Switch version of Wonder Boy sells more than all of other versions

Switch version of Wonder Boy sells more than all of other versions.

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Are you surprised? Switch has no gaems.

I honestly didn't even know this game was coming out on things other then the Switch.

Most furfags are Nintendo fanboys.

>cartoon shit sells more on a Nintendo system with no games
Surprising, truly

That's because it appeals to trapfags with its dragon

>The Switch is so pathetic that when a game doesn't flop it's news.

Switchfags are so hungry for games they buy furfag indie trash now.

Of course a game for children will sell best on a console for children.

Who did you honestly think was buying the Switch?

How's that goalpost moving? Heavy work, huh?

I've no idea who or what this game is.


Children like the PS4. It's cool adult shit. Manchildren love Nintendo.

You're using that term wrong.

>implying you were even alive when wonderboy was around on the master system
You know what really activates my almonds

I've never heard of this game but based on that picture, that title is a fucking lie.

>It's cool adult shit


Not surprising at all, it's a game absolutely best suited to the system.

You're not going to sit and play Tetris on a PC unless you're an idiot.

Considering I didn't even know this game existed until you said Switch sold the most I'm fairly certain Switch owners only bought it because they have nothing to play so there was no competition for ad space.

>little willy willy won't, go home
What did they mean by this?

I played the wonderboy remake on PC. It really hasn't held up well. While the graphical upgrade is nice and the art is beautiful, the gameplay is the same dated shit as the original. It's just extremely rudimentary by 2017 standards

Switch users starved for content

>this shit moved 5000 physical copies in the total time of less than 10 minutes even though its from a literally who studio
>4000 physical ps4 dear esther sold out in half an hour
>5000 physical lawbreakers ps4 copies took over a day to sell

Fucking incredible

>Of course a game for children will sell best on a console for children.
this is advanced autism

>literally who
It's an acclaimed cult classic

That's not how you use it, user

>cult classic
>just because its on Switch

never even heard of this game

G-good job, i guess....

you know you're mostly talking to gen-Z shitters here, right?

Literal children get the fuck off my board, you have to be at least 18 to post her--

>18 years ago was 1999

What the fuck

Considering it didn't get a physical release on any other system except PS4 via Limited Run, how did they verify this, considering PSN or Steam doesn't release sale numbers?

I'm obviously referring to the original
Or is that the joke. That you don't realize it's a remake. Oh, hah hah. You got me

Casuals and children please leave

I think Nintendo got u first

Stupid fuck. Wondernboy III The Dragon's Trap is one of the best 8-bit games ever made and one of the few times SEGA's Master System efforts were on par with the NES's best.

>just because its on Switch

>people are shit posting
>realize 18 means 1999 now
>kiddies here literally could have never heard of wonder boy because they were too fucking young

Is it illegal to make a 25+ video game image board?

Yeah right I got 3 (yous).

I feel your pain. No wonder this board is a fucking embarrassment to everyone now. I wish there was an actual mature gamer board.

Sup Forums has always been like this though. The fact that you're just realizing it now means you're new

My dick wasn't ready.


Kid, you shouldn't use grown-up terminology if you don't understand it..

Yes. Total 10 sales is still better than 5 + 2 + 1. Game is a fucking flop.

You're right, that was dumb of me.

Now delet yours.

From flaccid to rock hard in under 3 seconds
Why the fuck is this so hot

How did this board get filled with kids?






Ass plz.


Another great video game thread on Sup Forums.


That the best you got?

Post good shit or fuck off.



FOund one


Because the PC release was delayed just like Sonic Mania.


Last one from me

The port is done by literally who studio i know the original game belongs to sega but it really doesnt seem like they promoted it much and i didnt think it would be something people would go crazy for

Reading comprehension user

Also it looks nice cant wait to play my ps4 copy once i borrow one from my friend