Why are Japanese games trying to be Western now?

Breath of the Wild, Resident Evil 7, etc.

they want to make money

zelda 1 was open world.

Resident Evil was always western, given that it's premise is drawn from western horror movies.

7 just happened to pick Texas Chainsaw Massacre as the inspiration card this time.

in case you missed the note, western devs have only been copying Japanese for years.

What constitutes being a western game?
terrible mechanics?
walking simulators?
forced dialogue?

Zelda's been western since day one, where have you been?

Because weebs are gross and nobody respects them

Being fun, mostly.

Loving every laugh. Nonlinear isn't the same as open world -- scale is important too. I could make a game consisting of just one screen and you'd call it open world if you could visit the corners in any order you wish.

"We're taking inspiration from Zelda 1" is just marketing speak to disguise the fact that BotW draws far more from the latest Ubisoft title than it does from other Zelda games. Even Zelda 1 had dungeons and new tools to acquire.

Those have both been trying to be western since they started.

Let me guess, Metal Gear Solid is in your list, too, OP?

>open world cooking hunting climbing survival game with checklist objectives

The only reason it's not on Steam is because it's not realy access.

Monster Hunter was always westernesque back then. They're just glad to go back to being westernesque after being put throught weebifying wringer that is the Cross subseries.

Actually, yes. I forgot to add that, thanks.


yeah it just got too weeby for me, they need to tone down the silliness and remove the cats

Boy you sure are fuckin stupid

Zelda 1 was about as open world as a NES game could be m8

Because Japanese games suck, man.

I'm playing BotW with Japanese audio and it doesn't feel western at all :)

has a Western studio ever made an open world game with cartoon graphics?

Why are Zelda, Metal Gear, and Resident Evil the best game series?

That N64 game Space Harvest whatever it was
Crackdown had cel-shading
Saints Row has humans, but they're pretty much cartoon characters
Sunset Overdrive

Metal Gear Solid 3

RE was all cawadoodie since the fourth, they have gone back to the roots with 7

Resident Evil was inspired by zombie B movies, but the gameplay core and environments and atmosphere were very Japanese.

The series got fully Eastern with RE4.

>The series got fully Eastern with RE4.
I meant fully western.

They always tried to be western.

Maybe good gameplay philosophies are universal, and this whole East Versus West mentality is retarded and arbitrary.

Ever think about that shit?

Of course not. Because this is Sup Forums, and there always has to be a fucking implied argument in the OP if you want those delicious (you)s.

Metal Gear Solid
Dark Souls
Final Fantasy

3 still had the Japanese weirdness, and PW too, if you count the J-Pop music and the homosexuality in the Japanese-only sauna tape found in GZ

RE was heavily inspired by Alone In The Dark user.

"About as open world as an NES game could be" is entirely different from modern open world games. It shouldn't be a shock to you that some genres didn't exist back when technology couldn't handle them.