For those who don't know, Bruce has been with Naughty Dog since Crash Team Racing. He directed Uncharted 2 and TLoU, and co-directed Uncharted 4.

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So nothing of value, etc.

>TLoU, and co-directed Uncharted 4.
nothing of value was lost

He was the only non-SJW non-leftie person left at Naughty Dog so he was probably bullied/forced to leave.
So only Jews, feminists, and SJW lefties are left at Naughty Dog now.

more obsessed than europe with america

Now he will join Amy and make the best Star Wars game. pls happen

TLoU 2 is going to be an absolute shitshow and I'm SO fucking ready for it.

>muh SJW drama

>implying it fucking matters when every master baiter and salty mustard will start throwing shit months in advance

>this is the guy who replaced him
You can't make this shit up

citation or shut the fuck up

tired of seeing these troll-tier assumptions thrown around

>Uncharted 2 and TLoU
Woah, he's in charge and delivers a good game interesting
>co-directed Uncharted 4
Has to share responsibility and delivers a mediocre game

Looks like trash is on the menu bois

>replaced by a jew

really fires up my ovens

Unlike the other higher ups at Naughty Dog, he never talked about politics or publicly supported Anita.
Unlike Druckmann, he mostly talks about gameplay in his interviews and he keeps low profile despite being the director of a very popular normie game.
The game he directed (without Druckmann co-directing) never had SJW propaganda.

that game probably wont come out until episode 9.
seems like they are taking their sweet ass time with it because they want to wait and see what direction the star wars movies are going first and play off of that.

and im sure everything has to be rewritten so the main character is no longer a guy but a trans(girl)

>SJW (short Jewish weirdo)
What the fuck?

Who cares anymore ?
Everybody knows what shit Naughty Dog is nowadays.

Neil "Makes Games for Retards" Druckmann

A lot of important people sure have left since I showed up. I guess that means I'll just have to keep making games for you :)

Really gets the noggin joggin.

>short jewish wierdo

I can't wait for TLoU2 to be full of smug propaganda.

Every time.

imagine being jewish and having no one take what you do seriously because of your ethnicity

It's funny because Sony is quietly shifting all power to Japan again and turning every western studio into tech farms for their Japanese devs.

Last year's PSX had all the media bitching about how it was 90% Japanese games. Meanwhile when Ace Combat came on there was a bunch of black dudes shouting

Imagine switching between white and jewish ethnicities to purport a sinister agenda.

>literally identifies himself as an SJW and short Jewish weirdo

You can't make this shit up!

So like... the opposite of what's happening here?

what agenda

Imagine if the Jews pulled off the greatest con in world history, hijacked western educational system, patent industies, and banks, and literally made it a crime to question their separatist tribe and all of its attempts at usury over the past 800 years

And with this, his complete takeover of Naughty Dog is done.
Next target: Kazuo Hirai - The CEO of Sony

How do we stop him bros?

he's not the ceo anymore.

why would you want to stop the death of sony?

*hand rubbing intensifies*

Naughty Dog hasn't really been worth paying attention to for years now anyways. Odds are the guy's moving on to greener pastures.


>Sup Forums tards freaking out over this coincidence

>wanting only Nintendo and MS

I'd hate to see the innerworkings of your mind.

The jews won.

Well i expect TLoU2 full os sjw shit, lesbian moments and progre drama accord with the new times of cuck western civilization.

The truly patrician option always will be jap developers

oh well, it's not like Naughty Dog has been any good in over a decade

Where will he go?

>Naughty Dog hasn't really been worth paying attention to for years
>guy's moving on to greener pastures
How can someone be THIS out of touch with reality? Please tell me you're joking.

Naughty Dog will be full of jews

>Sup Forums

why should they assimilate into western society

western society is shit and it always has been shit, good on them, good on the amish too

Why is Sup Forums satire turning into reality? It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Yikes well there goes what little hope I had for TLoU2.
Pretty sad to see one of the best companies be torn down like it has, although I've lived to see Capcom, and Konami as well.


Maybe it was real all along.


>Sup Forums is satire meme

but will TLoU 2 have good multiplayer again? don't even care about the story, but fuck -- online play ain't free anymore

spacing is how you're taught in school but knowing Sup Forums you're probably part of the generation that's used to twitter so you can't read anything that has more than 150 characters in it.

For a moment I got excited and I thought the cuck was the one getting fired, but no, it will just keep getting worse right?

>The jews won.
They won 72 years ago

>jew cinephile writer self-identifying as weird
TLoU 2 now w 2000% more ((((levity))))
How can the WEHOLLYWOODNAO AAA meme end?

>Sup Forums is always right
so true it's depressing

>merely a coincidence

Man if I could kill only one person it would be him.

Because we were right you fag

Oy vey, Neil Druckmann here, I've just ejected another cis gendered white male to make room for much needed diversity!

It's okay bro, we have japanese games now, we don't have to keep pretending Uncharted 4 and TLoU are good.


I wonder...

Diversity quotas include jews? Those faggots are the smartest in the planet, now they get a free pass even if they're white and cis.

they're not smart. they just keep relying on the same dumb white guilt trick, and it works every time.

>He directed Uncharted 2 and TLoU, and co-directed Uncharted 4.
good fucking riddance
>Well i expect TLoU2 full os sjw shit, lesbian moments and progre drama accord with the new times of cuck western civilization.
just like the original?
kill yourself

>Sup Forums doesn't realize we don't give a fuck about Uncharted or any of Naughty Dog's movies
>they astroturf anyway
same song and dance as far cry 5 it seems


>we keep telling Sup Forums to leave but they keep being right

NeoFag won

>they're not smart
>just purging every other white man from existence until all that's left is them
>and it works everytime

If Naughty Dog wasnt a Sony first party developer there wouldnt be multiple threads about this "news"

Why is Sup Forums only capable of talking about how much they hate Sony, how much they hate Capcom, or waifus

I saw a lengthy keynote presentation w/ Druckmann ages ago, talking about TLOU and the process from pitch to execution.

He knows his shit. He's legitimately a solid creative dude, based solely on his presentation; it seemed effortless to talk about his process and there was a clear logical flow. From what I can tell, his focus is exploring characters and pulling out their core, which obv worked for TLOU (try not to sperg).

Every interview since then has just been run of the mill standard industry speak. How the fuck do you all jump to conclusions about everything that happens behind closed doors? It's like you enjoy making up stories, no different from celebrity gossip, except he's not even famous. And then literal rejects start race-baiting, like shut the fuck up already and form your own opinions.

If you don't like his beard or the fact that he's Jewish, you've got issues. This is why virgins retain their chastity.


I like the fact that he regularly namechecks Fatal Frame 2 as the best survival horror game ever made.

This. ND already went bananas when they let Amy go. To this day i still don´t understand why they picked Duckmann over her. He is clearly ruining everything.

Jews constantly call for the destruction of whites.


Just because they have white traits doesn't make them any less Jewish, Just look at Rabi Druckmann. If he got a normal haircut and shaved his face, he would look like any other white guy, but he's constantly promoting SJW pig diarrhea.


>“I wish they hadn’t done that banner,” said Sam Stein
>sam (((stein)))

>makes zombie game

Go away before I throw salt at you, Jew!

He's gone batshit insane these days. He's so obsessed with becoming a prestigious film maker he's willing to completely bend over to liberal journalists that hate games to achieve that.

Old Naughty Dog is dead. Druckmann killed it.

i lack the autism to compile a bunch of posts and make a collage just to repost it when tlou 2 releases and it's a step down in every single way from the original except for character diversity

>it's another "Sup Forums gets butthurt over """"news""" nobody cares about" episode
go back to your containment board

Good, I for one intend to sit back and enjoy the show as they circle the drain like BioWare.

>Pokes fun of himself, Sup Forums still takes shots
It never ceases to astound me how horrible Sup Forums is.

Yeah he seems good at what he does, and there's an obvious driving talent behind it. There are people who absorb different forms of media, and then there are people who absorb and dissect and resorb. He really does know his shit, but we'll have to wait and see if TLOU2 characters are as strong as the first

reddit please go

about what?
if they were right, wouldn't they have started a coup in the gaming industry and we'd have 'glorious redpilled games'? seems to me like games will only continue getting more liberal and inclusive, and i don't give a fuck because they're not the only thing i invest my life in, and i have no problem with diversity either
t. been here since 2004, don't bother replying, i'll be smoking weed and watching rick and morty while talking to my girlfriend

>circle the drain
I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Are there really people stupid enough to think TLoU2 isnt going to sell 6-7mil mininum?


>not taking shots at someone with le ebin random humor while also labeling himself as a virtue signaling faggot
yeah, horrible

Isn't that Neil's gay lover?

>knows his shit
>regurgitates stale film tropes for people who don't know better
If TLoU's story/storytelling/characterization was impressive to you, you're one of those people.


>if they were right, wouldn't they have started a coup in the gaming industry and we'd have 'glorious redpilled games'? seems to me like games will only continue getting more liberal and inclusive, and i don't give a fuck because they're not the only thing i invest my life in, and i have no problem with diversity either

don't be extravagant here, their busy 24/7 schedule of whining about jews and niggers on blue boards prohibits them from being the change they want to see (making their own games)

Spicy as fuck mah dude. Druckmann is one of the few creatives that Sup Forums could learn a lot from. Even if you don't agree with his decision making, you can extract what your preference is and build from there. His process is sound. Unless you're just a consumer, then in which case continue whining about pretty much everything
How do you arrive at this conclusion?

>responding seriously
dum nigga