Childhood is idolizing OpenGL render. Adulthood is realizing Software mode makes more sense

Childhood is idolizing OpenGL render. Adulthood is realizing Software mode makes more sense

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Autism is making a thread like this.

Nice facebook meme, faggot.


adulthood is realizing open source gives you all the benefits of software rendering with all the benefits of hardware acceleration

You can just turn off texture filtering in OpenGL.


you can but a lot of textures will be of shittier quality like in that screenshot
you can tell the top pic is still in openGL mode because of how blurry the text is
xash3d or software mode fixes this

At low resolution, it was filtering > no-filtering.
With modern resolutions, being able to see the full raw pixels without aliasing or shimmering, I prefer no filtering.

Mipmapping was a god-send at 640x480 in ye olde days, made games look a lot cleaner compared to a sparkly pixellated mess 10ft away.

What happened to graphics not mattering?

We aren't talking about muh graphics. We are talking about graphical consistence and pleasing visuals.

>Sup Forums
>a board dedicated to games with a video output
>doesn't understand the difference between "graphics" and "aesthetics"
kill yourself, seriously

which version is on the right? it looks better res

xash3D, a reverse engineered goldsource that fixes a lot of issues valve was too lazy to

What even was OpenGL at the time? Was it a meme? Why did it exist? I remember it giving me a competitive edge on CS way back when it was possible to give people bigger hitboxes through OpenGL rendering. But what was the purpose of the renderer?

i like the top one if thats what you mean

On the source port of the game or the original HL ?

Wait, it's an Android port? I'm getting old lol

OpenGL was a graphical render wich simulates diopters

I remember OpenGL would make water transparent in other games like the Carnivores series for example.
Otherwise it'd be a blue texture like Half life did.

its not strictly an android port but it supports android

fetus is OP aging gamer knows the T&L outstripped what software could do at the time

Aren't those those paranoia fellas?

thanks for sharing m8. The water and glass from imdb page videos looks gorgeous

its really what HL needed more than 10 years ago
valve unfortunately gets really pissy about xash3D and fucked over some modder that used it because while Xash3D is legal, using the half-life SDK with it isn't