What has Sup Forums been wrong about before?
What has Sup Forums been wrong about before?
The nature of anonymous places is that people can say whatever stupid bullshit they like without consequences so eventually everybody seems to be both wrong and right
>overwatch is good
That TOR would be successful. Sup Forums got btfo that day.
Deus Ex and Fallout 1 and 2. Those games do not hold up, by any stretch.
Wrong. NieR Automata was actually liquid diarrhea.
Newfag spotted
as opposed to solid diarrhea.
Actually Sup Forums insists overwatch is dead. Funnily enough without any evidence.
>Fire Emblem games are good
They are boring and simple as shit
I have been banned seven times so far for stating this opinion
>merely pretending
Not much really. It's only you fucktards that believe a game or a console being successfull means it's good. Everytime Sup Forums rightfully ridicules some shitty AAA title that is popular with normalfaggots it's you fucktards that make threads like ; Sup Forums got BTFO AGAIN. Clearly you retards don't understand that >we don't say it's not going to sell a lot, we say it's going to be fucking shit and we are right every single fucking time.
its claimed sexual exploits with my mother
Everything regarding competitive gaming in any aspect.
This board, for all its correct opinions about the state of the industry and the corporations is absolutely casual as fuck. And unless the opinions are well stated and backed with evidence should never be taken serious concerning competitive games.
Only about 3% of Sup Forums knows what its talking about/isn't trolls when it comes to competitive games.
Has there been a single time Sup Forums was right about a game recommendation? Consistently going with the opposite on Sup Forums recommendations has served me very well so far.
Found the teenager.
>everything is SHIT, dad!
You aren't wrong.
Go away satan.
The Last of Us being a good game
If Sup Forums hates a game that is a clear sign that it is good.
But Sup Forums liked Nier Automata?
>Sup Forums is one person
If you filter out obvious idiots and contrarians you can get some decent recommendations here.
posted it on the wrong board or something? maybe you said it in an obnoxious way
Fallout 4 being absolute garbage. It's actually good in of its own right, it just isn't a good game for the Fallout series. I still had plenty of fun with it.
Not really, we have a lot of legitimate marketing agencies that come here trying to push shit. As if the Denuvo shills weren't proof enough, you can look at any borderlands threads back in the day, all the fucking GTA threads, and any Halo thread before the retarded wigger kids got old enough to post here intelligently.
Competitive gayming is shit unless it's fighting games. Fighting games are still a niche genre no matter how popular evo is. Go fucking figure why only 3% here know actual shit about it.
>we have a lot of legitimate marketing agencies that come here trying to push shit
You are the cancer.
no, that was true
No, you didn't have fun, you only thought you had fun when in reality it was an artificial psuedo-fun substitute.
opinion disregarded
Found the normalfaggot who just bought himself the newest walking simulator and the fotm casual fps.
>pubg is only fotm!
>i-its only flavor of three months!
>a-all the normies will get bored
Sup Forums being wrong is the best thing though.
Mighty Number 9 and Yooka-Laylee.
Games is shit and plays like shit
i liked this game.
only expected murder and thats what i got, could have been better but i got what i wanted
To be completely honest no.
I really wish that was the case.
yea and you are merely pretending to falling for this shit bait
I've gotten a lot of games I might not otherwise have checked out due to Sup Forums recommendations. Some of them have been amazing, some of them have been trash.
Sup Forums ADORED Undertale for the first month
Don't reply to me ever again.
This X 10
>Sup Forums says TW3 is casual trash
>minority of normies and contrarians don't agree
>retard says Sup Forums recommended him the game
>t-this b-board is always w-wrong!
My nigger.
I dont believe that anybody feels the way you do. About you now.
DS2 being the worst in the series
t. dotard
>everybody seems to be both wrong and right
hiveopinion inverts into itself
>people can say
>Deus Ex
English, nigger. Speak it.
Funny bait.
Me wrote english you fag bad person
take more drugs noel your losing coherency
Imbecile frogposter
Sup Forums is the only place where people can unironically blame their "shit team" for their garbage rank without being laughed at.
now you fucked up!!
>A Wii U and PC is the best combo, user!
>pick up a refurbished one for $200 because you're forced to buy a gamepad
>even the 2-3 year old games were $50 used
>get frame drops during W101 and the Bayonetta 2 demo
>SM3DW ended up being too easy "b-because I was supposed to play it with friends"
>no option to turn off the gamepad while watching Netflix
>BOTW didn't come out until after the console died
>now "A Switch and PC is the best combo, user!"
Nintendo Land and Splatoon were kinda fun, but kinda fun doesn't validate a $200 hunk of useless plastic.
dumb trumpposter
3ds+pc is still the best toobeeaitch
no it has a fair amount of players it's just all the players are dead.
Mostly Nostalgia stuff like vanilla or bc being better than retail
MGR being a good game
DmC being bad
DMC4 being good
TF2 being good in this day and age
Anything after HoMM3 being bad
Platinum games being good
Idort is the only way, really.
You can't miss out if you have money to spare on everything. But of course if you regret 200 then not for you, poorfag.
TF2 is just fine in current year unless you live in a subhuman shithole or queue for retard rat traps like 2fort and hightower. If you don't like it, you're the problem.
some faggots like to think that god hand isn't a total pile of steaming garbage. never regretted buying a game as much as I did with that one
It's only played by subhumans from shithole countries and bronies though? Aside from a few memespammers from Sup Forums and reddit
>Battleground is just a flavor of the month
>Nintendo Switch will fail
No, you're thinking of DotA 2
>Not emulating it
>Buying games, especially ones recommended by Sup Forums
Then I would think of both games
>I drop cash to be an idort so I never miss a thing!
>there wasn't anything to miss in the first place
Keep on giving that corporate cock the succ, user.
The Last of Us is a fantastic game that Sup Forums would probably like if it wasn't PS3 exclusive
Ocarina of Time and Half-Life 2 have aged like fine wine.
Fear 2>1
Mankind Divided was a great game and a worthy sequel to HR
DMC1 has aged like shit.
Sonic is a terrible franchise and some of the 3D games are among the worst games ever made
Fighting games are shit outside of Melee
ahh the good ol' days.
If you don't live in a subhuman shithole, you won't get subhumans in your games. That's how the queue system works. Bronies, which are entire leagues more favorable than niggers or otherwise mostly stick to their custom servers aren't nearly as common as they were several years ago. Only DotA has the problems you describe.
Í don't care about corporations I care only abouyt my own entertainment and having the best for myself
Having all the consoles andgames I want and being able to play them when I want is the best, and only poorfags think otherwise, really.
>but evil companies
So what? you think one sale is gonna make them go broke? did you saw how "vote witjh your wallet" went? if you are deluded into thinking not buying what you want will make a company go broke then do so faggot. I'll rather play and enjoy the time I got left before I fucking die, besides nobody takes anything with them when they die so who gives a shit.
When I hear "Absolute Garbage" I think that I'm going to have a bad time playing the game. That was not the case with Fallout 4.
I don't care if it got bad ratings by critics OR the community. I had fun with it, and your autistic mentality of "If I didn't have fun then you can't have fun either!" doesn't work.
I had fun, and I did not think that the game was complete garbage. Therefor, Sup Forums was wrong in my eyes.
No, you had fake fun and should feel bad for getting tricked so effortlessly.
>"in my eyes"
Opinion completely disregarded, reddit spacer.
user doesn't appreciate being able to get up and take a shit and take the tv with you, what swine
>Sup Forums convinces me to play Dark Souls
>end up playing over 1000hr with /dsg/
>Sup Forums says Dragon's Dogma is good
>play 500hr
>Sup Forums hypes me for overwatch
>stop playing after two months