Classic DoA thread

>Classic DoA thread
>Impressed that the few NSFW images were deleted alone and not the whole thread
>then the whole thread gets deleted


Mods are sjw cucks.

Because this is a board for talking about video games but all these threads are nothing but ecchi porn dumps and everyone knows it. If you're that desperate to see CGI boobies, you know where is, kiddo.

>he says that as he replies to another Twitter screencap bait right afterwards

>Sup Forums
>talking about video games

Kill yourself faggot.

>SuperBestFriend threads regularly hit 500 replies
>That's okay but we can't talk about a literal video game

Well, the title header for the thread kinda doomed it from the start. I'm impressed it lasted as long as it did.

Lets talk DoA powerlevels then.
Who is the strongest character?
Then who is the strongest female and male characters?
Can any of them beat Superman/Goku?

>Marie mid-sneeze

>check out Sup Forums err Sup Forums today
>nudity everywhere, Sup Forums getting butthurt and general retarded shitposting everywhere
>report posts and threads
>they get deleted within 30 seconds
Based mods.

We can post all the vidya girls we want you little backseat moderating bitch

30 seconds later:
>waah why we get delet????
Fuck off faggot.

Ryu is most powerful male and overall character.

Strongest female would be Rachel or maybe one of the ninjas, I would think.

>Strongest characters are from other games

What is the meaning of this?

Anyone else notice Mai and Momiji are the same person?


BMI chart
Honoka is FAT


How exactly? Nothing in common except ponytail.



Stop posting images with sketchy connotations


>stop posting images from video games

>everything ever that has been in a video game is ok to post here
Waifufags are seriously retarded

Yes, it is


That's right though.
You know what isn't okay? eceleb threads, which go on all the time.
How about you worry about those first if you care about being on topic so much?
Even if you don't like this threads you'd have to agree they're more on topic than SBF shit

Nyo > Helena > Mila > the rest

Best DoAs

>SJWs hiding behind "i-it's not on topic cause I don't like it"


>waah but what about THE REST mommy???
Are you 15? And I've been reporting retarded e-celeb and Sup Forumsshittery too. Don't feel singled out you dumb waifufaggot. You're not persecuted.

more Momiji please


My Doa cant be this slutty.

These threads shouldn't be reported period.
Are YOU 15?


You fags literally have the weakest excuses. Instead of going to a board where you could post whatever the fuck you want, nah, we'll just whine about it and make a load of threads when it gets removed.


You know why none of us are buying it user?
Cause you're breaking the rules right now by announcing reports and posting off topic
So stop pretending like you care about the rules, tumblr.

Wow I've never seen pixiv there before

kys faggot

I haven't announced a single report retard. You don't even have the mental capacity to understand the verb to announce. I'll spoonfeed it to you: I'd be in violation of that rule if I say "Reported" and actually report your post. Seriously, keep embarassing yourself.

Why is she so perfect?

Ryu has been in DOA since 1.


Not him but there's always a big DoA thread on /e/ where NSFW material is allowed too so I fail to see how that's not the better alternative since these threads are just fap dumps any way. I say that respectfully.

How does Mommyji do these magical things to my dick

Yeah but isn't he originally from NG?