Can we get a battle station thread going?

Can we get a battle station thread going?

Other urls found in this thread: z333

Got a simple GTX 1080 and over clocked i7 6700K setup.
The audio equipment is for the videos and podcasting I do.
Before anyone asks, no, the microphone stand does not get in the way (you must be short or something).

I really like your set up, great audio equipment.

Do you stream? Here is my set up.

I got a new addition to my desk as well.

I was streaming near enough everyday for the past three or four months. But Uni starts next week, so I stopped.
Just been playing through my back catalogue. Earned around £300+ this summer from donations and subs.

That's really cool, good luck with Uni, I tried starting my own channel but I guess I don't have the ability to make people stick.

What games were you playing?

Oki doki.

Yo what desk is that?

Thanks man and these are all the games I completed this summer.

Here. It's not much, but it's mine.

The top part of those speakers is surprisingly fake

I like the color matching..never seen a figure inside a case before.


And the rest of em.
Now I am just relaxing and slowly making content for my newly restarted YT channel.

tranny detected

Mine feel real, I can open it up and see! I really hope that isn't true...

My little station...


oh fuck off faget

I'm pretty sure it is, I have the same ones and it's true on mine (logitech z333 in the uk, might have a different name other places)

may I get a source on your wallpaper?

link so it's not le master break your speakers trole, nice setup otherwise z333

I think you look forward to seeing my posts.


I like it a lot what do you use the side screens for?

Nice set up, terrible wallpapers, and fucking horrific man-child reading taste.

>Angels & Demons

Babby's first Novel?

I like it dude, simple but classy.

those poor books !

a lot of midi keyboards when are we hearing your music


post more
From this guy

>Overwatch Wallpapers
>A fucking katana over the desk
0/10 my dude

>figure inside a case
hope fire dept is close to your home you retarded nigger
>awful case
>better put it in a corner so it sucks back all the hot air it exhausts
enjoy dying in a housefire
yeah we get it you're a prison-fag ERP autist until you timestamp bp on your setup
You would be based if it wasn't for overwatch.
What is that map of?

Like but I feel your pain with such a narrow surface to put everything on. You've done a good job not to make it look cluttered

You're an asshole aren't you

Wouldn't taking that kind of picture be even worse? I'm also definitely not prison gay, trust me.


atleast show feet/legs/toes

Comfy nice mix of work and play, don't like the fact that you have shoes in your room however

I don't post those kinds of things anymore, sorry!

Are you a grill?

he is a grill(boii)


Can we get more battle stations please

I'm sorry, I only have one :3

How would a figure cause a fire?

watcha use for the backlight behind your monitor

block airflow
maybe a housefire is an exaggeration from that user, but overheating and possible part damage is definitely possible with putting a doll inside your case, unless your room is cool and you actively monitor your temps.

I wish my life looked like this

There is only one station in this thread you get to have... which do you choose?

a figure like that is barely blocking any air at all and you're forgetting that most cases have huge HDD towers in that position that block ten times more yet they don't catch fire

Probably this one. I'm the guy with the mini midi keys on desk btw

>hdd bay
It would usually be in the bottom and actually has enough crevices to let air through
>barely block airflow
Cables alone can absolutely shit-up airflow, let alone a huge figure

I need a new computer desk. Any recommendations?

That game is fucking amazing and I think I might go find and download it

No it doesn't

Bad cable management can at worst affect your thermals if they gather tons of dust

and HDD bays usually go all the way from the bottom to the top

What's it called?


Let me see your cock.

He's an AIDS patient. Not worth paying attention to.

wtf r those shoes anyways u loser


Computer in glass desk looks fucking awesome but what are downsides that may not be obvious?


user, I've told you before, I don't have AIDS.

That's what they all say you pozzed cunt


Here we go again

I don't do it with just anyone.

That's not true though. Everyone already knows you're an easy lay and even easier to get pics from.

better spend your time on making a webpage.

I get about 1200 euro from adsense every month and I spend maybe one day in a week updating them.

I hope to have a setup like these someday. Being poor is suffering.


Fuck man thats amazing


What sorts of website attract that amount without requiring updates?

Don't you get bread crumbs, dandruff, soda and semen all over keyboard?

>all those colossal faggots with meme minimal keyboards recently
Why can't you fucking shitters embrace the power of the numpad and comfortable hand rest when typing?


the brilliantly glowing moutain dew is cool but would of been better if it was a nuka-cola quantum.