2 hours and 10 minutes bros
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I honestly hope they made Sticker Star 3. I want to see you guys break.
what's happening?
already confirmed for not going to return to the SS gameplay style fuckboy
PM+TTYD remaster pack being announced at the direct tonight.
>tfw you heard that Color Splash was originally supposed to be more like TYD but Miyamoto hated the idea of making TYD 2
What the fuck is his problem?
>le miyamoto is to blame
someone post the huge chart with the part where miyamoto specifically states he hates toad
is it gonna be rom for n64 or a patch? and where can we find it
I'm not gettin my hopes up
It's doubtful Ninty will touch the series for a while after how color splash flopped
It's pure wishful thinking, you mong.
what? it's a switch game. they're remaking the first 2 games.
are you retarded?
wow user this is shocking new information thanks for sharing it holy smokes
Leaked images of next paper mario. Dual release on mobile and switch
Didn't the devs confirm Paper Mario is just going to experimental now? It's not going to be like 64 or TTYD ever again.
no u
all they said was that they weren't going back to stickerstar gameplay for a 3rd time and that they would look at other gameplay styles aside from stickerstar for future games. they also said a remake/remaster of 1 and 2 are possible depending on fan demand.
That would suck
even Kirby is getting a return to form with the new one. I really hate when they gut something so nice for the sake of experimenting.
Color Splash didn't do that bad really.
>a remake/remaster of 1 and 2 are possible
>1 and 2
they only said ttyd and that was a big fucking IF
this whole thread is retarded
>even Kirby is getting a return to form with the new one.
Return to form? It's been the same game since Kirby's Adventure.
just call him a faggot. holy shit i hate gen z
>even Kirby is getting a return to form with the new one
Kirby hasn't really changed since RtDL.
here ya go
the question specifically asked about the first two games and they said if there was a fan demand for it they'd look into it
why are you even lying
Tanabe said the next one would be all new. It's not going to be the SS/CS formula but it's not going to be the 64/TTYD formula either.
meant for
>return to form
when the fuck did it change significantly
main series has been side-scrolling with one main gimmick for more than a decade
tanabe isnt going to have anything to do with nintendo by the time the next pm comes out
based yakuzaman is cleaning house
Man i hope so
I hope they bring chibi robo back too, metroid survived the tanabe infection so there is hope
These were fakes released before Stick Star
When is the direct?
Friendly reminder that Paper Mario will never go back to how it was since it's now with a C team while the original team handles nu-Fire Emblem.
They're not fakes they're the prototype that they showed screenshots at E3 2010 that Miyamoto later told them to change
You wish.
>giving a shit about what other people do
Grow the fuck up.
Or don't.
I don't care.
They were from an early build but not the earliest build which miyamoto said was a port of TTYD
Huh, I just remember them being posted before SS and remember everyone going "Fake and gay" at it. Excuse me on that one I guess
>yfw NEVER EVER actually gonna see that Paper Mario to fruition
Come on Metroid Prime 4 update.
Why do you care it's barely any different some of the other screenshots show the sticker mechanics
Literally the only difference is that you got a Chain Chomp in the overworld. It still had the sticker mechanics and generic NSMB environments.
>miyamoto said was a port of TTYD
To think Miyamoto started this bullshit. Has he done anything worthwhile in the past 5 years? I don't want to undermine is legacy or anything, but I think it might be time for the guy to retire.
it literally was a port of ttyd
>Wanting Nintendo to ruin them
The art style wasn't "HEY LOOK IT'S PAPER XD" yet and there were a few original stuff like the monty king and the card place
Enemies still used TTYD style instead of NSMB
comparison of the enemy sprites
>The art style wasn't "HEY LOOK IT'S PAPER XD" yet
Nigger, I fucking own Sticker Star. The locations have the same style. You're thinking of Color Splash.
Enemies did change, which sucks for the Boos.
>The art style wasn't "HEY LOOK IT'S PAPER XD"
first screenshot, jungle swamp, and the stairs are still in the final game
Get your eyes checked user, the beta style is closer to pm64 than sticker star's final style
but what about
Also, a port of TTYD would've been better than what we got.
>yfw NEVER EVER actually gonna see that Paper Mario to fruition
Oh no, I didn't get to experience a game with shitty sticker-based combat instead of....a game with shitty sticker-based combat.
Nah, the beta looks much more like 64's style than the new one.
The locations are the same but the forest trees aren't literal cardbord cubes for example
I think Nintendo has started to catch on that he needs to just be a public face rather than someone who is hands-on. That's why we've barely seen him showing of Odyssey
Sticker Star was going to be shit no matter what. The series will never go back to what it was before SPM. The primary focus is now literally arts/crafts.
You guys need to accept this and move on.
Shiggy's the reason Odyssey and Mario + Rabbids got to be a thing though
Miyamoto said he isn't confortable with the direction odyssey is going, koizumi is the one directing it
I think hiroshima is making miyamoto stay put so he has less final say on things and let newer people do stuff
>Miyamoto said he isn't confortable with the direction odyssey is going
And Koizumi confirmed they still approach him about things
i still believ
Miyamoto's only recent hand-son garbage was Zero. He's also just supervising and not even directly. Sticker Star was going to have stickers from the start and wasn't made by the original team. Tanabe went full retard with Toads. Even with Paper Jam, Miyamoto's the one who told them to include the dash which is one of the best things included in the series.
Because it was so different. He's all about putting Mario in weird locations/situations. I highly doubt he had much of anything to do with the development of M+R apart from "yeah that's cool and acceptable in the canon"
Kill yourself, Garbodor.
Thank fucking christ.