Anyone else excited for these?
Anyone else excited for these?
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>20gbs of high-school level modern commodities are bad sociology garbage cutscenes
>precious little girl
Gee I wonder which one I should buy.
that wasn't a cutscene from cuphead you absolute fucking idiot
That video posted in the other thread was from a 2016 music video you fucking dumbass.
Nice try From Software, can't fool me.
Wait is he talking about that one Caravan Palace music video?
It's hilarious the lengths people here will go to shit on something that they know absolutely nothing about.
If both are shit ill neck myself
I'll probably try out Cuphead but Hat in Time looks so fucking boring.
The only thing it has going for it is the grill
Not Sunshine might have good gameplay, but Cuphead looks like it plays like ass. Fuck if I'm gonna support Maxof2DS or whatever that fag's called.
I'll pirate Cuphead I'll fap to the r34 of precious smol girl
Yes I'm gonna enjoy that precious small child in 4k resolution
Cuphead looks like it's banking everything on it's MUH EARLY CARTOON AESTHETICS gimmick. Hat in time's gimmicks are mostly all gameplay related.
I am unsure for cuphead because its original scope was messed up by microshit, but I am pretty hype for AHIT. It looks it had much more care put in than yooka laeele
Hat In Time's gimmicks seem to be mostly cuteness related.
How can cuckhead even compete?
HiT's gimmicks are mostly using hats as power ups.
>"alcohol and tobacco"
>"messed up situations"
>starring little girl
What if all that diabetes inducing marketing was trolling and the game goes full Made in Abyss halfway through
>Cuphead isn't on PS4
Well that's just TF2 with lolis then
It sure will make it easier for me to get off on it desu
Cuphead looks good, AHIT was delayed for to long meaning its gonna be garbage. All the "Gameplay" is just reading dialogue anyway. However the real winner for me this fall is super luckys tale, that game looks so cute and fun
this looks prerty sweet but my fucking backlog is not getting smaller
do not lewd the smol girl
Too late
Reminder that cuphead is only 4gb not 20
>on the right boring pedoshit
Gee I wonder which normalfags will buy.
I get a solid Psychonaut vibe from it.
Cuphead looks better visually but gamplay wise, a hat in time is more interesting.
Moderately, yeah.
But I'm afraid that any aHiT discussion attempts will be immediately drowned out by loliposting.
Psychonauts was never truly dark though. It was messed up, but even Meat Circus was played mostly for comedy.
>HL2 beach level with loli.gif
why the one on the right look like cropped porn
Then it wouldn't be rated E.
sonic mania confirmed my distaste for 2D platformers and i've never enjoyed 3D ones so neither
maybe if cuphead stayed as the boss rush it was originally going to be i'd be more interested in it
this however is fucking hilarious and i love how easy it is to fool /vpol/ types