What's happening at Naughty Dog?

What's happening at Naughty Dog?

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Too many internal memos about conduct.

Hopefully dying, I have never seen a developer so pretentious and up it's own ass like modern Naughty Dog.

Purging itself of white males

Probably finally making way for the new diversity hires. Who needs more boring games made by the same boring old white males?

Why should anyone give a shit about their personality and not the ability of making great games?

Maybe they're finally sick of making cinematic third-person cover shooters?

The success of Crash made them realize they've been doing nothing for the last 15 years

Former employee here.

Essentially the old guard who made the classic games you love are being shunned by the politically correct masses that make up the design staff there.

Essentially these newer people want to push political agendas into their products rather than continue to make great games.

The goy purge

my uncle works for Sony and he says you're a faggot


Even if you never actually worked there, that does seem to be the case for a lot of places these days

If he did he would immediately be fired. You can't work for Sony and be against LGBT issues.

The "old guard" are long gone. Pretty much everyone there started during or after the PS3 era, and almost none from the PS1 days.


Non-Jewish white guy. Had to go.


Neil Druckmann is a faggot and people are either leaving willingly to go work at other companies to get away from him or they're getting fired either because they disagree with his decisions or to make room for minorities.

if you got paid well why would you continue to work for 12 hours a day?

Big loss given he worked on all the best games, but still, Lost Legacy was pretty good from ND B-Team.
We'll see if the Progressive Team make TLoU2 into anything good soon.

>tfw want modern Naughty Dog to die, but also want TLOU2
I don't know how to feel.

Too many white males

>I want TLOU2

Trust me... you don't.

>Sup Forums now cries after uncharted and tlou

political hell

>dumb Sup Forumstards who barely play video games pretend Naughty Dog is just NOW ruined because muh SJWs

The corporate structure of Sony has way more to do with ND's creative bankruptcy than your half-baked politics.


Niel Druckmann has single-handedly tossed out all of their past achievements pre-TLOU and has been remolding the company into producing AAA Hollywood-style action movies. All of the people who have had some form of creativity have been getting the cold shoulder as he insists on removing any semblance of non-realistic fantasy or abstraction whatsoever, as seen by how both of his Uncharted games are far more closely grounded in "reality" and bogged down by braindead filler sections. The fact that Uncharted 4's puzzles consist of clicking on things until the partner npc progresses the game for you or involve something that is already solved for you just proves this point.

You're the only one bringing up pol and sjw, shitposter. Stay assblasted.

I'm not crying about them, and I'm Sup Forums. At least, you'd assume I was if we were in a thread I'd started.

>jew becomes CEO
>jewish things happen

who'd a thunk it

The corporate structure of Sony IS SJWs. There's a reason shit like the Ghostbusters remake or Uncharted Lost Legacy happen.

Druckmann happaned.

I'm looking forward to seeing which game will sink them. I'm guessing TLOU2 is too far along to be ruined, so it'll probably be whatever comes after that, maybe Uncharted 5.

>Why should anyone give a shit about their personality and not the ability of making great games?
Social Justice says otherwise, in fact the majority of the industries have already shifted away from prioritizing talent and skill to move onto employing people that they can use to market as being the face of the company.
That's why you always see that group photo shit where they're going all like "check out how diverse and shit we all are tee hee!"

Niel cuckmann became the head director of the company. He doesn't own it or run it but he has a lot of here-say with what happens and who to hire/fire.

>She(male) defend ths SJW corporate of SONY

At least we have the based jap developers who dont care about numales minories

>Too far along to be ruined

That was the original. 2 was ruined from it's inception.

You'll see when it comes out.

who could it be

This, they want to be Bioware of Playstation.


Will literally happen after TLoU2 when they presumably are forced to make a new IP and it has the same polish as Andromeda

Have any of you cock monglers actually read his goodbye letter?

>I’m leaving Naughty Dog with the strongest team it’s ever had, and that’s saying a lot.

Then why are you leaving? He opted not to work on The Last of Us 2. Let's be honest, the guy sees the direction Naughty Cuck is going in and doesn't want to end up like those twats Ray and Greg who practically fled their own company BioWare when the Great SJWing occurred in the game industry.


Better to leave on politically correct good terms than to be taken for a helicopter ride for being a cis gendered white male.

>the strongest team it’s ever had
Lel, no.

Druckman has already said that TLOU2 is going to reflect HIS political views. Forget about it

To be fair, I don't think even the most radical sjw could keep a straight face after witnessing Wu's "work"

This wouldn't be so much of a problem if literally all but one of the senior staff at ND hadn't left in the last 2 years. There's quite obviously a problem there somewhere.

I wonder if cinema also had this phase where everybody was trying to change the world with movies filled with politics

Maybe someone offered him a opportunity to make an actual movie?

SJW bullshit comes first now, with everything else being an afterthought. Straley didn't want that and left.sound cardgna

Actual former employee here.

Naughty Dog is built around a culture of crunch. I was there for three years and it's crushing to work 60+ hour work-weeks, all the time. They go up past 100 for the couple months leading up to release. It's much worse than your average game studio. Straley probably felt his social life and his physical body slip away, as I did. Druckman is like a machine. He's probably never going to leave because he doesn't need sleep.


They might have their wish come true and become Bioware Montreal at this rate

Yeah, the problem is simple:

>be white guy
>make games that people love since the 90's
>industry gets infested with neon haired cunts and subhuman balding manlets with no skill
>gameplay is now secondary to political agenda and diversity quotas
>see other companies in the industry spiraling down the drain
>know it's time to get the fuck out before your name gets tainted

Just look at the last statement the man made

> I don’t have anything to announce just yet, but I look forward to the discovery and to sharing it with you all soon
>You can keep a lookout for any announcements on my Twitter: @bruce_straley

The man is desperately fleeing. He doesn't care that he doesn't have work lined up, he's just desperately fleeing before he gets stuck in the next project that shits the bed like The Lost Legacy did and like their next dyke simulator The Last of Us 2 will.

It's always funny reading a 12 year old's take on why middle age people leave companies. Keep it coming Sup Forums.

Idk but I'm starting to connect the dots and I have a theory coming together

Bruce is a fucking legend I will miss him
Still hyped for new ND stuff tho since last legacy was great even without Neil and Bruce

But they did Jak before uncharted
>Crash is forced to be sold off because the IP isn't owned by you and goes through hell until the remaster
>give jak to your fired/quit devs who make a piece of shit
>uncharted's writer leaves
>druckman was good with TLoU but sucks with everything else

>Two unrelated statements
>Implying some kind of causal link
Wu is the gift that keeps on giving.

jew takeover

this israeli pushed out the original writer of uncharted

Half of this fucking thread is you goddamn Sup Forums retards making this all about his fucking race
Yea he got fired because he's a WHITE MALE, of fucking course
Stop projecting your nonsense onto everything
They would not fire a man who literally made them superstars, he made their best and most successful games you fucking moron
God we really should ban you Sup Forums retards, you ruined this place

Pretty much this. Tons of people left during or right after Uncharted 4 development because they saw the direction the company was going.

This sounds like the most realistic reason in this thread, but don't tell the Sup Forumsacks, it doesn't fit their agenda

Hopefully dying.

Antisemitism from another goobergobber. Wow, just wow.

Maybe you're a little too old for Sup Forums, gramps.

>you ruined this place

This pigshit board was terrible before Sup Forums existed you underage faggot.

oh god you'll probably be fighting infected Trump

Bruce here. Fuck off, Neil.

>tfw all the good people involved with early naughty dog left

There is a book written about this, Bruce had to LIVE IN A HOTEL for a year when making Uncharted 4
He wasn't getting any sleep
He didn't want to work on the game and Amy did an awful job on it
ND are just perfectionists to the highest degree, Bruce might be a legend but he is just a man
Druckmann is like this unstoppable machine, the man hated working on Uncharted 4 but it was still such an amazing game

Friendly reminder, top brass always flees the sinking ship before it goes off the rails retarded. Just look at Twitter; right before they turned into the internet thought police banning accounts of right-wingers, their top level execs ran for the hills, today their stock is a joke and Twitter has been exposed as a silicone valley outfit of libtard demagogues.




you nerds will lose sleep at night thinking this is true

They're probably getting ready to make their next movie.

Well, US cinema had tons of mainstream patriotic, even nationalistic, films throughout the second world war and the red scare. And obviously wouldn't really allow any films that weren't sufficiently and explicitly not pro-communist. And blacklisted many creators simply because they might possibly not have been patriotic and anti-communist enough. So I guess that's a bit of a parallel.

I've known fat guys who love Donut Drake and were pissed it was taken out. it's always the SJWs who try to stick up for people who never even fucking asked for it.

I did it ((((:

Get bent faggot I'll post whatever I want.

Fuck off if you hate free speech so much

>y-you hate free speech
No I hate idiots like you that ruin this board

Neil Cuckman strikes again

>Former employee here.
If you're really a former employee, tell me what happened with Amy. Until then piss off

There's a book on this, it's already known what happened in detail

Choice image for the article

Happens to many companies eventually. The more they grow the more corporate they become until all the creative talent is stifled out.

See Rareware, Bungie, Westwood...

>There's a book on this
No there isn't, because Amy and ND signed non-disparagement NDAs

shut up nerd you don't know shit


how is that post in any way anti-semitic? if anything you're being anti-semitic for painting an innocent observation as being a bad reflection of jews being jews.

Fuck off, poltard.

t. 13 year old who came here in 2016

>They would not fire a man who literally made them superstars
Haha, you'd be surprise how self-centered and unappreciative people can be. Especially petty people with big ambitions. The amount of abuse the truly talented get in these corporate structures is mindboggling sometimes.

I mean ffs if you're a gamer you have already seen so many good things ruined out of nothing but greed and stubbornness. It's the rule, not the exception, that a succesful videogame franchise gets ruined. How can you disbelieve something you have already seen happen countless times?

Kill yourself. YOU are the Sup Forumstard you so despise. I bet you post there to shitpost and troll, just like every other whiner.

Anti-pol are just as bad as pol.

This actually. Bruce has not been working full time on anything in the studio since before Niel took over director for U4.

Remember, boys, whenever the (((shills))) start distracting by calling everyone Sup Forums, it means they're trying to derail the thread because they don't want you to talk about the thread topic.

People are fleeing from Naughty Dog for a reason and The Lost Legacy perfectly encapsulates why.

We already did that in the first game.

I really want to like Tlou2 and hope druckmann doesn't shoe horn some preachy dyke shit into the storyline. I don't care if ellie is a lesbo but don't politicize it too much for brownie points. I'm still hopeful there will be some unexpected shocking shit thrown that rattles everyone.

im a liberal and even I can accept this as fact.
a lot of companies are clearing white males to make room for diversity hires
look at mass effect andromeda or horizon zero dawn or the last of us or what is shaping up to be the god of war reboot.
Sony studios are under hostile takeover by extremist sjws



Who's expense would we be laughing at for picking the biggest target available for multiplayer, the same multiplayer where you can kill somebody and dab on their corpse?