>Switch games are only successful because there is nothing else to play
Explain this NEOgaf meme.
>Switch games are only successful because there is nothing else to play
Explain this NEOgaf meme.
Other urls found in this thread:
explain why you go to neofag
Some people really do not want the Switch to succeed.
Why bare you browsing NeoGAF?
>explain Neogaf
Fuck, as if anybody could.
really got my brain juices flowing
It is kinda true, people are more likely to buy up any games when there's nothing to play. See the Vita and PS3 how much shit tier games sold well early on.
>Switch games are only successful because there is nothing else to play
You already did.
But if there is nothing to play
What are they buying?
The non-existent games are only successful because no games exist.
shovelware and shit games like 1 2 switch, ARMs, etc
So there is something to play then
>Sonygaf thinks a nintendo system has no games worth playing
Holy shit, really?
Mostly true though.
PS4 was amazing for indy games for a while after it launched.
That's just simple logic. If you buy a PS4 now there's hundreds of games to buy, and they'll be a tonne cheap as fuck by now. On the Switch that's not the case, there's fewer games, less choices, equal more sales even for garbage indie games because there's just money floating about. Floating money has always been a major thing at the start of a new gen, hence why that's the best period to experiment with new IP/ideas.
gotta be fake news for sure
>FAGgots don't know the glory of couch multiplayer.
Name 1 game that isn't a port.
Damn...................... Switch BTFO
nothing WORTHWHILE to play
would you eat feces if you had nothing to eat
Switch has no games though.
Splatoon 2
>mfw I still can't fucking find a Nintendo Switch that is sold at its actual MSRP
>mfw Gamestop won't sell their stock unless you let them jew you with the bundle
I just fucking hate this world and everybody that lives in it
Splatoon 2
Mario Rabbids
Now here's where you move the goalposts.
You must have this neogaf disease
Switch has no games to play....
he's saying that homosexual inbreeders are more preferable in society because they don't produce inbred children.
I meant good games, not shit.
Who decides whats worthwhile?
Obviously people are buying games they think are worth it.
So there are games to play
Anyways Im bored of this shitposting thread have fun being miserable hating a company
Besides the "should be allowed" he has a point.
It's degenerate, but inbreeding retarded children is still worse.
I-is that a walking goal post?
selling 300 copies over 250 copies is still garbage
Man, if only there were ways to prevent a child from being conceived other than abstinence and being a faggot.
>nu-Sup Forums using Rabbids as reference
Kill yourself.
>When your console is so flawless, sonygros have to scrape the bottom of the barrel for reasons to shitpost it
no way you're not a nintenbro flaseflagging
Literally Who: The Game.
>delay game
>still expect people to buy it
Every time.
But it's totally a good game and not just a baby xcom with minions!
This is the exact reason why resogun and infamous: second son did so well. Even killzone and fucking KNACK of all things sold well because there was literally nothing else to play
>Indie shit
So it literally is ok when Nintendo does it?
You can say any incest is wrong without gradation coming into it.
The opposite. It's only not okay if it's Nintendo doing it.
What is this "Knack 2 baby" that I read at every fucking Knack review?
Just compare the responses to Okami being ported, and games from the WiiU being ported.
It's only bad when Nintendo does it.
These people walk on the same Earth and breath the same air as you and me. What the fuck happened?
>Sup Forums hated Rabbids until they were in a Mario game
>Sup Forums hated indie trash until they were on a Nintendo system
I don't think so.
In a world of on demand partial birth abortion, there really is no difference.
Don't forget
>Sup Forums hated musou until they were Nintendo branded
less competition on Switch for players dollars. that Indie game maybe the only game that came out that week for Switch.
Is there a worst place than neogaf?
2 things
>Sup Forums hated indies
>Ubisoft and Nintendo collab =indie
The second one is particularly retarded so please stop.
you're posting in it
>Okami HD being ported from PS3 to PS4, Xbone and PC and being sold for $20 is the same as a Wii U game being ported to Switch and sold for $60
"Hell I don't think it's a stretch to believe that if the Halo franchise never existed, we'd have Hillary in the White House instead of Trump. That's how much of an effect these video games have on our society."
Sup Forums
>Will admit that the WiiU is a failure
>Won't admit that porting the games of said console for people to play is a good thing
wtf I love Bungie now
Stardew Valley is gonna do big numbers.
i'm buying it day one, same with golf story
Even though Sup Forums is awful it's still not as bad as GAF.
>porting failure games is a good thing
>making people pay full price for ported failure games is a good thing
Good goy, keep giving Nintendo those shekels.
>if the console failed that means the games are bad
get a load of this dumb nigger
Nintendo players don't try new things until Nintendo embraces them, they're sheltered.
if they added a Mushroom Castle Stadium to Madden we'd have endless NFL threads on Sup Forums.
I still forever will hate jewbisoft
If any piece of media is responsible for Trump's election it's NGE and it indirectly being responsible for Sup Forums and therefore Sup Forums.
>Ubisoft and Nintendo collab =indie
Nobody said RabbidsxMario was an indie.
Sup Forums is full of shitposting and bait, but neogaf's users legitimately scare me, a good number of them seem mentally unstable.
Excuse me, they must have meant Splatoon 2 or ARMS were indie shit since those were the only games that were mentioned.
Doesn't matter how it's sliced, that person is retarded.
Who knew I was holding a Klan rally with every CTF game.
>Donate all profits from Destiny 2 to SPLC
Do these people not understand how reality works? How can they be so incredibly stupid?
>Hell I don't think it's a stretch to believe that if the Halo franchise never existed, we'd have Hillary in the White House instead of Trump. That's how much of an effect these video games have on our society.
Someone actually typed this out on a computer.
>donate all your money to minorities and shut down your company because there's a chance that a right-wing artist snuck in a right wing symbol if it wasn't a complete coincidence
I hope this shit like this is trolling because it's basically witch-hunt tier retardation at this point.
There's an overwhelming amount of people with a hate-boner for Nintendo, yet simultaneously see their preferred platform as under attack and themselves as a small minority of people who are willing to speak out against them.
OP's image is about an indie game being successful on the Switch, there was also a post about that Wonder Boy indie game. Try actually reading the thread before getting triggered by a single post.
Desperation to write off any successes as irrelevant.
>Of course literally everyone who owns a Switch has Breath of the Wild, there's nothing else to play!
>Of course MK8D sold so well, there's nothing else to play!
>Of course ARMS sold over a million copies, there's nothing else to play!
>Of course Splatoon 2 has already sold a million copies, there's nothing else to play!
>Of course people bought [insert indie game], there's nothing else to play
>Of course people bought Mario & Rabbids, there's nothing else to play!
And you can be sure that they will peddle out this excuse for FE Warriors, Odyssey, and Xenoblade because they have nothing else.
>a good number of them seem mentally unstable
Are you talking about neogaf, or Sup Forums?
People would rather play games on their Switch
I like my Switch, as a device. I think it's nifty. I used to play Wii U games despite how unlikable the Wii U was, because the games were good. I feel the opposite way with the Switch, games are improved just by virtue of being on a device I enjoy using.
I don't know.
how dare you. I'm only threatened on behalf of the multi billion dollar company I prefer based on marketing, therefore I am attacking nintendo because it's encroaching on my interests.
>Of course the PS4 sold 65 million, there's no other good consoles to buy
and tell me it's worse on Sup Forums neofag
I normally buy shit when it is on sale for steam. There are some games I got on switch because of portability however
They're equally bad. One's a radical left leaning Sony site, the other's a radical right leaning Nintendo board. NeoGAF's agenda is to eliminate the straight white male, and make gays and Islam the majority, the Sup Forums's agenda is to eliminate anyone who disagrees. Both have stupid people on their side representing the whole, and they're constantly angry at something.
I hate both.
I don't understand why someone bases actual time in their life around wanting a company to fail and aren't employed by their competition.
>Donating to Southern Poverty Law Center
>An organization so notoriously garbage they lost their hate-watch status from the FBI
Then why the fuck are you here?
Eat a dick and fuck off then you niggerfaggot
>the other's a radical right leaning Nintendo board.
>the Sup Forums's agenda is to eliminate anyone who disagrees
But Sup Forums, at the very least, didn't start out like that and probably won't stay like that due to the nature of the site.
NeoGaf is eternally shit.