So last week the xbone sold 63 units in japan. The week before it was 78. Why the fuck do the redmond retards keep trying for over a decade now? I dont get it.
So last week the xbone sold 63 units in japan. The week before it was 78...
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You know there's an entire world outside of Japan, right? Why must you weebs constantly fetishize Japan as this bastion of creation and self-importance? I like Japan too, but I live in North America and not there.
Won't be buying anything when Korea nukes them to hell.
It'll be a dead market soon. Literally!
Oh another anti xbox thread from an insecure faggot. I'm laughing because MS has made a really good effort to make better and BestBox One X is gonna be a beast. Great news for all gamers.
>I'm laughing because MS has made a really good effort to make better and BestBox One X is gonna be a beast.
This. I don't own a Xbox myself, but at least I can say they're genuinely making an effort. Microsoft is going out their way to manufacture Xbox One X at a loss just to get in people's living rooms.
When was the last time you saw an XB1 exclusive that NEEDED to be an XB1 exclusive? Vice versa for PS4; when was the last time a PS4 exclusive /NEEDED/ to be a PS4 exclusive and couldn't have just been multiplatform?
The answer, for both, is "not in recent memory". Their specs might not be similar, but their controllers are the fucking same. The way every game controls could translate perfectly from one platform to another.
You wanna know why the XBone isn't selling in Japan? Well, that's because they only have so much shelf space, living in the human equivalent to an oversized sardine can, and when you're virtually indistinguishable from your competitor in what your console can do, mechanically, your bid on that shelf space is in the fucking garbage.
The Xbox is doing okay outside of Japan. Hell it doubled the fucking Wiiu in sales, even though the Wiiu sold great in Japan. The 360 sold very well and moved like 85 million consoles. Which means it outsold every Nintendo home console but the Wii. Microsoft just needs to completely ignore Japan and focus on the west. Target Europe and try to see if they can challenge Sony there. Japan is just a lost cause.
B-But the power of the cloud, infinite CPU power.
Other platforms just can't handle games like Crackdown 3.
Who cares?
>Japan sales mater
>Japan sales don't mater
Which is it, Sup Forums?
>Their specs might not be similar
Both ps4 and Xbox one use AMD low tech mobile processors. Both came out in 2013 with technology 3 years behind PC tech. The ps3 and 360 were different than each other, ps4 and x1 are so alike. Tekken 7, Ni No Kuni 2, Ni Oh, and DRAGON Quest 11 are all sub 1080p on regular PS4. Neither PS4 or X1 are 1080p on the dot, always, no excuses consoles.
TABLET PROCESSORS bragging one is better than the other is dumb. PS4 being 20 or 30% stronger means little in the end as 4K is what both of them should have come prepared for. I don't own any current Gen consoles, too much remaster anti consumer hogwash.
Most likely you are quitter
Someone who can't be trusted because you will flee at the first sight of conflict.
Why do beta faggots keep posting this kind of cuckold shit here?
If they want to spend millions on chinks, who gives a fuck? You pony cock sucking weeb
I'll be honest, I said they "might" not be similar because IDEK their specs and I didn't want to just talk about shit I didn't know. I had a pretty damn good feeling, though.
No one gives a shit about bone numbers. Post the entire chart so we can have a proper console war thread
They shouldn't "completely" ignore japan because that will only further reduce the Japanese game support the Xbone is getting in the west. The way they're handling it now is fine
And I can't force myself to want Xbox out of Japan because of the slightest possibility of them helping develop another goat rpg like Lost Odyssey
>Xbox doing badly in Japan
This isn't new.
Nips won't buy the xbox
Yuros will buy a PS4 and FIFA
Burgers will buy guns and burgers
I thought Xbox one wasn't on sale in Japan.
Those are pretty good numbers for something that isn't on sale there.
I wouldn't be surprised if they're still selling through their initial shipment
japan sales matter when taking into account the size of their country, and the amount the manufacturer has invested in selling to that country/their projected sales for the region
They have to turn public opinion around at any cost before the generation is over if they want to launch the next one without a huge stigma.
>these single platform games do not run at a certain resolution/framerate
>this is the console's fault, and not simply the developers choosing to target a lower resolution/framerate and/or being incompetent enough to miss their intended one
God damn I wish you literal fucking retards would stop talking out of your ass. Don't get me wrong, the consoles are absolutely underpowered pieces of shit but games not running at certain resolutions and/or framerates is 100% the developer or publisher's fault, and not the console's.