What's going on?
Fire watch
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DMCA because nigger
The game sucks
the game is not fun
The devs needlessly inserted themselves into the " Pewdiepie said nigger! " drama, and now the Anti-SJW brigade is raiding the reviews to complain about how offended they are ( like SJWs do ) and the entire thing is a stupid shitshow on every side and why can't I get off this stupid fucking ride, Mr. Bones?
People realized the game is boring as fuck.
Lets Plays are not fair use.
Page 3 of the 2nd last Doccument, footnote 1.
The Klein video is arguably part of a large genre of YouTube videos commonly known as “reaction videos.” Videos within this genre vary widely in terms of purpose, structure, and the extent to which they rely on potentially copyrighted material. Some reaction videos, like the Klein video, intersperse short segments of another’s work with criticism and commentary, while others are more akin to a group viewing session without commentary.
Accordingly, the Court is not ruling here that all “reaction videos” constitute fair use.
Putting a facecam and a small commentary track over copyrighted material does NOT transform the content, meaning it is NOT fair use.
The one line FAQ on the site of the developer does NOT overthrow Copyright Law.
Even if PewDiePie has a contract stating that he had right to make "Lets Play Content" on the game Firewatch, they would still be able to DMCA the video as PewDiePie is now damaging their IP and Company (As when you'd search "Firewatch" on YouTube, PewDiePie's video on the game would be the one of the first videos to appear)
DMCA's are not lawsuits unless they are escalated. DMCA's are the Copyright Holders ability to control where any of their copyrighted content is being uploaded.
PewDiePie said Nigger on a PUBG livestream.
Firewatch Devs, in the uproar of the internet stood out and stated they were going to DMCA all of PewDiePie's Firewatch videos because they do not support him.
So its going to court or whatever to figure out if you can actually DMCA someone based on an event that did not involve your product.
Likewise it is opening a can of worms in the Youtube community due to how people already abuse DMCAs so if this goes through as successful in court shit is going to hit the fan a little more.
TL;DR: E-celeb drama
They're taking down illegal uploads of their movie on YouTube.
>Can I stream this game? Can I make money off of those streams?
>Yes. We love that people stream and share their experiences in the game. You are free to monetize your videos as well.
This """"game""""" is shit. That's what's going on
Pewdiepie fanboys don't seem to grasp that game developers have a right to protect their franchises.
this game had the most anticlimatic and disappointing twist (if it can be called that) ever, a slow build up to nothing and then game ends.
>So its going to court or whatever to figure out if you can actually DMCA someone based on an event that did not involve your product.
>YouTube searching "Firewatch" listed PewDiePie's video as one of the top viewed, with him giving the game a glowing praise
Literally no different than companies revoking sponsorship and support for athletes when it comes out they beat women or murdered their wives. Its damaging the brand.
Nintendo already proved that Lets Plays and uploads of their copyright on YouTube is not fair use.
>A one line FAQ on the site of the game overwrites Copyright Law
You're not stupid enough to believe that, right?
Why are devs mixing political stuff with the video games they make?
>why can't I get off this stupid fucking ride, Mr. Bones?
It's too late for video games. Politics and retardation from both sides of the spectrum have infested the hobby to a point of no return. Jump ship to a new time waster/hobby ASAP.
I'd suggest toys/Gunpla/Figma/Statues/Whathaveyou,
but that hobby doesn't deserve to be defiled.
I have a friend who airbrushes figs, and assembles models. Actually looks pretty interesting and quiet. Niche!
Don't quit your day job of sucking dicks and misinterpreting things.
Sup Forums isn't anti-SJW, they are SJWs. Anti-SJWs are the rational, intellectual moderates.
They can't help themselves.
No Let's Play has ever been judged in court to be fair use or not. The legal grey area allows the DMCA notices to work.
>say that people can stream the game and monetize the videos
>jk no you cant lol, enjoy your lawsuit
what are the rules on changing copyright license terms ? I could be wrong but I don't think you can do take backs. Only effect future copies. Like if I paint a picture and decide to release it to public domain, I am pretty sure I can't then change the terms after seeing someone do something I don't like it with it in an effort to stop them.
Seems free spech isn't free anymore. If you say a word someboy on the other side of the planet doesn't like, they can call for your head.
Let's plays aren't sponsorship and DMCA's are more extreme than revoking sponsorship.
haha pol are the REAL SJWs epic deduction :D
>caring this much about retarded semantics involved in the situation
whatever you are you probably aren't moderate.
Because when you have a product or service that you want as many people to buy as possible, you do your best to abstain from stepping on toes. And in the case when that's is unavoidable, you step on the toes that everyone else has no problems stepping on. Why some dev with no horse in the race decided to virtue signal is beyond me, I'm more surprised that the PUBG devs aren't getting shit on for "staying silent" in this "dramatic headline stealer." You'd think the contrarian Sup Forumsirgins with hate boners for this game would be badgering them about it.
What if Pewdiepie got every big youtuber who played fw to say nigger? :^)
Devs pissed people off
>assblasted Sup Forumslack won't admit his ' side ' uses all the same social engineering mind control tactics that he claims to oppose when the person using them has funny colored hair and a surgically added/removed set of genitals
hahahahahahaha, you've become the thing you hate, does it burn?
With how many people play PUBG, I'm sure players hear nigger almost hourly
>pewdiepie saying nigger might be the catalyst to end let's play trash and possibly streaming
truly the hero we need
Isn't the backlash Pewdiepie is receiving also free speech? He's free to say what he wants, and other people are free to shit on him for it. Whose rights are being violated exactly?
>SJWs, indies and LP'ers destroy each other
Feels good man
Aren't PUBG devs mostly from Korea despirte some them being not from there? they won't give a shit.
Free speech was never free to begin with. it's only protected from government action, not from opposite speech. Free speech is not a bubble, fellow frog.
He didn't become the thing he hates, he always was. Remember that the religious right were the original SJWs in America, whining about rock music, violent video games, and logic in schools. Leftist SJWs in many ways derive from that original religious snowflake safe space syndrome.
>Sup Forums mind control tactics
>then claims sjws are all dyed hair trannies
at least it's working?
DMCA some vidya that made you money before is free speech? This is new to me.
Because they're allowed to?
The audience for Firewatch and their other games are not the 10 year olds that watched the entirety of their experience through someones YouTube channel, its people who voted for Bernie Sanders and fight the good political fight on twitter talking about Drumpf. If they did nothing and allowed someone spewing Sup Forums nonsense to profit off their copyright, they'd be seen as bad developers in their social circles.
If the developer of Super POTUS Trump or any developer with right leaning views decided they didnt want people who actively attacked the right and called someone a HILLBILLY FUCK as an insult on stream to make profit off their copyright, they'd have every right to do the same.
Same as Nintendo attacks ANYONE who uploads Nintendo content they dont like to YouTube.
Reaction Videos have, and the legal documents are broad enough to dictate what is clearly transformative and what isnt. Lets Plays are not.
DMCA's are not lawsuits, and again, a one line FAQ does not overturn Copyright Law. Are you retarded?
I'll send you guys a toaster gift
I've always wanted to get into Gunpla as it felt like a nice starting point for Gundam in general, but my hands are way too shaky to put together or paint plastic models. Feels pretty fucking bad.
>I'm sure we've made money off of PewdiePie and that's just something for us to think about.
That's the most frustrating part of this tangent. Folks are keen to say Felix's casual use of the word implies he has no problems using it off camera, but this faggot's hand waving response about getting paid by the Swede shilling the game for him just reeks of him virtue signaling not because he feels sincere about it, but because he has to in our sensationalist age.
you are the only retard here firewatach dev
Is he sacrificing himself for the greater good?
If PewDiePie is Homer Simpson, then the Firewatch dev is Ned Flanders. Both are shit.
I was greentexting, I clearly wasn't going to write a thesis of stunning magnitude and accuracy to combat a single shitposter.
I do think truly rational people who try to abstain from emotionally charged identity politics can see that both extremes are just wrong, don't actually value true freedom, and are just slaves to systems of thought control.
Saved you morons the trouble.
Trump really set everyone on both sides off and now EVERYBODY gives a shit about politics.
>literal who says nigger
>gets crucified
>eceleb says nigger
>he dindu nuffin
Youtube was a mistake.
I fucking called it
nice spacing
I just looked up the plot, it is literally nothing.
I don't think you understand what you're talking about. I have a "serious conviction" that both neo-nazis and SJWs shouldn't be allowed to vote, drive, or reproduce. "Centrism" doesn't mean you don't have strong beliefs, it just means you aren't a retarded, unthinking political extremist.
developers can't stop serial rapists and murderers from buying their games and streaming them. unless Bananaman wants to confess he is psychic. if you put your product on the public marketplace that means ANYONE can purchase it and use it however they want.
>le reddit spacing XD
Been here since 06, and I've been formatting shit the same way the whole time.
Get fukt.
>Sup Forums has resorted to posting MS Paint comics as a last resort again
Predictable, and the strawman doesn't even fit because they don't even know what else to put there
>subconciously thinks that all sjws are dyed hair trannies
>b-but i wasn't writing a paper on it. seriously i'm to intelligent for Sup Forums brainwashing
say what you want, they are the masters of meme magic.
If you don't like let's play or streaming then don't watch. It's that simple my child.
haha sure
MUH DRUMPH basically. the only way people are going to shut up about this is if a national tragedy happens.
So, is this guy Pewdiepie what would be described as a madman?
He goes around and does whatever the fuck it wants and people literally cannot stop him from making millions of dollars, people try to throw shit until something sticks and yet he still is youtubes number 1 most subscribed guy.
Why do people give so much of a shit about naughty words to begin with?
>le /pol boogeyman
how new of you to not recognize the comic
Don't worry about me taking you to court, Just free-speech bro.
>centrism has no convictions
Keep being assblasted SJW
*DMCAs your favorite eceleb*
>defending fence sitter centrists
stop being a moderate shapeshifter you tool. pick a side and stand for them.
If PlayerUnknown, who is the main creative lead and figure head decided that he wanted PewDiePie banned from the game for attacking other players with racial slurs, he'd have every right to. The privately owned company and privately operated game with terms and service agreements you signed into when you purchased the game give them the right to do so, even if you buy another copy of the game they can ban that account as its still you (PewDiePie) the individual who signed that agreement and broke it.
>i think one line on a website invalidates the united states court system and copyright law
Kill yourself desu.
They are fair use. It's cut and dry. PDP will win in court and totalitarian sjw google niggers like you will screech autistically like on November 8th.
Deal with it.They are fair use. It's cut and dry. PDP will win in court and totalitarian sjw google niggers like you will screech autistically like on November 8th.
Deal with it.
overly emotional fags are getting overly emotional at the fact that some fags are getting overly emotional at a fag who got overly emotional and did something dumb.
yall niggas from all sides getting over reacting and getting upset are hella dumb ,and only if any the only positive take away from all this is how essentially how true that horseshoe theory actually is.
You got me, all they seem to be spouting off is muh ancestors. Can't wait for the black pete shitfest to start again.
felt so nice you posted it twice
>telling me what I'm thinking based on a couple of posts
user, please don't pull this dimestore shit out of your ass. They're just a bunch of pepe le kek posters, don't give them so much credit.
>lost his media company, moved back into his room to make videos
>cost about everyone on youtube their ad revenue for months
>about to cause all lets plays to be demonetized
i'm enjoying how he's fucking it up for everyone else
Many of the people under 30 who grew up being sheltered from failure and harmful language are now reaching a point where they interact with other people who use them. Combined with being so weak that they didn't get participation trophies for applying for jobs they have nothing better to do than THINK OF THE CHILDREN. Not realizing the children are better of learning about this stuff.
The whole reason this drama started was because sharks were still hanging around after the whole "PEWDIEPIE IS A NAZI" shit and were waiting for a drop of blood to go in a frenzy.
They got their drop of blood.
I wish Player Dumbcunt was that stupid. Normies and plebs vs Pewdiepietards. We would literally win.
yeah you fucking idiot. centrists are fucking cowards that are afraid to say what they really think in a vain attempt to stay neutral or avoid sounding stupid.
But they didn't.
Only Sup Forums would get this triggered when they get called Sup Forums
Not to mention the fact that the Firewatch devs explicitly say that Let's Plays are something they're OK with on their site.
>what are the rules on changing copyright license terms ?
One line on the FAQ of the games site is NOT copyright license terms, it is NOT a legal agreement. Firewatch is NOT public domain. If you paint a picture and release it to public domain, you are REMOVING THE COPYRIGHT.
I dont know why this is so hard to understand.
>picking a side requires unyielding acceptance of literal retardation from a noisy minority of extremists on either side
Hahaha, I can't believe you faggots think this a worthwhile argument, yet it's the only one you have when confronted with people who refuse to buy into the bullshit being hawked by both extremes.
This, the prostitues were waiting for a drop of semen and they just received it.
>walking simulator
Except for the Supreme Court just ruled earlier this year that public places such as in-game chats in videogames are "The Modern Public Square", so censoring speech protected under the first amendment in video games is going to stop pretty fucking soon.
Saying nigger on voice chat is video game culture though.
Hes taking down let-play shitters with no survivors, Forcing them to begtreon where they belong.
don't fight it user. it's perfectly normal for anyone subjected to daily propaganda for years to be effected a little bit.
Truly the hero we needed all along, we just never saw it