Mass Effect

Why did Sup Forums side with the quarians over the geth?

Why does Sup Forums hate the geth?

Post your class nerds

Geth are p cool.

Uh? I sided with both cause I'm a good paragon.

It still makes me mad how stupid that whole quest line in ME3 was

They were contradicting their own written lore, for fucks sake

Retard alert

>Why did Sup Forums side with the quarians over the geth?

lol nice cop out


because geth is a poorly coded piece of shit that never finishes syncing. worst blockchain tech to date

I sided with the Geth, always.

Legion is my dudebro and I killed the Quarian fleet and made Tali (who happened to be my waifu) kill herself.

Quarians are fucking disgusting, except Tali, but Liara is a better waifu.

>bioware was unironically planning a dyson sphere for the geth
Truly ahead of their time.
Also I just learned that the Turian Councilor has the same voice actor as Senator Fucking Armstrong

Because Legion dies anyway, which was a pretty dumb ass pull. When I can I save both though.
Also the geth let the reapers control them TWICE, which was also stupid.
Legion's a good boy though. I liked it when Shepard confronted him about his armour and he seemed to be embarrassed for whatever reason.

but I got them to unify
what kind of retard tries to shackle AI in the first place, has no one seen terminator? its -WHY- they go rogue.

>tfw mass effect had some great sci-fi writing in the codex

Ship mobility dominates space combat; the primary objective is to align the mass accelerator along the bow with the opposing vessel's broadside. Battles typically play out as artillery duels fought at ranges measured in thousands of kilometers, though assault through defended mass relays often occur at "knife fight" ranges as close as a few dozen kilometers.

Most ship-to-ship engagements are skirmishes between patrol vessels of cruiser weight and below, with dreadnoughts and carriers only deployed in full-scale fleet actions. Battles in open space are short and often inconclusive, as the weaker opponent generally disengages.

Once a ship enters FTL flight the combat is effectively over; there are no sensors capable of tracking them, or weapons capable of damaging them. The only way to guarantee an enemy will stand and fight is to attack a location they have a vested interest in, such as a settled world or a strategically-important mass relay.

I like the one about humans coming up with the idea of ship carriers that all the other species scoffed at, and then it ended up working great.

The geth were already dead when ME3's shitty writing got to them. Killing Legion is a mercy.

I wish I could have just killed both of them tbqh

I was surprised how human the quarians look

you're the retard

That's one of the things I loved about the ME universe. Humanity brought more to the galactic society than just hurf durf humans are so opinionated. I recall reading that cigarettes were also something entirely new, and quickly became humanity's #1 export.

In all of ME2 and 3 you see different aliens all over the Citadel and other hubs smoking cigarettes so I'm gonna have to say that you're right.