Describe this picture with one word

Describe this picture with one word.






Hehehe! Us alt-right gamers sure are cool! XD


he's right


As in I've seen it posted on Sup Forums over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again the last few weeks, multiple times every single day, with the same blatant "WHO HERE HYPE?" shilling message.

Its making me loathe the game despite never having even touched Dishonored 2.

it's similar to HZD where lots of threads get made but they dont get a lot off discussion and either die quickly or get filled with people mocking the game for its sjw protags. I'm 90% sure both have marketers here shilling, or sjws trying to pass these games as Sup Forums approved.

The problem is that its blatantly unnatural discussion, which is why the threads always either die or devolve into shitposting. If people actually wanted to talk about them, there would be normal threads talking about them. Instead we just get stupid threads like this where its obvious there's no real interest in discussion.


Explain this



Its the exact same kind of thread being posted for the 307th time, except there's actually something to discuss this time(Trophies being leaked and spoiling the ending to a degree).

>all those dead posts and derailment
yeah that proved my point

So? It's "natural" discussion that didn't die or devolve into shitposting. It's a normal thread discussing the game and the series in general. What now?


It's nice to see for a change, how seemingly all-powerful white male Outsider getting stopped by beautiful strong black woman. We definitely need more games like that in this day and age.

>tfw only a few more days until launch and Sup Forums will move onto something else

Yes, because there's actually something to talk about. Its not a thread that just goes "TALK ABOUT THIS GAME AND HOW HYPE YOU ARE", its actually offering a starting point of discussion with the trophy leak, allowing normal, natural conversations to take place.

I hate Bethesda and all of these sjw pandering types for catering to these special interest shit stains when, 80% OF YOUR GAME PLAYERS ARE STRAIGHT WHITE MALES! FUCK YOU bethseda, FUCK YOU!

Cool. So we're in agreement that Sup Forums does in fact discuss Dishonored. Thanks.

Okay, we weren't really arguing about that in the first place, but whatever makes you feel good I guess.

>If the main character isn't a straight white male the developers are automatically pandering to SJWS

Yeah, more AC Origins memeing

>abloobloo le ebul straight while males

Fuck you bitch. Its gonna sell horribly. Last laugh will be mine.

But I'll enjoy the game while you are still spouting Sup Forums memes. Who really wins?

Sup Forums memes is it? Capitalism always wins, you stinking Marxist.

Is Daud going to be playable or is it just the negress?