What the fuck is From working on? I want a new Souls-like game SOON
What the fuck is From working on? I want a new Souls-like game SOON
Dark Souls IIII
are you a stupid american?
I feel like im being tricked
>Falling for the IV meme
IIII is correct
Aren't they working on like 4 games?
Ace Combat, new King's Field, who knows?
>doesn't know about IIII
>Ace Combat
Armored Core
I thought they were doing that vampire game, code vein, no?
That's the god eater devs
I got a fever, excuse. Something about kings field and shadow tower or whatever on PS1 is just awesome. Like it's really some medieval adventure with real danger and shit
which souls game burnt you out Sup Forums? for me it was 3, ended up just playing it once and never getting the dlc
Ahhhh ok. Good to know. Thanks man
II. Pile of trash. Never played the DLCs. Never played DaSIII, beyond maybe an hour at a friend's.
Their next games will be the Dark Souls of Dark Souls games.
I'm not even burnt out actually. I have 256 hours in DaS3 and god knows how many in DeS. I'm getting there I guess. Sometimes I just boot up DaS3 for 30 minutes helping people then quit.
DS2 had a ton of flaws, yes. But I've said this before and I'll say it again....if you said fuck DS2 when it came out and didnt play no problem (understandable) but if you are a souls fan, the Scholar of the First Sin edition is worthwhile to check out. Especially if you play in the champions covenant (hard mode, no summoning). It makes ds2 an actually good game. Lots of decent changes.
>bought DaS2 SotFS on Ps3 day 1
>still haven't beaten it
I actually like the game but I'm still stuck in Frigid Outskirts. Horses kicking my ass and the fastest running speed isn't fast enough.
2 actually made me moderately angry at times, but more because I was more disappointed about a game being shit than anything else.
3 was just Bloodborne in a Dark Souls suit, jam-packed with throwbacks that made my eyes roll. Think I beat !Ornstein on the bridge with angry butterflies then decided I'd had enough, too easy and does nothing new.
>he's too stupid to make tallies
tfw no plague ridden rat gf
Armored core I think and hope and pray and want.
Bloodborne 2
PS5 exclusive
They've already confirmed they're working on it. We just don't know how far away it is from releasing.
>tfw my biggest claim to fame is cropping a meme picture of a villager from a video game that other people still post years later
Soon I pray and wish and hope and want.
>just keep pumping out Souls!
Fuck no, there is plenty of that. Make a first person dungeon crawler that isn't a horrible wonky piece of shit. No offense to King's Field/Eternal Ring/Shadow Tower, as I do enjoy those games, but some modern control schemes and more fluid animations/combat could really help games in that mold.
>Wanting to cavort with skaven filth
Thank god they are done with souls, Armored Core is so much better.
>that isn't a horrible wonky piece of shit
>From Software
I don't even think I'm burnt out on the formula but Dark Souls 3 made me never want another Dark Souls.
>every single area is a rehash that already happened (but better) in a previous entry
>entire game is DUDE REMEMBER THIS?!?
>aesthetics look like Bloodborne but way worse, animations and physics aren't nearly as good, blood and particle effects are fucking abysmal (they were great in BB), ENTIRE game is gray
>combat is just a bastard child of DaS 1 and BB without the strengths of either game
>every enemy is essentially the same
>slow weapons, faith, int are all shit
>weapon arts are a fucking joke
Dark Souls 3 totally felt like they made it from a Souls checklist. It's technically more competent than DaS 2 but fuck me at least that game did some new things. I've replayed every other Souls game, even 2, at least 5 times but I played DaS 3 once and never wanted to return. Don't even get me started on the fucking DLCs.
>absolutely love the atmosphere and exploration of Shadow Tower Abyss
>controls are fucking awful
I know I'm a pleb but god damn. It could have been much smoother than this but it's intentionally clunky as fuck for seemingly no reason other than they've done it before.
Yes, but Souls earned them some cash, and showed they can at least do some proper sword swing/dodge animations. I'd like an update on their dungeon crawler formula, since not many games like it exist.
2 for sure
Got the DLCs and enjoyed them more than the main game but still hated it overall
Never got SotFS
I ended up playing Dragon's Dogma as if it was the real DaS2
>dungeon crawler formula
You mean swamp simulator.
So when are we getting dark souls |\|||
Dragon's Dogma is NOTHING like Dark Souls, this meme needs to end.
Actually, if you go to Bitterblack Isle as a solo assassin, it becomes quite similar. The combat mechanics are obviously different, but the tone/atmosphere, difficulty and obscure lore are decidedly in the same vein as a Souls game. Actually, it's probably even harder than any Souls game to roll solo in Bitterblack.
post YFW sci-fi souls is announced
This is the longest in the company history where they didn't announce/release a game.
I thought they already " announced " Armored Core, even if they haven't actually shown anything about it.
I was feeling down after being disappointed by DaS2
It was a replacement for what I had been looking forward to for so long
I just needed a game that I could love again in my live
In a shallow sense of "dark fantasy aesthetic and aciton combat" they are similar but the core gameplay and design philosophies couldn't be more different.
>bitterblack isle is difficult to solo
All your pawns do is get in the way and die instantly to death. Bitterblack Isle is only difficult until you realize you can cheese it with periapts.
Fair enough, though I intentionally don't use periapts. I think I've used fewer than 10 in the hundreds of hours I've played DD.
1 desu, though I did play it 3 times
They actually could be a lot more different, though I agree they aren't quite as similar as some people insist. I do think if you're a fan of one, it's worth pointing out the other as a suggested game to play.
>tfw you will never play a diablo 2 reimagined into a souls game by from
Bloodborne 2
After Dark Souls IIII
>I do think if you're a fan of one, it's worth pointing out the other as a suggested game to play
I can agree with you on that.
They're probably making a telltale style game with little to no gameplay and a story that super ham-fisted and shoved in your face.
i prayed and hoped and wished wanted
now wen r the vidya coming :3
what could possibly lead you to believe that?
Armored core 6 dark souls edition
Dark Souls 1 was like Palace Boletaria: the game
Dark Souls 2 was like Stonefang Tunnel
Bloodborne was Tower of Latria
Dark Souls 3 was not that much like Shrine of Storms but it will stand in for now
Next up is Poisonswamp Souls
That would be sick as fuck to be honest
Dark Souls is the logical evolution of hack and slash games like Diablo desu
Dia3 was just the same but in 3D and worse, DaS however is a true adaption of Diablo concepts into a 3D world
I really miss the Nexus style select a level gameplay of Demon's Souls.
>le metroid seamless open world!
>le metroid seamless open world!
>only done once in the series
II felt that way too though? I haven't played III.
>oh look it's a bunch of fallen and their shamans
>but since this is diablo souls now three fallen can deal 120% of your max HP in two seconds
>also they come in packs of twenty
Same desu. Kinda sick of the formula. Though I still play bloodborne sometimes for the aesthetic.
I hope it's working on something different from the souls games
Don't worry, you'll get your Demon Souls rehash soon enough.
2 tried but did it really badly. It is an open world but it's hardly seamless, they obviously haphazardly connected everything last minute to make it like DaS 1 because Bamco demanded it (rumor has it the game was originally going to be true open world like Dragon's Dogma but they demanded it be rehauled last minute).
Have you played Bloodborne? It's a good mix of the two styles.
Oh yeah, I know it wasn't nearly as fluid as DaS. The second string team was on deck, and it showed. I haven't even played III because II just fucking wore me out on the Souls fad. I did actually play a few hours on my brother in law's PS4, and it seems bretty gud. If I ever get a PS4, it's on the list.
BB is the best in the series IMO but stay away from 3. Every single thing in the game is derivative of DaS 1, DeS or BB and it's all completely uninspired dreck. Only Souls game that I played just one time and never returned to.
>ANOTHER souls-like
please, no