Worst reloads in video games

Worst reloads in video games
Why doesn't gordon cock the chamber? It just slides itself.

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every game that has a shotgun, and the reload animation is to put 2 shells into it, then magically it has 12 rounds in the mag

This isn't true.

that is not even on camera in game

>game has shotgun
>long ass reload animation has character put 6 shells into it
>even if you only shoot once

>not having 200 fov

>It just slides itself.
Pistols have a slide release for a reason.

ever heard of "slide release"?
Heck, some guns even have an AUTOMATIC slide release, activated by inserting a fresh magazine.

pretty much how all modern pistols work user

All of the reload animations in FO4 are absolute dogshit, especially the pipe guns

Can we all just agree that Valve is just shit as making animations for weapons.


he clearly doesn't function the slide release.

>change mag
>just flick the old one away
>seemingly unlimited new full mags to replace it with

It irks me.. when will devs realize that there is a lot of fun and challenge involved with ammo management.

>arrow texting outside Sup Forums

not unless you're playing ARMA

Gamebryo can't do those reloads properly. Even in new vegas they spent a shitload of time trying to make it work and they're still buggy

not every game is arma... yet

>cock the chamber

what did they mean by this?

>when will devs realize that there is a lot of fun and challenge involved with ammo management.
There really isn't. It's tedious and unfun.


Like said: automatic slide releases.
It's AYYLMAO technology to boot.

RE4 does it, and I know I've played a few other games that do it.

>t. brainlet

Post the fucking SMG one where he just slaps the gun and it magically has bullets again.

Fuck off.

>randomly generated filename
kill yourself reddit

>cock the chamber

yeah if you don't know what you're talking about don't pretend to know what you're talking about

it's called a slide release

>double barrel shotgun
>shoot 1 shell
>character empties the second barrel and puts two shells in again

>arrow texting
>not meme arrowing

Let's count the ways this is wrong
>Southpaw rifle for a right handed person
>Load from the ejection port when there's already a round chambered
>Load it when the ejection port is closed
>Put in 5 rounds just to eject one
>Put in 5 rounds but only load one bullet

Side by side and over unders automatically eject both shells upon break retard.

You don't just pull the shells out.

Reloading an empty machine gun mag... but mag still has bullets in them.

I fucking hate this trope.
>far cry 2
>shoot double barrel
>shoots both rounds at once
>it only counts as one round expended

>cock the chamber
you clearly have no idea what you are talking about
either his index finger released the slide lock or inserting the mag releases it automatically thanks to future magic

Please post that webm with a guy throwing a handful of shells at his weapon.

>Double barrel shotgun
>Fire one shot
>Animation shows the PC put their finger on the unfired shot and replacing the used one


my brain did not need this today

looks perfectly fine to me

ah bethesda

completely incompetent in everything they do.

>Ejection is on the right
For what purpose? Realistically, you're going to burn your face from the bullet shells


stop playing their games then

>fire one barrel
>character locks thumb over the unspent cartridge while he ejects the spent one

The scope doesn't allow the use of stripper clips in Springfields


oh hey todd, didn't see you behind that blade of gras


... detachable magazine on a kar98??

anyone have the webm of payday 2 over/under shotgun?

Depends on the style of shooter.

It can really add to the intensity if shit is hitting the fan and you reload only to find you're out of fresh mags and the one you loaded only has 3 rounds left.
It's like having a save with 1HP and a big fight in the room ahead. The demand for absolute focus makes it super intense.

what the fuck is this

that would be a trench magazine

Nothing makes sense anymore.

good game design


He means why does the slide move back on it's own as if the magazine were empty?

MGSV actually didn't do this. You'd only load in 1 new shell if one shot was all you fired.

Trench magazine is non-detachable.

Nobody cares you fucking americautist.

t. eurocuck

The state of the Fallout series

then how'd they get it on bitch

>scorn animation testing

>double barrel shotgun
>character doesn't manipulate break lever
>action just opens by yanking the barrels down

You disassemble the gun and replace the internal mag with the trench mag

Well shit you got me.


name of the mod?

the slide is already racked, he just has to release it to chamber a round, which he does
never post on my board again

what game

on the other hand what are some top tier animations

modded New Vegas

it's boring now i've seen it so much

dunno how about one that doesn't have the ejection port on the left side of the gun when you hold it with your right

>100 fps


Todd strikes again

i dont know anything about guns but shouldn't the bullets eject out the other side (ie. not in front of your fucking face)?


you have to half cock the hammer on a single action revolver to spin the cylinder. check mate christfags

it was made on purpose that way because the dude who modeled it or the main dev was left handed

are we all just going to pretend that the animator thought the forward assist was the charging handle


ITT: Idiots not knowing how guns work.

Go vote for Bernie or something.

It's a weapon for lefties wielded by a rightie.
t. /k/

I think that's a balance thing. Why take a shotgun where, once you've expended all your shells, you'll be stuck reloading each shell individually before your back to maximum loadout when you can just have some kind of rifle with a quick magazine change?

Certainly not that.

Well in fairness that IS the loading gate on the left he's putting it in. Ejection port is on the left side though.

And the hammer extender is probably on the wrong side for right handed use.

And everything else is right.

>pulling the forward assist
Even to this day almost every single Valve reload animation has something slightly wrong with it. There's like 3 gun reloads in CSGO where there's not at least something to nitpick about, it's like they do it on purpose.

no they don't
some models have ejectors, most models have extractors, which simply pulls the shell up so it can be grabbed

but it's way more aesthetic?

But that doesn't make any sense because if a left handed person wanted to load that gun, presuming you're loading rounds in through that port under the ejection port, you'd have to put it in your right hand load it with your left. That's fucking retarded.

>And everything else is right.
By that I mean you're right about everything else being fucked up.

End of the firing animation. That shit doesn't just magically trigger and a guarantee there is a separate animation for partial reloads.


Then why do they also make shotguns completely underpowered from what they are in real life.