Game developer directly insults his players

>game developer directly insults his players

real classy. How did he get away with it?

Other urls found in this thread:

he making fun of the ones who can't love

>developer, MC or villain makes fun of you
Love this shit. Especially villains that call you shit for losing to them.

>How did he get away with it?
He was right

They deserve it.

When is this goddamn game coming out on Steam?

He never insulted me. Are you a retard?

>author going on an autistic sperg in-story about how players were playing his game "wrong"
>a good thing
really now?

>defending undertale/fnaf tier faggotry

you don't love, do you user?

Just because I prefer to watch mystery stories unfold instead of solving them myself doesn't make me a bad person. It's up to the consumer to decide how to best enjoy the piece of entertainment he desires, and the will of the author is irrelevant. The author insulted anyone who wasn't autistically obsessed with puzzle solving, which is only one way to play through the story and is in no way superior to the others, despite him thinking so.

>The author insulted anyone who wasn't autistically obsessed with puzzle solving
You got it backwards, he insulted people who had no love and thought bruteforcing a mystery with any possible bullshit answer they could come up with is a legit way of solving it

When they Cry 6 is Umineko 9-12 and it spends every episode confirming Rosatrice

He did'nt. He's hated in japan. Fucking hack

What the hell are you guys talking about?

I wish I stopped playing this at 6
The real culprit and the way everything motivated him to do what he did is retarded
>inb4 hurr durr goat
Go suck R07's cock

>How did he get away with it?
he didn't

Umineko was received very poorly in Japan

>calling out lack of imagination or reading comprehension is somehow bad

If you don't have those things you have no business reading things beyond twitter posts.

Shkanontrice is honestly one of the most retarded explanations for anything I've ever seen. I mean how the fuck did Jessica and George not notice they were dating the same person? Why was Sayo so crazy and unhinged she exploded an island and everyone on it for effectively no reason? Why did she role-play as a magical witch?

The official explanation rests upon the culprit being a crazy lunatic and everyone around him being a retard.

are you sure you read umineko or where do you get these false views from? the story literally is "you don't have to solve it if you believe in magic, and you're no better or worse if you do"

That and Shkanontrice requires everyone living on the island to be retarded, especially Kinzo
>yeah let's just allow the crippled, lone boy that is the heir wander around doing cryptic shit when there is a fucking nuke below the island

>How did he get away with it?
Are you high? he didn't, Japanese are nothing like the pussy whipped Burgers, Umineko sold like shit and he is hated in Japan, kinda like what happen with "Tales of" devs after the Alisha debacle they don't forgive or forget unlike Westerns that still buy battlefronts, Destinies and the like even after the Devs/Publishers openly shit on them.

As someone who has never touched Umineko, can someone spoonfeed me as to whether the entry on Steam is a remake of the first game in the series, and whether it works as a standalone title or if it's going to end on a hard cliffhanger that means I need to look elsewhere to continue the series?

nearly all the servants were in on it, genji was most likely the real mastermind behind setting everything up since he felt so fucking guilty about sayos miserable excuse for a life. george and jessica were both retarded, sheltered kids that probably never thought about second guessing why they never saw both of them together.
and you seriously ask why sayo is crazy? I know not everything we see about the ushiromiya family is true, but goddamn, imagine being the mutilated incest child of one of the biggest creeps ever that hates on his kids 24/7 while they are plotting to get rid of him. you probably would go crazy and "unhinged" aswell
easy explanation would be that she's a tranny and thus inherently crazy anyway
also the whole witch thing started early in her childhood already, go reread ep3 with virgilia and if you don't understand read it up on some wiki. sayo herself wished for magic to be real and made some ungodly conditions that needed to be met for it to happen (while knowing that magic is bullshit anyway, and thus bullshitting maria whenever she got the chance) - the thing with maria though you probably only can understand if you got a little kid in your life. preserving what they "think" is magic is in itself quite magical, if you experience it.

Shit VN no one with a brain cares about.

there are 8 parts. part 1-4 are the steam release, part 5-8 are coming somtime soon(tm).
if you want, buy the steam release but patch it with voice and graphics (or play original), just never ever play with the steam graphics. they are horrendous

only the servants knew about the heir thing. Kinzo never knew. he is unrelated to anything happening in the games anyway

The steam version is a half-assed port of the first half of the novels with pachinko sprites. It's not a complete experience and you can pirate the full thing with superior PS3 sprites + voice acting instead.

How can one nation be so fucking based?

>only the servants knew about the heir thing. Kinzo never knew. he is unrelated to anything happening in the games anyway
Oh yeah I am mixing up with that flashback

>playing a game

>Small bombs
>The humans used magic

I lost like 15 IQ points playing this.

>Why was Sayo so crazy and unhinged she exploded an island and everyone on it for effectively no reason?
Depression: realizing your mom is your sister and you're the product of rape, realizing you can't bear children for your boyfriend who really really wants a lot of them, massive amounts of emotional compartmentalization and detachment, years and years of living in an abused and abusive environment and so on

If you still don't understand, you don't have to bother

>Why was Sayo so crazy and unhinged she exploded an island and everyone on it for effectively no reason?
Because Battler wouldn't return his/her calls.

Yeah but it's still dumb

which only leaves the kids, krauss and natsuhi.
now, our view in the mansion is kinda wrong since we only see the servants we see, but supposedly there are many, many servants there. so not seeing shannon and kanon at once doesn't seem that weird to them, I think. george and jessica are just madly in love and blind (jessica probably is a fujo which explains why she doesn't question kanons feminine traits)

>the red truths are lies because muh personality bullshit
Yeah, fuck off

Perfect, thank you very much. Downloading them now.

see that's exactly what I"m talking about. This story is a damn joke and people who disagree have no understand of human sensibilities.

There's no lies in red, most of EP4 was spent explaining why fictional people count as people in a fictional story

>nearly all the servants were in on it,
Except Gohda.

He didn't deserve any of this shit.

essentially, every "story" can be deconstructed to the most obscure points possible and be called dumb. that's where "magic" comes into play and how you use it.
do you use magic, to see the story you want to see, full of fantastical love, fun and experiences?
or do you see the trick sayo and the rest used and say
"fuck this is bullshit, why is this tranny so godlike when it comes to plotting"
I admit, the end wasn't anything as good as the beginning or some mid-points of the story, but I still quite like it (after re-reading). I was bitter about it first, too. But it makes goddamn sense and is probably more realistic than many other endings to popular media
in case you don't download a pre-patched version

>Kanon is stuck in a room
>So Shannon turns into Kanon
>He jumps out the window and hides in a closet
>Kanon turns back into Shannon again
>Mystery solved!

>it's a vague/irresponsible/joke red truth episode

>it's a Battler cries episode

>it's a Shannon says something really foreshadowing about Battler in the past being in love with her or other people make jokes about genders episode

>The old art was be-

>you will never be a old piece of shit, doing nothing but tormenting your family and drinking absinthe all day long


Says you

Can someone explain Featherine to me? She stated she wrote all the stories starting with ep 3 and onward. Does that mean only ep 1 and 2 are "truly" canon? All these meta-levels get really confusing.

Eva survives=canon
Everything else isn't

featherine is just another tool

The author chick and Battler wrote episodes 3-5
Battler wrote episode 6
Episodes 1-2 were written on Rokkenjima before the explosion and thrown out via message in bottle

Featherine didn't write anything, Tohya and Ikuko did

So who the fuck is Featherine?

The Witch of Theatergoing, Drama and Spectating

Nobody, magic doesn't exit. Didn't you learn anything?

t. goat

A character in a book

Is this the power of people who read the summaries for EP7 and 8 and decided it's shit?

Give me a actually good VN to read,Sup Forums

what? the moral of the game was "think for yourself" not "you are stupid"

are you stupid OP? is that the reasson why you didn't get it?

Why didn't Japan like it? Like, why specifically?

They were mad that their waifu might have had a dick at one point


I don't get this. It was hated, criticized and sold badly yet got an anime, two sets of updated sprites (not to mention the voice acting), a spin-off game and a metric fuckton of art? What's the deal?

japan isn't all that into imagination and open ended shit

>no dick
>no womb
>no tits
>two-timing cheating slut

Yasu is a terrible waifu.

Their waifu has a mangled dick
The ending sucked

>It's a murder mystery
>LOL, the real mystery was in your heart the whole time!

daily reminder that Umineko is the biggest pleb filter since people who haven't experienced true and real love will never truly get it

Fuck love, specially if it's from some crazy tranny

Because it basically called out moebuta and okaku.

I don't get it either. Seems more like vocal hate and not majority.

Real talk: love has nothing to do with it. The real core of the message is based around trust -- the trust between a reader and author, between a consumer and creator. Any sort of private interaction is based around trust, whether those involved know it or not. This extends to even the simplest business transaction or conversation. Without trust, any sort of economy or social interaction is impossible.

Throwing "love" into the pot is just a way to make the concept more rosy and marketable. Why should the desire to procreate and pass on your genes have anything to do with most situations in life? It's nonsense, including in this story.

>yet got an anime
HALF an anime.
Enjoy waiting for the answer arcs.

I don't understand what they are saying

They think the west disliked the dinosaur monster or something like that?

What did he say?

weebs don't care

As bad as R07 is he's still better than the talentless hack that is Nasu.

>the desire to procreate and pass on your genes


>People so easily quote Hachijo's consideration about readers that refuse to understand being "trash"
>They never quote his far more explored conundrum, later on in the story, about the responsability the author would have in "revealing the single truth"
Since such a powerful red truth would destroy all of the blue ones. In the end, what we got was a truth that leaves a small window for all the old theories to still live on (hell, rosatrice is still going, incredibly!).

If this is not the greatest respect an author could have for his readers, I don't know what else is.
The problem is that Umineko tried to reach higher sensibilities and it flew over many people's heads.

Fault Milestone One
Fault Milestone Two
Fault Silence the Pedant

But Umineko's author never stated his answer was the right one. That's why you have two different endings on this.

I can't understand why some fans act as if he didn't solved the mistery. After chapter 7 you already have enough information to understand what happened in Rokkenjima. Will even solve the first 4 games for you.

There's a plot hole here and there, but Umineko never betrayed the mistery side.

that's what love is, user. what do you think it is?

what was the point of erika
chapter 5-6 just felt like big filler

They give an incredible amount of hints and watching Erika being herself is nice.

>Wearing a Pirate Hat

Didn't this end with its just a dream bro

No. Try reading it.

>what was the point of erika
She was there to turn the board around and show how a forced/false truth is no better than magic. You can't understand Beatrice without loving her first. That's kinda the point of the second half. Ange hated Eva so much that she was blind for the truth.

Umineko's second half is underrated.

>Umineko's second half is underrated.
Episode 8 in particular with Hachijo's considerations over the role of authors is fucking incredible.

To be honest I liked Bern getting punched more

And the witch shall bestow four treasures



there are still non-autist fans that enjoyed the work

Wasn't Erika just another hypothetical disguise of Yasu, basically Yasu's detective side?

Or was I overthinking it

yfw this happened

No no, her corpse was actually found. She's there, but she was never alive on the island to begin with. That's why, even though she's a guest, she isn't counted for people.

Altho, that's how I interpreted it, might be mistaken.