>thread about free speech and discussing the validity of game devs using a broken system to disallow players with bad press from playing their shitty content
>mods delete the discussion
Fucking pottery.
>thread about free speech and discussing the validity of game devs using a broken system to disallow players with bad press from playing their shitty content
>mods delete the discussion
Fucking pottery.
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's another "underage alt-right virgins think FREE SPEECH means they should be shielded from all consequences that arise from them saying NIGGER FAGGOTS in public" thread
>Thread about politics that just so happens to involve game devs and streamers.
This is literally what communists say.
Reminder that if words cause you emotional distress then you are at the mental level of a small child.
>hear murmurs of this pewdiepie shit
>that faggot again, he seems incapable of keeping his mouth shut
>end up watching the clip and the apology some time later
>immediate and pretty sincere looking apology afterwards
>this is what so many people are pissing the bed over
I really resent the fact that this passes for news nowadays
I don't hear anyone banning the words honky and cracker.
GASP, maybe it's because they have some kind of agenda? I dunno, sounds crazy right?
they can and will ban you OP
You agreed to those terms.
Read the rules
>Oh no it's totally legal and fine for a company to ignore free-use and target a person to ensure every single thing related to their company is never allowed to be shown in any capacity on that channel
I fucking hate pewdiepie but kind of nu-Sup Forums faggot actually defends someone not only blatantly abusing youtube's foreverbroken DMC takedown system, but then boasting about it to the internet?
ignore him, some newfag rolling on the latest bandwagon
>I wish I could say nigger without getting in trouble :-(
Go away, kid.
Whatever consequences he deserves for acting like an aspie, should not allow a company abusing a system to prevent other kind of felonies as punishment.
Internet vigilantism should be a crime, whether it comes from devs or common folks. Youtube should handle this on their own, and whoever advertises with him are free to reconsider continuing doing so, and that should be the end of it.
Shouldn't have given an apology in the first place, but not really the point at all. I think it's a bit more news-worthy that Youtube's system is so broken now that you can fucking boast about using it to illegally takedown videos and not only will you face no backlash but pants-on-head retards will actually praise you for it.
>implying mods are competent
Remember that comedy Night thread we had 2 days ago with OP asking for new jokes
Fucking Mods gave me a "warning" because of a nigger joke I made
His videos not fall under fair use and they have full rights to stop him from playing their games, my man
Nobody can stop Matthewmatosis from making videos about their games, because his videos fall under critique and education material, so it's Fair Use. While pewds videos are fucking TV-tier shit for toddlers.
>creators of FireWatch have now started NiggerWatch
>Someone says a bad word
>Company immediately wants to block out a user who said bad word, no where in the area of their game or directed toward people in that game/company
>Company wants to block them out and censor them
How do you not see the problem?
>believe me, I'm a lawyer
Hot take, kid.
>Internet vigilantism should be a crime
Didn't even bring that up a single time in my post and it isn't related in the slightest to my argument, try again m80.
When you see this kind of legal action being taken, it's a reminder that most people are just children who have grown up into an adult world they should not be in
You don't realize the danger of banning a word in any given context? What is even considered an "offensive" word? Should we ban everything that hurts someone's feewings?
That's only the case if you put ads on it, though. Retards can scream in front of footage from Call of Kratos Legend of Greg for hours and claim it as 'education and review' and that is still perfectly legal.
>I want giant left wing megacorporations to be able to censor what should be free speech on a public platform on the internet
Google shill detected
>That's only the case if you put ads on it
>free speech only applies to my own pre-approved topics and manners of speaking
Literally communist.
you don't want to discuss anything about video games.
you just want to talk about politics and pewdiepie
To varying degrees. If you are talking about how awful Jews are in McDonalds, McDonalds is fully within their rights to tell you politely to leave as they can deny service to anyone.
However if you are calmly talking about why Jews are cunts out on the street and not getting in people's faces, a guy can't come up and punch you in the nuts.
I'm completely of the opinion that free speech =/= freedom from backlash, but you can't illegally retaliate to someone saying something rude.
Nice repeating digits
ITT e-celeb bullshitt
>However if you are calmly talking about why Jews are cunts out on the street and not getting in people's faces, a guy can't come up and punch you in the nuts.
Unless a Chad Jew overhear you and beat your sorry ass in front of cute shiksas, though
Is it? How does a poopeepee video not fall under the insanely vague and open definition of Fair Use, then? If that's the case, why does Sup Forums or anyone get upset about DMC takedowns if literally nothing is protected under fair use laws?
more than 15 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""Firewatch"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" threads in the past 24 hours
>Use derogatory word for blacks
>80% of the people offended are white
Why isn't there the same amount of outrage when people use the word bitch. Wouldn't that be considered a derogatory word for females?
It is. Even showing how you play is an infringement. Companies just don't act because this makes them money. Huge money. Remember when Nintendo wanted to make people stop making videos with their games?
>wa mommy why wont Sup Forums accept the left wing agenda!!!
...Yeah someone can come up and shoot you in the face for littering, user, I'm saying it's illegal and punishable because you can't respond to someone doing something wrong by personally taking the law into your own hands and doing something worse.
If someone says, "nigger faggots" in public, then, by definition, in a democratic society, the rule of law applies to them and everyone. If someone becomes offended and attacks them, the rule of law applies to the person committing assault and will be arrested accordingly. In a democracy, anyway.
In that sense. They are equally protected under the law as anyone else saying anything else and getting attacked.
If you file a DMCA on youtube and the video does not violate copyright, it doesn't matter for what reason they decided to file the DMCA, there's no reason to uphold it.
It triggers people the most next to faggot. You nigger faggot
>make people stop being retarded.
good fucking luck
I can say nigger and I will say nigger. I won't say it around a gang of niggers because they'll get violent and I might have to kill them over a word they obsess about people not being able to say.
Shooting in the face is illegal. Kicking you and saying "boy u racis" is not, cops will just laugh at you lmao
Why not.
>dude why do people want free speech lmao
can't wait to deport all you commie faggots
>nigger can only type in caps
>Kicking you and saying "boy u racis" is not,
It is, as a matter of fact.
But it literally isn't. Fair use allows you to claim basically any kind of footage as educational/review and post it without problem. You can argue that law shouldn't exist, but the whole reason people keep getting upset about takedowns is that companies can't actually legally DO that, but because huge-money and youtube refusing to take accountability for fucking anything, the system keeps getting abused.
His Firewatch playthrough was pretty fucking boring regardless (especially given the nature of the game itself), and it was already demonitized like 90% of his other videos made before the ultra sensitive "child-friendly" Youtube off waves, so I doubt he really gives a shit.
I guarantee this is the devs just trying to stay relevant and get some pity sales from a few people who are frivolous with their cash.
Reminder it is okay to not bake a cake for fags but wrong to not want to be associated with actual racists.
it's not about saying nigger you nigger, it's about not letting companies dictate what you are allowed to say and what you aren't
>Kicking you and saying "boy u racis" is not
No wonder Antifa is getting jailed all over the place.
>assaulting someone isn't illegal cops will just laugh
Quite literally because they've been told they can't
THE surest way to guarantee that someone will want to say a word is to make it taboo. This applies outside of language as well. The forbidden fruit is the sweetest, or at least that's what humans will assume it is
Businesses have the right to protect their brand from degenerates. He makes money off their product, and he poorly represents it. If it had been a lib screaming tolerance we'd be doxxing him. But because it's Pewds and Pewds is racist we're on board? Nah bro. Free market.
this. even the mental wrecks that run around on Sup Forums can deal with someone calling them a beta virgin loser, a fat neckbeard, telling them to kill themselves or whatever
but supposedly well adjusted human beings have a mental breakdown when someone says a word they don't like? give me a break, this is about nothing else than bullying people for the sake of a power trip
So did the video violate copyright?
If not, they can't issue a DMCA.
>Selfish, short sighted liberal supporters who can only think about themselves and don't actually care about anyone else but do want to virtue signal as "nice" think it's a great idea to false flag on an anonymous image board about video games
Forgot firewatch even existed. What was the game even about?
first post best post
We'll find out in court, I'm sure.
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
But in earnest, the issue is that people keep insisting it's ok for one group of people to use it, but not another. The 'offensive' nature of the word isn't the problem, it's that being told 'hey we can use this word but if anyone else does it's the epitome of rude' naturally trips the bullshit-unfair-alarms in people's heads.
If it was just a rude word, nobody would give a shit and it'd be the same as kike or mophead or any other derogatory word. By having one demographic repeatedly use it and then get enraged when anyone else so much as whispers it, it stays a pointlessly forbidden fruit that no shit people will constantly bring up and be reminded of.
Unraveling a really boring conspiracy and then not getting the girl in the end.
Also created a lot of bara porn.
Blacks honestly don't care about it as much you may think, if you're saying it with the intent to be racist, sure, but otherwise you'll probably get a disgusted look here and there. Whites care more about it than blacks due to white guilt.
I agree but I still wouldn't say it around a gang of niggers, but then I probably wouldn't be around a gang of niggers either.
Never played, literally irrelevant to the topic at hand.
The best parts of the game were actually irrelevant to the story.
He wasn't representing their product at all, much less poorly so. He was in a completely different game, talking to different people, about different things. This is one of the most absurd legal scuffles I've heard of recently
Doubt it'll make it that far.
>tfw moving up the ladder and assuming that you'll eventually meet people who are more grown up
>it always stays the same, the only thing that changes is their self-confidence and marketing skills
An insanely pretty and relaxing game that will leave you with one burning question:
Why the fuck is this a video game and not some other form of art? The video game format does absolutely nothing beneficial for the concepts behind the game
>Kicking you and saying "boy u racis" is not
this explains the make up of the prison population really well
>people reporting on this story keep saying 'the n-word' even when ''''reporting'''' on it
One, saying nigger in a manner where you are relating the word as what was said to another is not offensive. It's like saying 'It's reported someone said 'all jews should burn'', YOU aren't fucking saying it, people can't get offended by you saying all jews should burn when you tell them someone else said it.
Two, saying 'the n-word' is the same as saying fucking 'nigger'. When you say 'n-word', you put the word 'nigger' into people's heads, so it's not a less-'offensive' version, it's the same fucking thing. Why the fuck do people do this?
We already have
See the h3h3 lawsuit
>Forgot firewatch even existed.
which is exactly why the devs behaved the way they did
>game devs gave the general public the right to stream/record their game, because it is indeed something you need rights for as most "lets plays" arent transformative at all and dont fall under fair use
>this apparently means they cant revoke that right for people who are constantly spewing Sup Forums garbage
You've got to be retarded if you think this has anything to do with free speech.
>Firewatch devs give written consent to streamers and youtubers saying they can post videos of their games and place ads on them
>Someone says something they dislike
>faggots cheer them on
You can't retroactively revoke consent and harm a person's livelihood because you get mad at them. If they did then it would open up the floodgates of companies taking down any video that spoke negatively about them because they didn't like what they heard.
this is a 18+ site and lets play's aren't fair use
Sorry but that's not how shit works
This is what fucking gets me. It'd be one thing if he said nigger during a Firewatch playthrough, but that didn't even happen. The Firewatch dev is going bonkers because he overheard a naughty word not directed towards him. Christ, if pewdie said "I wish all niggers would die", at least THAT would be something, but its not even fucking that.
>Why the fuck do people do this?
because they don't actually give a shit about someone being called a nigger, it's exclusively about openly pronouncing how much of a good person you are.
>this apparently means they cant revoke that right
Would depend if they included such a clause to begin with.
I guess they assumed that nobody would ever say Nigger.
I don't understand, PDP wasn't even streaming on that game at the time he said nigger so why are they assblasted at him? Is it just a pretentious virtue signal?
>lets play's aren't fair use
[citation needed]
So much fucking reddit spacing in this thread holy shit, fuck off.
>gave the right
Unfortunately no, that right is granted under law, companies have almost no say in the matter. So also-unfortunately, yes, it has everything to do with free speech because even if you fucking loathe a person using your game footage, law permits him to do so within certain boundaries.
So even if you fucking loathe pewd, like I do, I still am obligated to defend the fact that a company legally cannot do what the niggerwatch-devs are doing.
>thread about free speech and discussing the validity of game devs using a broken system to disallow players with bad press from playing their shitty content
Response is free speech as well. Just cause you do not like it does not mean it is not or should not be considered as such. Ya whiny as fag boy. So quit being such a bitch boy just cause some people or groups with a modicum of power have decided to respond by using it.
Shit is ironic as fuck because by supposedly advocating for free speech yall fags want to actually shut down free speech by not wanting response to be a thing if it is in any way negative towards what you belive or your feelings.
Ya shallow ass sissy boy lameos.
>why are they assblasted at him?
they are pretending to be assblasted because everyone has forgotten about their shitty game already and this was an easy way to get its name back into circulation
Yes. The same studio that dev works for have done this kind of stuff before. They were pushing for an industry blacklist during Gamergate.
>dev literally says anyone can stream and upload gameplay to youtube of the game, even encouraging it
>let's plays aren't fair use
They shouldn't be, big difference. They are at the moment, making this discussion worth having.
The cherry on top is that Pew apologized immediately saying it.
when the response is a false DMCA and in breach of the law, then of course people are going to have a problem
stupid communist faggot
>didn't read the thread
Repercussions for saying stupid shit are completely reasonable.
Illegal action taken in response to saying stupid shit is illegal.
This shit isn't hard.
>Can I stream this game? Can I make money off of those streams?
>Yes. We love that people stream and share their experiences in the game. You are free to monetize your videos as well.