This kills the Nintendo Switch.
This kills the Nintendo Switch
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This kills the Whitey
This 5 kill the thread
i dont get it
Off by one, but check out this 3
>1000 dollery doos
Yeah no
>1000 dollars
I could buy a good PC for that much.
Preorders are maxed out. Normies always want the hottest new toy on the market, which is no longer the Switch. So guess what won't be super super sought after this holiday season anymore.
Also, guess why production for the Switch has been stunted and will continue to be so.
>Nintendies so buttmad about any negative Switch discussion they forgot how to properly function.
If you weren't bothered by it, you wouldn't be behaving like this.
Yeah, by scalpers. Every single new iphone is mostly bought by them to resell for 2-3x amount in China.
the mobile game market and the control interface will always keep good games from the platform
Still more games than the shitty switch has. A millionth mediocre Zelda title doesn't mske it worth it to buy a terrible console with no games.
>4 core GPU
this goes against the rudimentary understanding I have of how GPUs achieve a huge advantage over CPUs in graphics tasks, which is parallelism
This. By the same token, the iPhone X has more utility than the Switch, so there's plenty of people buying them as replacements for their previous smartphone, which the Switch was not trying to do.
All that said, the X is a retarded device designed purely to fill the Apple RDF with misinformation about zero-bezel screens and 3D sensors while charging a beyond-ridiculous premium for old tech. It will subsequently sell several million units and further cement Apple's high stock price.
yeah and it makes no sense to play shitty adware+IAP games on an iPhone either
I wonder if they're really four clusters, each of which practically consist of a bunch of cores
>If you weren't bothered by it, you wouldn't be behaving like this
A poster being bothered by posters being bothered by a negative Switch argument.
Quite the paradox isn't it
iPhone X
Xbox One X
Windows X
is the way to go
you're a faggot if you own any other combo
>$1000 Facebook machine
>killing what was never alive to begin with
really makes you think
>Windows X
>Not OS X
Not going to make it is a true xbro
Apple themselves said this is "the future for the iPhone" meaning this is gonna be overpriced and shit as the first iteration a la MacBook Air, god bless early adopters.
No one is talking about mobile gaming you dumb motherfucker, read the goddamn thread you retarded toddler.
>implying xbros fuck with Apple computers
After buying the iPhone X, Bone, XBL and games, they've got no money left for a pricey laptop. True Xbros rock the cheapo HP/Acer
>the mobile game market and the control interface will always keep good games from the platform
What did he mean by this?
....wheres the home button?
it will not kill the switch as the mobile game market and the control interface will always keep good games from the platform, switch has a reason to exist because of this
I don't even want this 7
Does the iPhone X have the 120Hz screen the new iPad Pros have? if not its shit and the next model will definitely have it so there's no point in this one.
What did I miss?
iphone x is 240Hz
no it doesn't, they would've mentioned it if it had, it doesn't have that freesync knock-off either
Literally one game on the Switch is better than the entirety of all mobile shit combined. There has never been even remotely the same level of quality in any mobile game as in BotW, Splatoon or MK8.
It's okay bro, take my 8 instead.
>I don't know how to read: the post
Fuck off you stupid nigger.
This advertises the Nintendo Switch.
Thank you for confirming you are retarded.
he's not talking about the camera
>Any of those games except MK8
Pedo shit and another shitty open world game arent quality.
Splatoon is fucking trash and MK8 is still the same mediocre boring trash that it's been since 1. BotW is the only even remotely decent game on the switch and that's only a 5/10 with 0 replay value.
Preorders don't even begin until late October.
it will not kill the switch as the mobile game market and the control interface will always keep good games from the platform, switch has a reason to exist because of this
also check this seven
But it doesn't use crusty ass plastic screens.
Ok, then name any mobile game that's better.
>Apple shit
Nobody cares, the only good mobile games can be played on a 40 buck phone anyways.
>Literally one game on the Switch is better than the entirety of all mobile shit combined.
A shitty korean MMO shits all over your Zelda branded walking Sim:
>apple has gone to shit since steve jobs died
>microsoft has gone to shit since bill gates left the company
>still doesn't display basic reading comprehension skills
>can't get digits
>since Steve Jobs died
The company was shit when he was alive too.
That looks like literal refuse. Zelda is the highest rated game of all time kid.
Honestly if someone just figured out controls on phones Nintendo would be done for
I played black desert when it was first released. I also played the beta, the game is terrible and I'm not even sure I can take you seriously when you compare it to Zelda.
I'm not that user.
English please. I don't speak toddler.
maybe it's you who doesn't, I explained my reasoning as to why the iPhone X doesn't kill the Switch, mobile gaming being the reason
>Nintendo gone to shit since Iwata died
Really revs up those fryers...
>Durgar Beardbattle
>Sony has gone to shit sinc-
nevermind they were always shit
rip rest in nindrumpfdo bofto
>nintendo is finished!
circa 1980s
Compare it to Zelda? No.
But BotW isn't a Zelda game to begin with, it's another generic open meme game, but with Zelda characters. BDO is a fair comparison to that turd.
Imagine being this desperate to derail a thread.
Yeah it was.
>company literally on the verge of folding
>has to get bailed out by Bill Gates personally
>iMacs are the butt of computer jokes for years
>iPod fails to launch until they make it Windows compatible
>iPhone takes nearly 3 generations to become legitimately competitive, and even then Android outpaces it
>every other release requires Cawadoody-level marketing to make sales
>1000 dollar phone with no good controller support
The Iphone and the Switch have certain components required to make them (some sort of read only memory, I forget the exact name) and Apple has first dibs on the tech. Nintendo still gets some at a slower rate, but that doesn't help sales.
The reason Nintendo refuses to move to easier to get tech is due to the rampant piracy on the 3DS. Until the piracy scene manages a crack and a CFW on the Switch, they probably aren't.
I can tell you right now, that DQ8 port on mobile is shit, worst version.
Yeah, games, good games, belong on handhelds, not phones, you shits.
-e E3 2006
Nintendo fans are chronically retarded... No one was talking about mobile gaming till you showed up. That's why you were told to read the thread... TWICE!
>hurr durr a company made mistakes its shit nw!!!111
>I-Its shit!!
Said an increasingly nervous man for the 15th time.
I explained my reasoning for why the iPhone X does not kill the Switch, which is the mobile gaming market. You see, there's a reasoning behind the view I presented. I think that mobile gaming is the reason for why the iPhone X won't kill the Switch, it's very simple.
>Killing something that's already dead
Eat shit. Appletards love to shit on MS for what they do, but conveniently forget that MS is the entire reason Apple still exists.
>for a phone which is gonna be out of date within a year
>a 1000$ phone
I'd rather invest in a gaming pc than this ripoff, who the hell would buy this?
>im a retard who doesnt know how a business works!!!
kek you are fucking retarded
>Those fucking curves on the screen along with that cut out area for the phone speaker
How is this a benefit? Sure the screen is technically larger, but it means devs have to take those corners into consideration when designing an app, not to mention what they're gonna do with the area with the speaker whenever you have the phone in landscape mode.
This is worse than that Samsung phone with the curved screen
god thats ugly why is part of the screen cutoff
>still failing at basic reading comprehension
You have to be a nigger.
>Bolin Hammerbattle
Would be cooler if it was àla Warcraft like Balltehammer
He got the 1/10 chance of calling his number
>curved corners
>top of the screen has a huge fucking black bald spot splitting up the pixels
What in the fuck were they thinking? Do they expect every single developer to redesign their app to conform to the new iPhone's weird fucking screen shape? It's not even a real rectangle. How do they figure its resolution is 2436x1125 when it has curved corners and is missing a bunch of pixels at the top?
>no counter argument
keep on trying. You'll get it right one of these days.
>Raggar Beardhelm
It'll do
what you are not comprehending is that there's a reason for bringing up mobile gaming and that it's directly relevant to the thread, the reason being that my argument is based on it
how can apple compete
By any business standard, Apple would have been liquidated in 1997. But sure, keep buying into the idea that Steve Jobs magically saved the company by pulling world-changing innovation out of the ether and not because his close friend kept the company on life support with his personal funds.
why is the chin on the bottom instead of the top?
The counter argument is that you're totally off topic and don't know HOW TO FUCKING READ!!
Kys you stupid nigger.
source? iqdb has nothing
how is it off topic if directly challenges what OP wrote, it's literally just the reasoning for why OP is wrong and why the Switch is not killed by iPhone X
it's not off topic at all, you're displaying an ironic lack of comprehension
>iPhone X
>Xbox One X
makes on ponder.
>1000 fucking dollars
are you fucking serious
It can't even kill Samsung
>why is the chin on the bottom instead of the top?