Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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wtf, I hate HDMI adapters now


*autistic rock music plays*

Context OP?

Why is his double chin so big while being avg american sized?

The thing that irks me is that sure his lard ass friend knocked it off the coffee table, but the device short circuited the GameCube. It wasn't a hard landing at all, it seems like with any slight movement of the hdmi cable, the device will short circuit the av pins.

Also, the model of GameCube need, the original DOL-001 is getting harder to find.

that gamecube really tied the room together, man. shit.

the hdmi adapter shorted out his gamecube when the hdmi cable was moved slightly while the gamecube was on

That stupid fat whore who knocked it down is to blame.

What do you mean? Hes just reporting his experience with a product. Dont really see how he could be "wrong" about that

Oh shit look at that hidden gem. Thanks metal jesus.

the comment section on youtube wants to crucify the dude

I really doubt he ever beat most of the games he called a hidden gems.

>I really doubt he ever beat played of the games he called a hidden gems


>His TV doesn't have component input
Ayy lmao

Thank you for your hidden gem Bob Cornhole

that's not even the point. Component is still analog, hdmi will give you a better signal no matter what because it's digital.

>fat landwhale woman pulls game system off it's stationary position into a dangling position
>Blames the adapter
The real criminal is the landwhale woman fucking it up. Yeah it shorts big fucking whoop but it won't short if you don't fuck with it

Also the adapter itself is shorting because of pins crossing with high voltage. Had this voltage been lower to function it would be fine.

gamecube component cables are obscenely expensive

>hdmi will give you a better signal
The fuck?
That's like saying a flac file converted from a 128kb mp3 will sound better.
You're SO fucking retarded
The fuck?
And yes, gcn & wii use the same cable.

>double chin
I don't see any chin user

Actually it was a fat bitch who knocked his gamecube off the shelf who killed it. Shitty clickbait title.

>chinese knock-off video cables for an analog signal
might as well use composite

>Yeah it shorts big fucking whoop
that is a big whoop faggot, just because you move the console doesn't give excuse to a shitty overpriced faulty product. All you idiots defending this scumbag who sells a shitty overpriced adapter that had no qa done on it boggles my mind.

Why did you come in with no research? The gamecube and wii cables have completely different connectors and connect be used with each other. Try not being dumb next time.


Why is this ugly fuck lying about what happened?

all these hdmi adapters or composite 2 hdmi converters are fucking terrible and dont work

>Not reading the rest of the post
I know it's a shitty product you dumb bitch just use the fucking wii2hdmi since it's the same shit at this point and much easier to pirate the shit you want

You stupid doublenigger, not one thing you said is true, stop being such a faggot

I read your post cockmongler, you provide no proof for your theory, soit wasn't worth be commenting on. If you think a wii2hdmi will work on a gamecube, you obviously know jack shit about nothing. You probably didn't even bother watching his original video the product.

there was only one, and there's a new one now.

good thing I still have one
Well see if the version 3 ever comes out.

No I'm saying get a fucking Wii, mod it, load your shit with Nintendo and have your wii2hdmi going

The effectiveness of a GameCube is minimal since you have to open the fucker up to mod it, or take the easier method and use a goddamn Wii

Doesn't excuse it being a shit product even if it works. It still shorts the system and kills it. I've watched both videos before and after it's death and the whole time I kept thinking "just buy the cables at this point".

This is coming from someone who owns Dreamcast HDMI adapter with a ps1 over rbgscart with sync on green. It might be bullshit and convoluted but you're going to have a much easier time with a Wii and adapter for use with GameCube games until a non shit product comes out.

Besides the guy himself is a faggot with an ego. As far as I'm concerned his opinion is worthless

>what is the gameboy player

the retard using a proprietary botnet port

Specifying the modifying of a GameCube because either assume you pirate shit and want full sized DVDs to work on it

If you have only original games then that part is irrelevant

At this point just kys. Use a wideboy

this guy looks like he would have a mail order bride from thailand

>Use a wideboy
sure lemme just go out buy an n64, then pay out the fucking ass for a wideboy, and use the n64 controller to play gameboy games

>use a wideboy
Are you retarded?

Wideboy prices are inflated as all fuck

Also there's ones you can use a Gameboy for the controller with a ribbon cable. You aren't required to use an n64 controller if you have the right one

I made it this far without going fill retard.

May as well buy a Panasonic q, do the q gba player then use the adapter for HDMI if you really want to fuck your wallet

Or buy a fucking Wii, mod it, get the HDMI adapter for a few bucks, and pirate all you want and get the same visual fidelity

Isn't that the guy who reads wikipedia pages for videos?

I wish I was friends with the guys from Game Sack.

Mike Matei still plays his gamecube because he thinks it stores all of his saves

Mike needs to fuck off and just do more on BROWN BRICKS

my ps2 has
>fell off the table
>fell from a standing position to flat on its back
>dropped by my cousin while a game was inside and it was spinning
>used as a coaster
>had soda spilled on the back
>left in a cold, dank attic for over a decade
and it still fucking works. I blame the adapter and only the adapter.


Metal Jesus is a poser.

who the fuck is this faggot and why is this thread still up

fat ugly faggot, just like that nigger reggie,
fuck them both, they probs don't even beat their games, just buy them for muh collecter cred

Who's this cum guzzler

sorry mr back seat moderator, we were just discussing videogames.


yeah, great discussion going on.

good thread.

thanks, be sure to put a good word in for me when you're in your daily sucking off hiro meeting

> not using a wii u on wii mode hacked with nintendon't

what a faggot you deserve this


go outside.

>Thinkpad had taken 5minutes of lethal voltage from some Tesla coils
>Completely fine
>Drop a crt on n64
>Crt shatters
>Drop a 360
>Catches on fire mid fall
How did we fuck this up

You first. Let us discuss metal poser rocks in peace.

>Metal tshirt
>That hair
How old is this man? Time to grow up dude, cut your hair, get a job.

That's a cute whore

>catches on fire mid fall
had a chuckle

you need to talk to a real girl

HDMI's biggest design flaw

now to get this topic TRULY on hand, everybody post Kelsey, the semen gaming demon

She's got me to jerk off to so many Metal Jesus vids


Many such cases!

Says who fag

Kinsey fucked up but I would still ravage the shit our of her pussy

>breaks your gaming setup
>Oh yes user fuck me harder
>I think i just farted again

Never heard of this guys, this looks potentially funny, can I have the video title?

anyone else feel like they have some sexual tension?

i also like that she isn't a girl gaymer, sure she is a huge nintendo fangirl like all of them but she knows her shit and doesnt play overwatch to my knowledhe

At this day and age, rumor has it she is made up of at least 20 pounds of make up.

No seriously, I could put on a better eyeliner than that.


Gamecubes are virtually unbreakable and probably went through drop tests just like other Nintendo products.

Yeah, they're packed tight. It's really cool to see how everything is layered when you take it apart. Shit is solid.


Pretty sure he used to work for Lucasarts. Got mentioned in one of his videos.

Why do you fuckwits watch freaks like this on youtube? If you just need people talking in the background listen to a podcast or the radio or something.
Jesus fuck.

>stop doing what i dont like
fuck off you weirdo


Don't post or talk about Kelsey on here you fucking dipshits. She's too good for this shithole.

Too late, I'm furiously fapping looking at her pictures as we speak.

>>>what is the gameboy player
If you want to use a gameboy player on a HDTV, I'm sorry, but you're legitimately retarded. Try feeding your nuts to a dog or something, it'd be better for everyone if people this stupid don't reproduce.

You better cut it out dude.