right about almost everything and it becomes clearer every day

>Give permission to stream their """game""" and even make money off of it
>suddenly decide that isn't ok because you can't going around saying the nigger word
>request the removal of a video that's old and no longer relevant because you want to be a grandstanding retard

Firewatch sucked.

Literally a SJW crying about someone exercising their speech in a way you don't like. Whine more.

Yeah those fucking cucks

>Nazi Germany supported free speech

This isn't what you're implying is it?

Quick rundown?

>when Sup Forums suddenly embraces communism because they want to defend the rights of a guy who said "nigger" online

Pewdiepie said nigger and a game dev wants his videos taken off Pewdiepie's channel, which from like 3 years ago.