The final boss is someone who you helped the entire game

>The final boss is someone who you helped the entire game

is that real?
any consequences?

>the final boss is someone you trained during the whole game name some games, i would love to see some " I trained you well, but I didn't teach you everything" moments

that fag mage from dragon age 2

yes it's real

Final Fantasy Tactics

The reverse is fairly common, where you go up against your own mentor (Tales of the Abyss comes to mind), but having the player character be the teacher slapping down his own students probably wouldn't gel too well with people.

She must not be concerned about the Awan thing.

Probably but I'd imagine they were mostly shitposts from people who didn't even read it.

Just a guess.

Not final boss, but Palutena is a late boss in Kid Icarus Uprising.