Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Two days left until the black eyed homo meets his demise.

Stop shilling this. I already bought it and I don't need to be reminded of how long I have to wait for it everyday.

They ruined The Outsider and now we're killing him. Still playing this but the story went to shit.





wait holy shit thats a guy?

No, it's a woman


The story was never any good to begin with.

Go home tumblr


Stop shilling shit games, it's pathetic. If you want to shill, at least do it with games like Original Sin 2, they are saving western games.

>He enjoys Divinity
*holds up spork*

>Everything I don't like must come from Sup Forums



please explain how the WE WUZ KANGS meme is racist. Please do, be so kind.

I want to _____ Delilah.

Yet it's astounding how true it is.

A neighbor's barking dog might have a legitimate reason to bark at 4AM, but eventually, you just don't want to hear it.

Because you are mocking our heritage you white fucker.

My ancestors were kings while you was picking stones in the forest bitch.

well, enjoy your WE WUZ KANGZ game, user.

>Two days left until the black eyed homo meets his demis
And here I thought Billie was female, I guess that explains the name


>little stone people on here sleeves
What a trashy outfit.

She and the witches are all so ugly

Then again, it's Dishonored, everyone is ugly.


So was she actually the empress's sister or just some deluded witch bitch with a sob story trying to make her usurpation semi legit? I seem to remember Corvo telling her to fuck off and stop talking shit every time she showed up, but might have been different if I played as Emily.

Nah, D1 and Dauds story were both top tier, supporting by a fairly well done setting.

There's a lot of things that went wrong, I think. Too much magic focus (the first one was about a revolution), too literally interaction focus (if they didn't want to make two fully voiced characters, they shouldn't of half-assed it. It's easier to tell a story from an outsider's perspective, anyway. Just have Emily do things offscreen and chat with her on the ship). No idea why Lurk was suddenly pitch black when we have already seen her as mulatto. No idea why saving her arm wasn't cannon, that was one of the few actually cool ideas in the game. The robots were far less cool enemies, particularly with their annoying dialogue, should of been confined to one level. There's too much ability bloat, arguably.

I think she really was the sister, since the heart seems regretful. If she isn't, she was still completely convinced she was, as can be read from her diaries.

Pretty sure that's a Dishonored 2 retcon and she wasn't planned to be like that in the Daud DLCs, though.

>D1 and Dauds story were both top tier
I disagree

>Muahahah, I am now recording this secret message where I admit that I planned to have the Empress overthrown and Corvo is actually the good guy, oh and it was me that bought the plague to Dunwall. I'm such a fucking genius!!!

>The robots were far less cool enemies, particularly with their annoying dialogue, should of been confined to one level.

I think they were supposed to be a nod to Thief 2: The Metal Age's steambots.

Hardened crossbow bolts and upgraded stun mines trivialise them, but they were definitely a massive fucking annoyance otherwise.

canon ending ending will be turning outsider back into regular mortal man. killing is just an alternate ending for the sake of having an alternate ending.

>oh and it was me that bought the plague to Dunwall. I'm such a fucking genius!!!

There's still people in these threads who seem to think the Outsider was behind the plague despite Burrows' moustache-twirling confession audio.

How can you downgrade someone with magic he controls?


If Nixon did it...

Good point