Is Guilty Gear a 'high skill cap' fighting game?

Is Guilty Gear a 'high skill cap' fighting game?
Does anyone have the image that ranks fighting games?

It's actually easier than most fighting games, especially Xrd. Don't listen to the weebs, they don't even actually play the game.

I had this suspicion and I haven't even played it nor do I claim to fully understand the importance in stringing combos (say how you allegedly have an opener, middle and closing combo[like in Mortal Kombat]). From what I have seen it's basically just sitting in a corner and doing long range moves to keep someone away..

I wish more people played Bedman he's goat
To bad only like japs play him

BBCF is harder

As long as characters like Sin or Sol are in the game, Guilty Gear will never be a high skill cap fighting game.

Blaz Blue? Isn't that another anime fighting game? Does anyone not have that image that's a listing of fighters ranked?

the difficulty of gg is overrated, all the execution requirement was stripped away with the huge buffers and YRCs added in xrd

>Does anyone have the image that ranks fighting games?
Why would you ask that? Fuck you for even asking, especially if you're taking it seriously and not just trying to be a memer. Which is already bad in itself.

The fact you use the word memer is 'bad in itself' woo ee son. I realise that it's opinion but it was posted here a few weeks ago and there was truth to it.

>it's an opinion
>There was truth to it
It's called "bait" you fucking idiot

Oh please. When it puts games that have a higher skill cap in the top tier.. Don't be dense kiddo.

>skill cap
I hate this term. Whether you say a game has a high or low cap, It implies that it's feasible to reach that cap and essentially attain perfect mastery to the point where _you_ are just as likely as anyone else to win a major tournament if one were held.

The vast majority of fighting games have more than enough depth such that you could play for years if not decades and still have enormous room for improvement. It's really easy to make a pretty deep fighting game -- the genre's basic structure established in SF2 goes a long way.

Its a shitty bait thread dont bother

I bet you think Bloody Roar is one of the best fighting games out there too right :^)

>being this dense
Eventually you will attain all possible skill and knowledge, from that point it's timing etc. looking for openings.
Never played it.
Just leave..

Also, no, it implies that you can be shit and have reached the skill cap or be a master and hit a skill cap, fucking sage

This notion is retarded. The first and final definition of skill is your ability to beat your opponent. "Timing etc. looking for openings" is obviously part of that. Unless the top tier of players have been stagnant for a good period of time with no one showing innovation or a significant edge over the rest of the field, the skill cap of that game has not been reached. And unless YOU PERSONALLY are among that tier of players, you have not reached that skill cap.

GGXX is for sure. But execution-wise Xrd is leagues easier.

Fuck me will you actually drop the density? SO my notion is not retarded, you can reach a skill cap and basically depth does not = room for improvement but innovation once you have mastered the game to it's skill cap. Woo ee, are you actually old enough to be here?

Doesnt matter when Tatsunoko vs capcom was the best fighting game every created but since it was tatsunoko no one gave a shit

OP here, I'll be honest this is what me and my friends used to play.

My definition of skill () is your ability to beat your opponent. This is the common definition of skill. By my definition if you play a 10 game set against opponent X and win 6, you are probably more skilled than X. And so long as there is a better player than you, you know you have not reached the cap.

What is your definition of skill?

>tfw they simplified chemical love
>input buffer
>yrc is piss easy, no timing

xrd is to xx what sfv is to 3s and ST

So you reach the skill cap and then it's about your ability to defeat your opponent. There is only so much you can learn before it's down to your ability. Glad you've started winding your neck in sage

I sincerely hope you're just a bad troll.

meant for

Spoken like someone who never got into either ST, 3S, SFV or Guilty Gear for that matter.
Xrd is simpler than XX and AC, but if you think it's comparable to SFV, you're stupid.

You're whole initial point was about how stupid the notion of a skill cap is while you systematically proved there was one and even leant towards it being the point a players reaches before the ability of two people who have attained all knowledge of a game is the only thing aiding towards victory. You can be as 'skilled' as someone but your ability to gauge timing etc will ultimately be the crux. See something like Bloodborne and Darksouls.. I won't go into which has a higher skill cap but if two players have mastered the move set of a particular weapon and face one another ultimately it will be their ability to get that hit in at the right time that wins them the duel. Stop being a little fuck wit.

just because you reached the "skillcap" doesnt mean you win everytime. it just means you hit confirm everything into optimal combos, and have optimal movement/footsies

then the game becomes reads and mindgames

Execution is pretty easy in Xrd, but it is mechanically deep. Characters have weight divisions that change which combos will work on certain characters, meter management is extremely important due to how many things utilize it, there is the guts system, which when utilize properly can severely change the damage you deal. Characters also have all there own shenigans and character specific mechanics. The amount of second-to-second decisions that have to be made accounting for these things is where the depth and higher level fun comes from.

Thanks for reiterating what I said. Happy trails! I might also remind you not to come back, you have to be 18 to use this website.

Really because it looks like most people just sit in a corner and it doesn't matter who they face really.

How did you get that impression from any of the characters that isn't Jack-O or Axl?

where my /bedboys/ at?