Five fucking expansions ago. Jesus christ where did the time go. All those hours spent farming rep, hunting time lost...

Five fucking expansions ago. Jesus christ where did the time go. All those hours spent farming rep, hunting time lost, raiding Naxx/Uld/ToGC/Icc, generally the comfiest expansion with the comfiest main city hub. God I can still hear the log in music and trying to beat that roar.

Hold me Sup Forums.

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That entire expansion is the most comfy vidya I've ever played

Good times, good times

Blizzard should bring back snow me thinks

has it seriously been 9 fucking years?

>almost all wrathbabies are already adults now

WoW was never good

Video games are never good.

I played wow recently and was excited when i got to this island and honestly it was shit
there is absolutely nothing special about the place except for it having MUH COMFY SNOW
but i guess nostalgia is a bitch user

>tfw you liked WoW more for the leveling, dungeons, world exploration and music than the end game raiding
Draenei starting zone is the best

northrend was pretty garbage and wotlk ruined the scourge

Are you me user?
I raided a bit in 10 man but casually, had fun but most of my time was exploring zones and doing quests and reading the lore.

But everything has changed and WoW as I remember is dead.

>not getting spooky with it

Maybe you should have spent those hours learning how to act like a normal person and getting laid instead

>tfw WoW will never be as good as it once was


That was me man. I would level toons all the way up to 80, (85 when Cata launched) would get them all geared up by spamming heroics, get bored, and start over. Had very little interest in raiding. I think it had to do with dealing with 10+ people, dealing with them on vent, dealing with thier schedules, just didn't interest me.


>friend did just this
>married a cunt he met at uni and got a child
>mfw when he should have played videogames with me

same. Leveling with buds and hanging around summoning stones were the most fond memories for me. Raids were always the most frustrating and boring part of the game. Now the entire game is built around it.

i recently started playing wow WoTLK on a private server (having never played retail) and it is pretty comfy

>tfw Ghostlands
Is there a comfier zone bros?
>teaming up with randoms to take down Luzran and Knucklefuck
>Doing every single quest for rep
>Getting the cape and sword
Fuck, that area is the best.

WOTLK is shit.

its really where the game started to fall apart.

OP be prepared for vanillafags to hate on your superior taste.
Vanilla WoW are the cancer killing the WoW community.
Good thing blizz doesn't cater to these fags anymore.

Oh how I miss it. All these fond memories. All the way up till mid-Cataclysm. I miss my old guild. I miss all the friends I made.
I miss the girl I farmed Swift White Hawkstrider with
Kael'Thas' speech is etched into my soul

Nah, Cataclysm was the ponr. It was disgusting, but you could get used to it.

After that, the next expansion made us lost all remnants of faith we had on the game. Some kept playing because we didn't want to let the son of a bitch go without a fight... But everything collapsed when we opened our eyes and realized, that behind the bloody coat with panda drawings, now pink from our decoloring tears of rage, our child was already dead.

The comfy wasn't the snow but that green hills area next to troll city