>only 50 employees
>can make god tier games
>only 50 employees
>can make god tier games
I wouldn't call any of falcom's recent work god-tier...
Nigga, Undertale was made by 1 person.
And it shows lol
What about Tokyo Xanadu?
So was Cave Story, a better game.
This, older YS games and Trails games were godly, but the recent crap they put out is pathetic.
I picked up trails of cold steel STEAM release recently and I could barely make it past the prologue due the fucking shit anime cliches and tropes. I was trying hard to ignore them and focus on other aspects but at the end of the prologue dungeon when the MC stood up the boss and said ''Heh, guess I have no choice but to use it then...'' I just alt Tabbed and stopped playing.
>Trails of Persona 3
>Adolf goes to Bolywood
>God tier
Falcom games have always had anime tier cliches/tropes
So i take it the new YS game is bretty gud?
It has some of the coolest bosses in the franchise
Yes but the older Trails games used the stereotypes well. It's impossible to avoid clichés in any story, but you can spin them on their head a bit to make them unique. They didn't even try with sen though, ever anime trope in the book is played completely straight.
>party system
smugface etc.
Yes but they are no where near as bad as cold steel. The worst thing in the previous trails was the elmo spa visit or jenis academy arc. But those are so subtle that you barely even recognize them, they main story is able to outshine them to the point where you don't even notice them. Cold steel has tropes being thrown at you left right and center to the point where I can literally predict entire scenes of dialogue before they even happen, because I've seen the same lines recycled in crappy shounen anime 100 times.
It's depressing honestly, I don't feel like falcom actually writes shit like that because they want to, but because they are trying to appeal to the japanese audience who gobble that crap up unfortunately.
>Party system Ys
To the trash it goes.
Do you guys actually play other jrpgs or just the YS and trails series? There are many jrpgs that can deliver world building and character development better than these two series. They are alright games but nothing revolutionary and with pretty generic plots
I don't think anyone plays Ys for the plot or character development. The story in mostly all of them can be summed up as "Adol gets shipwrecked again and has an adventure and sometimes saves the world before fucking off". Most people are in it for the gameplay and soundtrack.
You don't really play Ys for the story so much as the fast paced action and adventuring.
>cold steel
>50 hours of field trips and plot twist / cliffhanger for first game
>50 hours of collecting party members and random students, and plot twist / cliffhanger for second game
> god tier games
hi there Falcomshill, their games are mediocre at best.
>weeb games
>god tier
>ys came out today
>some autist has tried to shill it for weeks
>all the threads keep dying early
there was literally a thread about it a few hours ago that died at 14 posts.
nobody gives a fuck about modern ys, it's awful.
That's because modern Ys is shit.
>Trails of Cold Steel
>Ys have-a-shitty-party-for-some-reason Seven and VIII
>implying either are above average
Ys Seven really left a sour taste in many Ysfags. I know it left on me. I refuse to buy anything related to nuYs after that shitty mess.
Post examples
I'm surprised to see that Sup Forums isn't just eating up falcom shit even when they dropped in quality so much recently. Impressed honestly.
Whats so great about Ys VIII?
Honestly like I might get it on Vita I've heard nothing but praise for it.
lol? kys yourself anyway
>holding back Rean
>quitting a 80-90 hour story driven game after the prologue
No JRPG can match trails when it comes to world building unless you count dark souls
No it wasn't. Toby got help from several people.
Kisekifags were a really vocal minority here claiming TitS and Cold Steel were the second coming of Christ and led many people to try out the games. People finally came around and now know that the games aren't really that special, or that good for that matter. And Ys is getting shittier and shittier with each new entry so that's a given. Even some hardcore Ysfags are done with the new direction Falcom is taking Ys.
>Even some hardcore Ysfags are done with the new direction Falcom is taking Ys.
Guilty as charged.
Look even I have my limits.
I love Falcom and their games, Trails of especially. Even the modern ones.
I've played all Ys games released in the West except one. The only title that really disappointed me is Ys Celceta. I really, really dislike(d) the party system, the skills and the item use. I still haven't tried Seven but I fear it's even worse, since it was the first game featuring a party system.
What I did try was the Ys VIII demo they released a while ago. I don't know if my taste changed or what, but it actually was great (on nightmare, I don't play on anything else because I think nightmare is where it's at, but to each their own).
The bossfights were legitimately fun and the party system had a purpose, and the presence of both guarding and dodging, which felt redundant in Celceta, seems like it actually makes sense now.
All in all I'm pretty hyped after the demo and I hope the game turns out to be good. Ys Celceta felt like a punch in the stomach.
Steam babbies please go
>padding the story up the ass
>having more than average inconsequential and boring NPC dialogue
>world building
I enjoyed FC and SC but let's not kid ourselves. The story is alright and the world building is alright as well, nothing special. The highest appeal of the games are the characters.
this midget acting like a real person is adorable
>1 self-employed
>makes a cult game that also gives a good profit
>game becomes more popular than AAA games and starts a new subgenre
Why do people hate Ys 7 again? I thought it was pretty great.
Complaining about anime tropes in a Falcom game, who are known to be arguably the first JRPG developers who fucking embraced anime tropes is absolutely hilarious.
Sky was filled to the brim of anime tropes and cliches out the ass, but it used tropes and cliches from it's era.
I'm surprised you could enjoy any Falcom game if you hate anime cliches and otaku pandering, that's been Falcom's shtick since the late 80s.
So this is what newage fans look like.
You think? I found the NPC dialogue to contribute to world building especially in Cold Steel.
I do agree with the other guy saying that world building is absolutely the strongest point of Trails of games.
>weeaboo jrpg
It's even can't be god tier games. It's always niche games with outdated gameplay mechanics.
This is what people with rose-tinted glasses look like. Falcom's always been a heavily-pandering company.
The only main/important character in TiTS who wasn't a walking trope/cliche was Kevin.
>party system tacked on on a series that usually focused on Adol's lone adventures
>looting mechanic tacked on
These were the 2 main issues with Seven. Celceta and VIII just build on those and got even worse.
>lol? kys
Go back to facebook you fucking retard.
Would it kill them to advance or at least shed light on the overarching plot? It's only been 7 fucking games now.
As an old hardcore Falcom fan I have to agree. Honestly they've succumb to the weeb. And its a god damn shame. Even the gameplay is focusing on that hyper grindy BS that JRPG fans seem to eat up. They've started trying to appeal to the niche instead of just making great games and seeing who will buy them.
The animations for both games are terrible and lifeless. None of the characters feel unique in any sense at all.
Xenogames have incredible world building. Legend of the dragoon, even if it isn't that great of a game, has amazing world building too.
>Honestly they've succumb to the weeb.
Falcom's been doing this for three decades.
Can anyone recommend me a good JRPG that gives that good old feel of adventure? Of visiting exotic locations, meeting new and interesting cultures?
I feel like JRPGs don't do that anymore. I need that Grandia, Skies of Arcadia feel. I mean even Ark Of Napitism did that for me too.
Sorry I know its kinda unrelated but I figure this would be an alright thread to ask in.
>only 6 employees
>can make actual god tier games
>many jrpgs that can deliver world building and character development better than these two series
I'm convinced you didn't read the rest of his post and decided to pick that one statement to base your entire counter argument on.
You do know he was talking about gameplay right?
While i do agree with you on people's double standards, their anime cliched games are a product of their time.
In this case its ln protag with cute girls everywhere
Depends on what you are into.
FC and SC have an incredibly well put together world. The "world building" in terms of lore and "too deep for you" might not be the best. But each and every NPC has a place in the world and usually has other characters connected to them. If you meet an NPC in an early town and they mention their cousin in another village. Later on you meet them visiting their cousin. People talk about their jobs and when events happen in game they will change what they say, commenting on how some recent event has impacted their job or economy in a way that actually makes sense. NPC's feel real and not just static blobs or random inconsequential dialogue.
It is in that regard that the world building is top notch.
Make me, you fucking bitchboi. Kys yourself.
The weirdest thing about Falcom and Kisekifags is that it seems like they have some sort of quota of people on the internet they they need to convince to play the games/love the games.
But that is like saying Skyrim world building is top notch has every NPC has a name, schedule, relations, and talks about current and important events. It doesn't fix the fact that they are boring as fuck.
the primary difference is that kiseki NPC's actually react to the world they inhabit. When major events happen, they take notice and comment on it in unique ways instead of "watch out for the dragons dragonborn!"
Fans of niche games tend to advertise the said games. More news at 11.
Xenoblade and Xenoblade X have the same structure. You see falcom fans tend to believe the kiseki series are the only games that do this
Welcome to niche games. These games survive on word of mouth
Anyone have a good order to playing the Ys series? Currently playing Ys 1+2 on PSP to start off.
I'm not saying it's rare. I'm just saying it's exceptionally vocal with Falcomfags. You have tons of other niche series but you don't see such a delusional and in state of denial fandom like this one.
I hate these arguments, you see it all the time in Fire Emblem threads too. It's like they are deliberately trying to be obtuse.
First, like mentioned in my post I was referring mostly to gameplay. Falcom has started designing their games with the intent of appealing to a specific weeb niche. With almost a checklist of "what is popular in weeb games" which makes their game no longer feel like a breath of fresh air created with love and instead just another weeb jrpg.
But even that aside, like I mentioned with Fire Emblem. The series have always been influenced and celebrated their anime inspirations and connections. But the difference now is they have become so entrenched in the tropes and the very hyper focused weeb culture that has really only developed in the past 10 or so years that the games noticeably feel very different to fans. You can see this because many many people all have this feeling. Only every time they try to express it some ass hat comes in with an old anime style magazine drawing from the early days going "SEE ALWAYS ANIME" as if that made any argument null.
Old anime influences were more of a medium, just a way of being a colorful cartoon with some slightly different tropes and cultural elements to western animation.
Modern weeb culture is the problem, like that one user said, its one thing to notice an archetype or a trope being used. Its another to be able to skip multiple lines of dialogue because you know exactly what is going to be said. Its like every single "Trails Of" game now. The only people who still bother with them are just hardcore weebs, and there's a reason for that.
I don't have a problem with the party system. Not every Ys game needs to be the same and I don't think the game is shit because of it.
I was introduced to this series because of threads. I like the games but falcom fans make it look like the series has no flaws
Not really. Personally, I shill Falcom and Gust games equally often. It's just that Falcom is more popular both in Japan and the West so there're more opportunities.
I wouldn't call any of their games positive, they all suck
I hadn't played trails yet but someone on Sup Forums confirmed its a friend simulator like persona
I remember when rpgs were exciting experiences in creative fantasy worlds not just crap for people with no friends
>shilling Gust after they killed Mana Khemia and ruined Rorona
>I don't know what a weeaboo is
Post discarded.
>ruined rorona
You're mad about this and not about Sophie and Firis?
>We're nostalgia blind
At least we can confirm that.
My statement was talking about the misrepresentation of the argument you cow. At least try to read, sheesh.
>I shill Falcom and Gust games
Why? Both companies's games are getting worst and worst. And I'm a genuine Atelier fag.
>killed Mana Khemia
Still mad.
>they killed Mana Khemia
The best thing Gust ever did. They were mediocre Ateliers (better than Iris, but still mediocre), the only good thing was the battle system and Dusk games made it even better.
I completely dropped the series halfway into Dusk, so I don't have the personal experience to express anger over Sophie.
>Hurr durr, it's a misunderstanding!
Yea, no. Don't defend his ass regardless because the core argument is still him just ignoring old school conventions are just what he prefers.
Have you tried Alundra?
I don't think you do
A weeb plays overwatch, modern FE, modern persona. They have a skimmed interest in Japan and anime culture while not really bothering to delve into either
Weeb has been a derogatory term for a while. You don't call a serious japanophile a weeb
>Mana Khemia
Ar series was the only good thing about that company
While a fantastic game, Alundra is localized to a single island so no real sense of going to various new cultures and doing groundbreaking stuff.
No wasted slots on younger specialist of gender issues among trans female gays
>You don't call a serious Japanophile a weeaboo.
Yes, why would fans of a company/series not want others to also enjoy it so their beloved series doesn't die? This is truly a mystery no one can solve.
Ar series was only ever good for its soundtrack. The characters were almost all pretty bad and the story was mediocre.
This. Glad someone said it.
project arcane only has 10 people working on it, an mmorpg
Have to agree but fuck you if you shit on the surge series outside the shitty gameplay
So you're saying modern anime culture and old anime culture is exactly the same? Things like Castle in the Sky and the original Gundam or Lodoss war. Those things are the same as the current culture of "everything is a harem school anime" "I wanna fuck this 8 year old girl"
Old anime had tropes that were more akin to archetypes. Common personality traits in characters. New anime has formed this super forumlaic culture where the tropes are so rigidly followed that pretty much every game or show is the same.
Why did Adol need to keep getting more and more bishi? Why drop his armour and make him start looking like every other protaganist? Why make Cold Steel a fucking school harem story? Its obviously just blatantly pandering to a very specific culture.
How did their old games pander? Sure they had tropes and inspirations. But "Adventurer who goes on journeys to exotic lands" or "Members of a guild of do gooders" aren't laser specific tropes. The character design had a feel to it that was also at least original. Not just "hey school uniforms because everyone loves that"
It's ok, you've been away from society for a long term. Let me fill you in, weeb made its way to Facebook and it's used almost exclusively by people like I described
It's a long way away from what you think it means
I gave up spending money on the series after the second Tonelico game since I really didn't like anything other than the music so I wouldn't shit on Surge, but god damn were the Tonelico games awful.
>weeb made its way to Facebook
Go back to Facebook then you normalfag shit