Is Blizzard anti-horde after Metzen?
>Fucking Skychaser with canons that actually shoot
>Somebullshit getting flown around by two balloons
also why are horde Engineers such autists?
Is Blizzard anti-horde after Metzen?
>Fucking Skychaser with canons that actually shoot
>Somebullshit getting flown around by two balloons
also why are horde Engineers such autists?
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rather have the zeppelin
both of them can shoot and the zeppelin looks god tier on gobbos and goblins.
Do they still have those elephant mounts where multiple people can ride on it at one time?
>looks the best on the worst race
shoot what exactly?
end yourself trollcuck
You chose niggers side so you get nigger stuff
When will mmo's stop making these obnoxiously large mounts? Are e-peens really so important? Give me a sleek and small mount or better yet no mount at all and just let me move fast. This was literally the only reason I played Worgen Druid when I played the game. No mounts.
the horde mount is really small
?? They look pretty small..smaller then the grandmammoth
the average player stopped giving a single fuck about mounts even before the mount designers did
That's why I used this little nigger when I played, its small, sleek, cool looking, decent jump animation, not obnoxious, doesn't make sounds and swims funny.
Horde fags finally getting btfo. Wonder what the other rewards are going to be, this is pretty extravagant in comparison to past rewards which were just pets.
They're two-seaters.
What were your favorite mounts you owned Sup Forums?
1. Sunreaver Dragonhawk
2. Green Proto Drake
3. Headless Horsemans Mount
>horde get a reskinned engineer copter
>Muh green jesus.
Post BC it was shifted way to hard into hord pandering.
I dont even remember what mounts i have on retail desu but i always loved the undead horses
>Sunreaver Dragonhawk
good taste, probably the only thing I miss about playing horde
Both are dumb.
I agree honestly they both look pretty stupid
Kind of, now that they don't have Metzen breathing down their necks, they allowed to focus on characters from other factions that aren't Orcs.
Wait the Skybreaker actually shoots?
Will blizzard ever update this games graphics do it doesn't perpetually look like toaster ready trash from a decade ago?
The Horde can fuck off for all I care. How many times in the past 30 year in-game have the Horde tried to fuck over Azeroth? I mean, goddamn, we even had an expansion that proved they were a bunch of shitters even without the Fel.
Lose the orcs. The undead too. Then you've got potential for some morally gray storytelling between the factions.
The eagle's head ruins the alliance ship
>they finally add in what the wrath box says it was supopsed to have
>you have to go to jewcon to get it
Why ride those?
When you can ride this
>adjust seat slightly
>get decapatated
>some garbo everyone has
venomhide ravasaur, blackraptor, purple/ochre skeletal warhorse
oozed swag outside the ah
>wahh im an alliance baby
The Horde is literally the faction for teenagers who want to play rebel contrarians.
It doesn't actually shoot anything, it's just an animation. It's pretty much the mech mount in FFXIV.
The alliance is the faction for teenagers who wanna tip their fedora and be white knights
Oh shit I knew I forgot one, Vanomhide for my 4th.
I figured that but still
the flying machines.
but of all mmos my favorite mount is the manacutter
I was an Alliancefag but the Horde mount is way cooler.
>tfw tmorph is dead and never coming back
wtf is tmorph?
really though when did the horde ever do anything right that didn't involve green jesus
There was an add-on that allowed you to swap in game models for characters, weapons, and gear.
You could be a level 1 nobody, in your own personal copy, and wear the best looking items in the game, while that badass glowing sword, was only a white sword with no stats.
Blizzard ripped off the idea and made a transmog system which gave less than 35% of the freedom Tmorph had.
Tyrael's Charger, Core Hound, Imperial Quilen, Warlord's Deathwheel, Big Love Rocket
Actually I don't really like the BLR, but it's so rare that I feel compelled to use it and show off.
I only ever used it to switch what race / gender I was. forgot how much I hated looking at the same animations all the time never being able to change it up now rly sucks
Ohh is that the addon everone usses to make THICCC chars?
>Garrosh gets made warchief
>Turned into a villain for no reason
>Tons of Orc heroes killed in SoO just because
>Following expansion we go back in time and murder even more horde heroes.
>Following expansion Sylvanyu who is not even really horde becomes warchief and no one calls bullshit
>She proceeds to get bodied by a literal who worgen.
They've shifted from Alliance favoritism to outright Horde hate. The best part is that they were building Jaina up to be a villain but have done a complete 180 because they remembered she's not horde so they cant kill her off
mounts that actually attack?
EQ had transmog before your tiny faggot balls dropped
A lot of people think the next expac is going to deal with Jaina and Kul Tiras.
Thats specifically what im talking about, there is leaked art of her from the next blizzcon and shes back to being a hero
Proving his point :^)
She looks pretty evil to me.
This alliance mount loks gay AF
>Likes the kike race
60 - 70 percent of all horde players are blonde blood elves though
>Horde gets the Turtle Blimp
>Alliance overcompensating like always