Monster Hunter Stories

You used to hate the toot, but now you want it
>Stories sequel will be announced on today direct

Really hope so, game is super comfy

Did it actually do well in sales to warrant another? Probably too early to tell.

Anime is doing well and theu announced new dlc for the game. Maybe it underperformed for a MH game, but at least did crashed and burned like gaia crusher.

Enjoing it more than I thought I would to tell the truth. Just got my Zinogre,I'm going to level this beast out and he's gonna be my new frontline boss.

Plus, if gaia crusher somehow could get a sequel, why not stories too?

>Stories sequel will be announced on today direct
Actually it'll be Monster Hunter Stories U

That would lock me from buying stories as i don't want to get a "soon to be obsolete" version.

I think I figured out what the deal is with the dual attacks. The enemy has to be trying to go head to head with your monster and not you to trigger it.

No, the enemy can go against either but you have to be winning the H2H and both you and your monstie have to be doing the same attack. Monstie specific attacks do not count, only the Strong/Technique/Speed ones.

I hate those "upgraded" versions, pokemon pulls the same shit and makes me feel i waste my money.

Any idea when we're getting more DLC missions and other things like that?

The gane is misaing the dlc tag in the eshop, i am a little worried.

>deviljho is basically near immortal because of gluttony

There's already a DLC mission up for grab and the DLC option is easily visible in-game, so it's definitely getting DLC

>People nows like the "toot"
We have gone full circle, is fucking bizarre.

think they'll add new monsters as DLC? it's missing my favorites and it makes me sad.

also is there any way to stop my black diablos from constantly downing herself?

Replace her gene

Now that you have control over the toot, it's fine.

Should i engage the sleeping pink rathian or am i in for hot rape?


>trying to build a decent team
>save/reload spamming the same rare den trying to find a good Zamtrios eg
>keep getting junk eggs

Is there a better way to do this because fuck.


>That face
Remind me the doujin when lilia gets close to the qurupeco's guy with that same face.

Aim for at least one good bingo line.

I know, but none of the eggs are smelly or heavy.

>stories doujin
I was not aware of this and i'd like to know more.

>At that point literally nothing in the game has been a challenge
>See that sleeping thing
>Oh it looks cool, I'll attack and mark it!
>Barely do any damage with my sneak strike
>Turns around and OHKOs me and my monster in a single turn
>Run the fuck away
>Find a rare cave
>Get its egg
>Can't even ride it yet
God fucking damn it.

>No comic or picture where a female hunter gets self-concious about her bust size when fighting a Qurupeco

Just search "monster_hunter loli" in the panda, is the one with lilia on the cover

Anyones got the picture with the eggs?

here u go



Makes me sad there's no magala he really is the cutest and best monster

It really would've made sense as the final boss monster too, but instead we got a breath of fire looking dragon which I guess is cool

I hate to say it, but we really needed Plesioth for at least some sort of good water monster

>No Gore Magala
>No Tetsucabra
>No Najarala
>No Seltas Queen
>No Daimyo Hermitaur
>No Shogun Ceanataur
>No Gigginox
>No Gobul
>No Nibelsnarf
>No Duramboros
>No Volvidon
>No Agnaktor
>No Plesioth
>No Lavasioth
>No Blangonga

Sub species monsties were a mistake.

What's this about cave atmosphere? I haven't noticed anything like that in game yet.

> No Gigginox
This is the one which hurts me the most, I wanted to ride him.

WTF Daimyo and his subspecies are in as monsters but you can't ride them?

>tfw no giant enemy crabs to befriend

can you imagine how fucking crazy the camera would be riding on naja? That said, they need to figure out some way of letting us make weaker monsters more viable.

How is the online in this game?

What the hell happens if you try to paintball them? Didn't realize the game has monsters you fight that you cannot actually tame. Also how the fuck are MAMMAL monsters hatching from eggs?

The Najarala monstie would obviously be smaller in size, it could just slither around like the snek it is.

Nothing happens. Capcom got lazy again.

>Also how the fuck are MAMMAL monsters hatching from eggs?
Ask Pokémon.

No skill, everyone just spams multi-target moves and healing items.

To be honest, what skill is there to be had when it is literally RPS against players unless you count elemental advantage? Players don't have "tendencies" like AI does.

There are mammals who lay eggs

How good is purple ludroth in this game?

What, literally like two? Platypus and Knuckles? This shit has wolf/bear type mammals.

Yeah there are more enemy monster types than there are rideable ones, hopefully if it's popular in the west we'll get some sort of sequel or dlc

>Also how the fuck are MAMMAL monsters hatching from eggs?

All monsters come from a common ancestor or something they explain during the gene swap ooga booga surgery, so if you see a gay vegan Jho it's because it happened to be hatched by a couple of Aptonoth.

Also lets not forget mamals used to come from eggs before pregnancy was invented, also Echidnas and Platypuses are a thing in real life. Platypuses? Platypi?

Two egg-laying mammals in the real world is already impressive

Egg-laying mammals in a world with talking cats, dragons that are 7 miles long and little girls carrying swords that weigh about 25 times their bodyweight is not so shocking


the main problem is your monster AI and 'tendency' in general is a compete joke, your speed tendency monster will deliberately do tech attacks into a power monster and your character is way too brittle compared to the monster in pvp so AOE cleaving/heal sealing is just faster and easier than trying to set up plans.

if they do a sequel I want the ability to directly order the monster to do a basic attack for free.

unrelated but still game related, where the fuck can i gather Sap Plants and ivy easily? i thought expedition were going to add those but nope, im not paying 200 gold per paintball when i have hundreds of every plant mat BUT sap plant and ivy

What the fuck is there for water attacks/monsters in the game?

As someone that always plays Beast Master/Summoner classes in RPGs when possible, this fucking game is the best thing I ever could have wanted as a fan of MonHun creature design!

Switch version when!

Barroth's Mud Throw
Cephadrome's Sand Breath

Two of the earliest water attacks that I've come across that you can pass to other monsties.

The real question you should ask is why are Gravios hatching out of eggs?

Yeah, the game throws a lot of MH lore out the window which is why I don't consider riders and such canon.

Ludroth and Barroth, then Royal Ludroth, Barroth has like the only water attack that does damage until Ludroth gets to thirties

on the plus side Barroth's water attack his three times and can skillseal, and he can make it do good damage.

lastly putting at least 4 water element genes and getting a water bingo will 'turn' the mosnter water element. this changes the monsters colors slightly in attacks (i have an ice Shrouded Nercylla with the spread ice beam, and it's stinger is blue during the kin ship move now.

It's hilarious since the in game monsterpedia still says that basarios is a young gravios

It's like a woman giving birth to a midget instead of a baby

Woah, this is great. Perfect for my noob self.

Who do people say very nice smell. He doesnt say Very nice. He says very stinky.

>high rank's everything



Just trying to tell the truth here. This person just took all the info from MHKita.

If they do this shit I'm not buying Stories.

I understand, I was joking. The game in fact says "very stinky".

im pretty sure the smell weight thing needs to be reversed, smell seems to indicate amount of bingo slots, and weight amount of gene's in the monster.

i've hatched a bunch of eggy smell eggs that were light/very light and they always have few genes, but 4-6 slots.

Well a basarios is a gravios and since the kinship stones seem to rapidly age them from hatching it does make sense

Doesn't the rank of the monster influentiates on the amount of slots as well? So a heavy egg of a high rank monster will have 8, 9 slots, I thought that's how it worked.

Too bad they are.

Until I see riders and their midget monsties in a mainline game, they aren't canon. Much like the ridiculous subspecies and originals from MHF aren't ever in mainline games.


>black diablos nest
>no smell, quite light
>no smell, quite light
>no smell, quite light
>no smell, normal
>"Nya I smell a better one in there keep trying!"
>no smell, quite light
>eggs gone
Lying little fuck.

Is this game actually good?
I played the demo but the combat seemed super lame
does it get better?

If you don't like the combat, then is not for you.

rarity of nest, how 'difficult' the area is, monster rarity and what type of nest it is influence it as well as weight/smell.

Rare nests always can contain better eggs (but still can roll crap) subquest nests have a set range. specfic monster nests (from making them flee) are also set.

you always want the heaviest smelliest egg you can get, but if your trying to get a favorite monster whose low level, it's better to prioritize smell over because thats more gene slots to work with. .

>Until I see riders
Already confirmed as canon by MH1's Dragon Rider's Spear's description.

>and their midget monsties
You the mini monsters, like the ironically named Mega Kut-Ku or the small Nerscylla/Uragaan/Peco/Gammoth?

That is lewd.

What can we even say to sell you the game if the demo didnt convince you? Go try something else, thats the sensible thing to do when you dont like something.

you're better off popping a charm that increases rare monster nests, and looting those until you get Black Diablos eggs rather than chasing her back if you want maximum egg quality. you can get way more high quality eggs faster that way

Free tip few may know: if you use a smoke bomb to escape the nest guarding monster you can still jack the eggs, as long as it's not a sub quest nest. I literally got tons of Pink Rathians this way before i could actually kill the thing easily.

idk my man maybe the combat could have gotten better later on
if you gave me a demo with just an hour of a classic final fantasy, I might assume the game was shit too if the only options in sight were "attack" and "items"

No, literally dwarf monsters as shown by their stumpy limbs and body types as opposed to regular monsters. Large and small monsters in MH games are literally just resized, the tiny Uragaan isn't a midget uragaan, just literal honey I shrunk the monster kind of shit.

So I just got to post game, according to the egg image high rank dens always give "high rank" eggs. So does that mean I have to go back and get high rank versions of my whole team?

Should I import XX? Is it hard to play with the jap menus? I really want to play this fucking game bros.

>just had two guys take turns with her
>still wants more
MH's world is dangerous, humans can be eaten at any time, as result they evolved a massive reproduction instint.

The monsters ARE just scalled down normal models. They just look chibi/Babyfied for 10 seconds after popping out of the eggs.

It's obvious when you fight normal wild monsters appropriately sized, the Monstie is exactly the same but scaled down 40%, except the Raths, they stay chibi for marketing reasons

user, this thread is about stories.

i'm 'pretty' sure technically no. better eggs merely start with more/rarer genes already in them and less slots you have to waste a rare item to unlock, but the monsters 'base' stats don't change enough between a regular, rare, and high rank egg to require it.

What matters is the bingo bonus and making sure the monster had a gold background when hatched.

you should be able to keep your OG guys by just making smarter Bingos and gene tweaking, but they'll still be kinda in a rougher spot vs the super high rank Op guys.

You got a couple hundred hours in Gen or 4U it's totally muscle memory. As long as you're not autistic in regards to armor abilities, don't choose ammo-using weapons, and have a website for required Quests it's worth it

I put 60+ hours in a week on that bitch just recognizing basic moonspeak symbols.

Alright cool. I already made sure my OG team has pretty good bingos, I like to min max when I can. My Brute Tiggy and Ivory Lagi already have maxed out slots from farming eggs.

Brute's admittedly pretty easy, just give him a power bingo and a Non elem bingo for speed, then you can just throw op shit into him.

currently i'm trying to get a Gypceros with Flash in a specific slot so i can make this one Black Diablos get a power and thunder Bingo. mostly just because of the novelty its default genes perfectly allow this, otherwise once I get Ivy and fucking sap plants reliably im going to go on another rare den farmathon.

Thanks for a legit answer my dude.
I'll put an order on eBay next pay period.

I'm gonna KB+M HBG in MHW and you can't stop me