Final Fantasy XIV: Storm Blood or Black Desert Online

Hey Sup Forums, I need some help.

I want to start playing a decent MMO, and these 2 are the only good? ones I've found.

What do you guys advise me?


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One is a good game.

The other isn't.

BDO has excellent gameplay, but it's a GRINDY AS FUCK korea-mmo. Okay community, comfy housing, excellent combat that no other MMO comes close to, alright story.

XIV is just a slightly better WoW.

They're both shit.


I guess you're referring to FF as good?

There's nothing "good" about BDO (maybe the char creator but that's it), trust me, go ahead and buy it, you may have fun for like a week or a month. But once you realize how shallow it is you'll regret it.

I played it for 3 months hardcore, I wish I didn't.

>BDO has excellent gameplay
>but it's just like my japanese action games
No, it has action combat. That's it. The enemies are still your typical mmo mods that exist to be aoe'd.

BDO is pointless grinding garbage glued together with barebones exploration, with however pretty cities and a relatively interesting lore.

XIV is FFXI and WoW mixed into one, except taking away whatever made either of those games good, then glued together with fanservice about every other FF game because XIV has no soul of its own and is just a giant cesspool of unfun copypasting of concepts.

If you have to trudge through garbage, play GW2, TERA or Blade and Soul. None of them are good, but at least they have thing to be scavenged out of them.

I bought BDO for $6 when it came to steam. It was a waste of money.

>play GW2, TERA or Blade and Soul
Or just don't play any of them because they're all shit.

For $5, a month of entertainment is still insanely good.

Oh yeah OP don't forget that there is no subscription fee.

FF14 is your traditional MMO, with dungeons, raids, and other standard things.

BDO is more combat and grinding, has no dungeons or raids, just kind of big boss fights and a more intricate market/crafting system. Game is totally P2W though.

Crafting in bdo is dog shit
>alright, I want to make a table for my house.
>first you have to hire a worker
Fuck off.

FFXIV has a free trial up to level 35.

Doesn't matter. BnS and Tera both have eventually good action combat that, unlike in BDO, does kick in by having dungeons, """"raids"""" and world enemies that defer to some cooperation and deliver some manner of enjoyment through its action combat.

And GW2, for its horrible handling, has excellent exploration and platforming with pretty good voice acting and an incoming expansion.

Yeah it's cheap because it's a trap, no pets means you're extremely gimped in money making, no weight increase is a kick to the nuts, no maid means you have to be stuck to the AH whenever a notice pops up, no premium fuck your inventory and weight and some other inconveniences.

Yeah you could buy "some" of those before through the market, but ever since the server merge it's impossible to get a pet, value packs are kinda hard. Outfits for non popular classes are almost non existant.

Except if you don't get the monthly packages of "optional" boost and pets worth about 40 extra bucks, your life in-game is hell and you will not be accepted into parties because of it. Whoopsie!

>And GW2, for its horrible handling, has excellent exploration and platforming with pretty good voice acting

FF is just story focused WoW with same gameplay same grind, extremely shitty PVP, but cute races and 1000 times more thirsty ERPfags.

BDO is a korean grindfest with pretty graphics, action combat, shit PVP, shit PVE, and some good ideas here and there.

I think overall I enjoyed my time playing FF14 even though it's really content starved and I absolutely hated being in a "static" to do end game content. BDO seems like a suicide inducing grindfest. If you have no life already just play dota or something.

It does. If it isn't your thing in an MMO that's perfectly valid. But it does.

I do play dota - actually it's my most played game - but I want to have some fun playing a MMO. It's a shame there isn't one out there.

I suggest Path of Exile instead
Covers all my mmo autistic needs, without without the mandatory daly bullshit or gating of content behind lockouts.

Only sucky part is the fashion that's mostly walled behind a paywall, but I'd rather take that over any f2p korean mmo or casual sub mmo.

You forget the part that it looks and plays like an outdated 20 year old abortion and offers no character customization or choice at all, which is kind of key.


After playing 200+ mmos looking good is the least of my concerns, shit gets old sooner or later, the grind and the gameplay is what keeps me hooked.

If all you want is eyecandy I don't see why you would complain about any of the existing mmos then, plenty to choose from.

Because I enjoy a healthy middle point where gameplay and setting are properly tended to equally to make an experience out of it, not a looping mashup of ugly half-baked Diablo ripoffs..
If I wanted to look at spreadsheets and floaty numbers, I'd just play EVE online.

go back to wow where you came from then

I like PoE but I don't think it would be any better to sink large amount of time in. Whereas in MMO the end game content is playing the game in path it's speculative trading and gambling. You can have reasonable amount of fun at the start of every league but that's about it for most people. I would rather play the game than play

> We are pleased to announce that the 14-day limitation on the Free Trial has been removed and the adventure can continue for as long as you want!

Only if you promise to stay in the ugly cage and stay there as you were expected to.

do you want to play slightly different WoW or black desert?

Secret world legends may be worth it for a while.Great story and Lore, plus you can get through the entire game solo if your the anti social type.

Just got re,released about about 2 months ago.

path of exile is not mmo, stop this shitty meme

I havent played a second of stormblood but I have played black desert and I come here to warn you about that piece of shit.

It starts out all great with a nice variety of classes that all do damage their own way with their own flashy moves. The character editor is awesome and you can make some pretty cute sluts. At first the game is disjointed since new XP curves make you outgrow the main questline pretty quickly but in the end it comes together and farming is smooth as butter. Then the game starts crumbling. Gear upgrades start to become pretty obscene in what you have to do and all classes end up being AOE particle effect shitstorms made to grind through endless waves of shitty targets. You have to pay for pets that loot for you since looting yourself is a chore (since you always AOE each group you clear requires you to loot 15+ corpses). You then also notice some other premium shop items are pretty good since they help you with cutting down on grinding. Which is the entire endgame, grinding. This is so you can upgrade your gear. Gear upgrades at first are just simple dicerolls you can do without too much of a pain due a nice failsafe luck system. Then you get to the later parts where you have to fail on purpose to get failsafe stacks to increase your chance of upgrading a good piece of armor (since every failure will deal durabnility damage which is worth millions) and even later gear can downgrade. Meaning you can spend a month grinding maths and then running it into the ground in one big gear upgrade session that leaves you with worse gear than you started with.

If you have money left and you want to ERP with korean cartoon tittymonsters black desert is your game. If you want to play it you have to dedicate 8 hours of grinding per day and at least a 100 bucks of initial premium shop investment.

I'm happy where I am, you clearly are not, who is laughing now anime kid

I played the first one but I didn't like the combat so I dropped it after a couple weeks. Has that been changed at all?

They changed the combat and they changed the way equips work (you get equips for finishing missions and you fuse them together to level them up). They ditched the ability wheel and added a level system, but you'll hit 50 at around valley of the sun god and everythings gear based after that.

Some missions got cut and some got shuffled into being mandatory as part of the main story.

Theres a new tutorial at the start before the old tutorial as well, so you can give it a go.

Storywise it's up to the first part of Tokyo with the second to drop in a week or two. Supposedly in the new year we'll get proper new content (hinted to be congo) if the game survives. They've been posting the company shareholders reports on reddit and according to that it's doing better than they expected so we might actually get that far.

There isn't even a comparison between. They're nothing alike.

And what's your point exactly?

try em both and see which one you like. BDO is like

How good is Redmage?
I'm probably coming back at the end of this month and really want to use my A8S chest piece as glamour. RDM is the only caster that interests me right now.

I know your pain amigo

I may give it a shot, thanks.

On paper it's the lowest DPS caster in another tier where ranged phys and melee are the most fashionable DPS comp, but it's extemely good for progression and very popular. It's very simple.

Really simple and flashy, has good damage and dispenses rezzes better than healers. Along with Black Mage it's one of my favorite DPS classes.

Has a heavy focus on story and atmosphere, but the gameplay is very casual ever since +2.3. You literally get the second best gear set in the game for just beating the story, which consists of going from point A to B. There's nothing to do after beating the story, apart from doing 1 raid. You'll beat the game and reach max level in 1 day and another two days for the addons.

>Black Desert
Very good character customization. Heavy gameplay focus that plays more like a fighting game. Technically infinite levels to grind, a level 59 vs a level 60 is a huge difference in PvP. Very little story. Gear has to be earned through hundred of hours. Grinding levels from 61 to 62 takes 2-3 months with 6 hours of gameplay every day. Auction house is price fixed by the developers (You cannot sell items for more than X or less than Y). There are other ways to enjoy the game, such as going fishing and cross the deep sea or becomming a trader with your own caravan, but it all feels very samey and some stuff like crafting a big ship takes 2 weeks where you cannot go offline. Game is also pretty much free to play forever if you can reach level 30 before the end of the trial (Takes a hour to reach for advanced players).

TL;DR If you want to immerse yourself with a decent story, play FFXIV. If you're looking for good gameplay and a hardcore/autistic playerbase, play Black Desert.

I wish they didn't add character levels to Secret World Legends. I loved TSW, but copying WoW by going the 1-60 route and forcing players to do quests linearily was probably the worst thing they could've done for their relaunch.

>Good combat and gameplay

No? Gameplay boils down to running around for fetchquests like any other MMO except here you don't have dungeons/raids/good world bosses to keep you interested. Combat also boils down to spamming your AoE on retarded mobs. PvP is just abusing server desync as the most OP class (Witch).

>Heavy gameplay focus that plays more like a fighting game.
t. person who has never seen a fighting game

PoE is a spreadsheet simulator.

I'm not kidding either.

I can't speak for ffiv, but I play BDO. Don't do it.

My only problem with BDO is that it's not an MMO. Everything in the game is designed to encourage single player grinding at best, staying away from other groups at worst.

For example the crafting and trading system is all automated. Your character / workers all craft everything and due to no direct player trading you just buy shit you need directly off of the auction house or farm them yourself and once you're done you throw it up on the auction house for other faceless people to buy. You can't really travel with other people since caravans/wagons/horses don't allow anyone else to sit in with you. Grinding mobs is mostly a solo thing since you actually lose EXP with a group of more than two (with very few exception grinding spots). There's no raids so there's no co-op except world bosses, but even then they're just a mass of hundreds of people swarming around a boss and zerging it down with no regards for teamplay or mechanics. The game even has an AFK feature where you can minimize it so it farms/grinds for you.

BDO is literally a shitty work simulator disguised as an MMO. I spent over a hundred hours in it before realizing my mistake so don't follow in my footsteps, OP.

Antiquated class gear hasn't been second best since just after the expansion, and it only falls further behind with each major patch. A player starting in 4.2 or 4.3 (as opposed to 4.0) won't be able to do expert roulette or newer ex primals in antiquated gear as they won't meet the ilvl.

>>BDO is literally a shitty work simulator disguised as an MMO. I spent over a hundred hours in it before realizing my mistake so don't follow in my footsteps, OP.

Play Guild Wars 2
This guy gives some good reasons

GW2 is complete garbage

How's the playerbase and cash shop?


Think of the worst lore an MMO can have.

Guild Wars 2 has worse.

Plus, its gameplay is boring af.

Play stormblood for excellent gear design.

Guy with time investment in BDO here

>Hurr its Pay2win
Not really

The real problem with BDO is that the combat system is fucking amazing but PVE Will be you spamming AOEs and PVP is a case of who gets the stunlock first

But the absolute game breaker for BDO is the aunction house. Its dev controlled so that you will never make a profit. Say for example you find a niche in the market with high demand and no supply, so you get those items and put them up. WELP. You'll never be able to put them up for more than chump change because the devs put a cap based on the items value. So even if someone out there is willing to pay 10 jillion gold for it. You can only charge 7 copper MAX. Oh and no player trading is allowed. You can only exchange goods through the auction house

>The real problem with BDO is that the combat system is fucking amazing but PVE Will be you spamming AOEs and PVP is a case of who gets the stunlock first
Combat system is nothing amazing. It's like a tech showcase that wasn't handled properly beyond what's visible on the first glance. Horrible enemy design just kills it faster.

>maybe the char creator
The creator is god tier.

>excellent combat that no other MMO comes close to
TERA says hi, you should try it out even though you missed out on the period when the game actually had worthwhile content to use the outstanding combat on.

Nothing amazing in comparison to the industry as a whole? Sure. Compared to other MMOS which are stuck in the age of hotkeys and tab targeting? Its basically the best combat in the genre bar none. But the devs don't build combat around using it. You just spam down everything with AOEs

Stop playing MMOs and go play fighting games. Blazblue Central Fiction has a new balance patch and character coming out in ~
8 hours

Tera has some old boring combat but instead of havin an auto attack you spam M1

>play fighting game
>Other guy abuses cheap shit to win
>Entire community does the same
>Uninstaill because I have scruples and wont abuse the cheap shit

obvioulsy wow is the best moo there is and legion is awesome

I played BDO and it loses it's charm once you near max level and can't die or lose a billion percent progress toward your next one.
Also, BDO has P2W korean regrading.

FFXIV seems alright. Haven't played it, tho.

>Play fighting game
>Make excuses for why you lost that has nothing to do with your own incompetence
>Act like you are superior and take your leave before people call you out on being the scrub that you are

>4 lalafells on the promotional tabs in log-in screen
Why do they keep pandering to this shit race? At this rate we're going to whole expansion dedicated to those midget down syndrome dick suckers.

There there user, there's no need to try so hard. Have a (You) on the house.

>Can't win without abusing cheap shit
>Thinks he's good

Honestly I'd say BnS is better only if because timing and mechanics come into play. In BDO you just spam the same rotation over and over again like any other MMO.

>>>Hurr its Pay2win
>Not really
if you forget the part a nonpayer gets 30% less of auctions, doesnt have pets and gets way worse returns on AFK moneymaking.

There are very few instances of things being cheap in fighting games. But by all means, go ahead and keep making excuses so you don't have to learn or improve on anything.

I'm not sure what you mean, that's exactly what I did in BnS and it's what made me quit the game. Having no global cooldowns or anything to really manage just made it feel like I was continously mashing my keyboard and on a fast track to carpral tunnel syndrome.

Although that was for PvE, PvP was quite alright.

What cheap things are you thinking of here? I mean there's a huge difference between "Wow this guy is spamming hadokens and I can't deal with it, what a cheap loser!" and getting wombo comboed by Kokonoe in Chrono Phantasma. Or just plain playing MvC.