[ MANCHILD TEST ] Which side's more appealing?


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ur mum lol

Obviously right is the chad choice,left is the tryhard virgin choice.

video games are for children

You keep telling yourself that, sweetie.



Found the manchildren.


Please someone make a pic of this one

no u

Nobody is as buttmad as OP right now.


Sup Forums doesn't make me angry.

Someone disagrees with your post in a completely different thread so you make your own thread about it? You're angry, friendo.


I find both choices to be immature. On the right is for literal children, and the right is for try hard children.
But to answer, the right side is more appealing.

What's with that huge ass gauntlet the left has? And why does it have a scar? Aren't they from factories? Are the Nu Bombermen just built with pre-made battle damage like those dumb jeans with holes in them?

I post Act:Zero constantly.

I post Act:Zero constantly.

Are you retarded?

Neither, gimme the bomberman costumes from Bomberman64.

Right, left looks obnoxious as fuck.

*Unleashes the SHIT THREAD RUINER 2007*

Found the manchildren.

Found the manchild.

So you post about games constantly instead of playing them? Try the latter and maybe you'll stop getting outed for being a shitter.


As long as were posting deeply held opinions that everyone else thinks are shit, Xenoblade Chronicles tricked me into thinking it was fantasy when its science fiction.

Found the manchildren.

Found the manchild.


How triggered are you right now?

ITT: Your preference in videogame aesthetics defines you.

Or, wait, is that the point? Anyone who prefers one or the other is a fucking child?
That sounds all right, yeah.

I haven't played Bomberman: Act Zero. Why is it regarded as bad? Just because of the artstyle or is there because of other reasons? I'm watching a video of it and it actually seems like a fun variation in adaptation of Bomberman.

If you really think left is more appealing then you are the funny and i am angry!!!!!!!

i was being ironic

Understandable, have a good day


It was never gonna get good reviews. Not with all the manchildren screaming and crying.

hey you too man

I like that they included him.

He's part of Bomberman history, no matter if that's a good thing or not.

Excuse me? There's only one good Bomberman game.

it's a misguided and terribly executed attempt at appealing to western audiences and a poor offering with only 3 modes and less features than many older bomberman games.
singleplayer campaign is a romp of the same shit over and over for 99 stages with no saves or continues - die once and it's back to the beginning no matter how close you were to the end.
it also has no local multiplayer.

This side.

Found the casual.

holy fuck bomberman act zero might be the most underrated game of all time

bomberman doesn't deserve this.

good job you are now a certified manchild

>After a match, the losing team's characters' clothing takes damage.
No, but I do.


ehhhh heh heh heh heh




japanese people are fucking weird. what the actual shitfuck was going on in their heads when they made this up?