Does anyone know of any developers that had a logo like this in the 90s/early 2000s? It seems so familiar...

Does anyone know of any developers that had a logo like this in the 90s/early 2000s? It seems so familiar, it's driving me nuts. Might've been from educational software or something.

Broderbund? I dunno.

That one stage in Action 52


this one maybe?

Another picture.

No, I'm not too sure about the general shape of the head or the "nose", but it almost definitely had the swirly eye.

why does it look like :^)

looks familiar OP

i remember too. i think they made licensed disney games


why the fuck is this familiar to me

Something to do with Games, media, internet or email provider wasn't it?


Fuck, I recognize it too.

No idea, though. I feel like it's connected to the N64 though. Someone mentioned licensed Disney games... feels so familiar

Goddamnit, now I'm curious too. I was thinking Kid Pix but couldn't find anything.

Ask on /gd/ they are good with logos, maybe someone knows it?


Have you looked through logo repositorys?

I wish you luck user. I'm surprised reverse searching it didn't find anything, your drawing is reasonably close to what I remember.


This smells a bit like mandela effect. That fact that he made a lot of threads about this in the past few days and everyone seems to remember it vaguely, but noone actually knows what it is, is weird.


i remember this

what's the logo with the big nose and spikey hair?

>big nose and spikey hair?
Doesn't ring a bell

Lucas Art?

dude what
are you serious?


a dream
or a song

Close to this OP?

Is this a new meme. Pretty sure I saw this on another board earlier.

Its not a meme, but OP made a couple of threads in the last few days

what the fuck haha

Well I can see the resemblence
