Vidya girls thread

Vidya girls thread


What the hell were they thinking when they drew that tail...

why is her shit twisting like that

is that pooper

>that tail


>BBRRA--no. you know what? this isn't even worth a brap post. what the fuck is that tail? why does she look so awkward?

that's not where the tail goes

that is a tail, right?

why is she pooping like a fish?

Is it supposed to be a tail butt plug or a fuzzy turd? Either way BRAAAAAAAPPPFFTT

I really can't be arsed to brownpost again

It's a buttplug


>There are still artists that don't know where a tailbone is

its a buttplug alright. that poor girl needs more fiber in her diet before her anus prolapses.

>Underage virginfags still browsing Sup Forums who dont know what a buttplug tail is

Okay. Let me try again.

What the hell were they thinking when they drew that butt plug?

damn didn't know mods allow scat on Sup Forums

brown posting is best posting

>calls someone underage virginfag
>closely examines a shit hentai pic
>it's clearly not a buttplug even because the drawing starts on the asscheek
>posts LoL hentai crop
LOL yeah

I love Fuuka


that tail looks like shit

You're the only one.

thread is gold have a (you)

Fuck off beaner.

thats a loong poop

This guy gets it