How many times are you gonna make this thread? Leave Sup Forums out of my games already

How many times are you gonna make this thread? Leave Sup Forums out of my games already.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wow I hadn't heard about this! Why haven't there been 400000000 threads about this on Sup Forums?

Oh wait, kys OP

yeah do nothing and it let infect games even further nigger

>lack of an infection is an infection

could you explain this for me, champ?

>I dont mind when devs force their politics on me
>no Sup Forums posts though

Pepe is officially a hate symbol, so probably.

If this was an thread about your favorite SJW's stinky cunt you'd be all for it though.

If this was an thread about your favorite /ourguy/ e-celeb's micropenis you'd be all for it though.

That's not a fair comparison. user can't resist dicks, no mater who's.

>e-celeb threads

Yeah no, those are cancer too.

Yes. There is no way to separate "ironic" internet racism from who you are as a real person.

OP here I literally just saw this today and didn't see a single thread talking about it.

I just wanted to share the chuckles I had

You're /ourguy/

>tfw we have a /our guy/ dev at bungie

because it's non news

leave sjw jew tactics out of my game then :^)

>News I don't like isn't news because it hurts my fee fees


The color made it one coincidence too many. Like, the gloves aren't a big deal but neither is removing them. Only weenies care about this shit.


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We've about 60-ish folks so far, so feel free to join the party.

Who the fuck cares about Destiny when Warframe exists? Who the fuck cares about Destiny 2 when Warframe open world will be released in less than a month.