Is this game worth buying on PC? is it fun?

is this game worth buying on PC? is it fun?

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>bought it on launch
>still hasn't received a single patch


Just install the FAR mod.

Paizuri automata


Play the original nier first.

what does it do?

Sure. No patches means you can still grind to level 99 in five minutes.

Fixes it.

>is this game worth buying on PC
Your mileage may vary if you're on AMD, but if you have NVIDIA, then yes. Just make sure to get the Kaledian FAR mod for it.
>is it fun
Its a mixed bag. The combat is a step up from the original Nier but the actual boss battles and method of storytelling are significantly worse.
It makes fullscreen functional and gives you the option to lower the lighting quality in order to boost performance since the lighting is turned so fucking high it eats performance on the game.

i've got an NVIDIA 1050ti, should I be alright for decent settings/fps?

I have a 970, play at 1080p, and I get dips into the low 50s fps wise, so while you'd be all right it wouldn't run perfectly.
Just make sure to not bother with AA. AO has AA attached to it so turning AA on is just a waste of resources.

Is anyone getting minor stutters all the time? it kinda gets annoying, i have the FAR patch installed even.


Sweet. Thanks kindly, user

>but the actual boss battles and method of storytelling are significantly worse.
I preferred the main cast in the first game, and the twists had more novelty, but I still think Automata managed to positively subvert my expectations by the end.

Play on very hard.
Now get out of here before spoilers

I dunno what you mean by all the time but all versions of the game stutter. It's kind of infrequent for me though.

>play on hard
>it takes like 5 hours to beat the prolouge
>the rest of the game is now really easy due to being forced to get good without saves and plug in chips which you now have access to once you beat the prolougue

>>it takes like 5 hours to beat the prolouge
imagine being this bad

make sure to self destruct straight away and download the freecam mod to look at 2b's butt close up

the first boss can one shot you on hard, and then you have to do the whole level again

I beat the demo on very hard in 2 tries.

On the hardest difficulty it does.
You die in 1-2 hits depending upon the enemy.


I actually liked it. I was butthurt most of the time but that's the way you GIT GUT. Worth it.

You can literally dodge forever. What is wrong with you?

t. someone who played on normal

Is it worth $38?

Still have to properly time dodges. While it gives you an unreasonably good window for dodging that doesn't mean mistakes aren't hard to make.

it took me 8 hours
not even joking, i was high while playing but i dont think its a good enough excuse
but i feel the same way, im glad i didnt lower the difficulty

Consider reading the thread.

>it took me 8 hours

Not even him and not to say you are wrong but I can't help but read a post like the one you typed and cringe instantly.

For you

Its hella fun, worth every minute

I can't answer you on the PC version because I played on PS4 but this was a truly unique and amazing game. I haven't enjoyed any vidya as much as I enjoyed Automata in a long time.
Also this, preferably. but it isn't absolutely necessary

You guys spent hours failing at completing a very short demonstration of the game. That is very easy.

Is the story and characters good? Like is it at least as good as the story and characters in Final Fantasy games?

Also is it true you have to play through it five times for the story to make sense?

Believe what you want and ultimately you will have your own opinion anyway, but since you asked I think this game is absolutely amazing. Sup Forums shits on it pretty hard but I fell in love with it. The atmosphere hits the right spot for me, the soundtrack is amazing, I think the story is very interesting and the gameplay is platinum shit. Kinda getting old by now but still fun.

Don't forget to use FAR.

you dont have to play the game 5 times for it to make sense, people just say that because the game pretends to end about 1/3 through the game, you then play the same game again but as a different character which takes you about 2/3 to completion and then the game picks up again from where it left off after you got your first ending

>You guys
I'm sorry did I not make clear that I was not the party you were previously engaged in conversation with?

I'm just an outsider who was reading you guys exchanging posts.

It's one of the most overhyped turds of recent years that only got attention because cosplay sluts and their thirsty donators.

>hard mode is very easy just git good like me the elite gamer

2bh it probably wouldnt have taken as long if there was a checkpoint at the boss fight since most of it was get to boss, get 1 hit, have to replay the whole level again and its not like the level is that short.

Dude. 5-8 hours. You're ridiculously terrible and retarded for doing that to yourself.

You cannot argue your way out of this one.

It's fun, I spent quite a bit of time playing it this week. I enjoyed it.

I'm still at a loss at how this game can run so poorly and look so ugly at times.

I have a 1050 Ti and it generally runs at 60fps @ 1080p with the FAR mod (this is an absolute must), and with Global Illumination turned off.

>and with Global Illumination turned off.
This isn't recommended as it will make your game look weird like in your picture.

>Buy it on PC
>Have Nvidia card.
>Download FAR Mod.
>Game runs fine for the first few times.
>Now for some ungodly reason it won't even launch.
>No patches ever.

If you want to take a risk, go for it.

Have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it

are you using a controller?
i have a similar issue whenever i launch it with my ps4 controller connected, same issue with dmc4se
with controller connected:launch game (takes 2 minutes to boot, it feels alot longer but i timed it, stuck on a white screen for neir and a black one for dmc but then loads up after that)
with controller disconnected:boots immediatelty (i can then connect the controller but this crashes steam, the game doesnt crash though)

only 2 games i have this issue with

I immensly enjoyed it and got more or less what I expected.
Then again, since I am a big fan of Drakengard/Nier I might be biased

Got a refund since I got random crashes and Squenix doesn't care enough to patch that shit

Because a patch already exists. The FAR Mod.

Why even be a PC gamer if you're going to be dependent on first-party patches?

not him, i have far installed and i still think its shitty of them to not make an official patch, it shows a lack of care for the pc market because "well they can fix it themselves"

Why give my money to a company that can't be bothered to do QA, or to fix issues that were pointed out by the user base?

The mod didn't do anything to get rid of the crashing. It only fixed other things that should have been fixed by the devs in the first place

This, unfortunately the 780TI series have constant fucking crashes outta nowhere, even more frequent at certain parts in the game, if you have that VGA then don't even try buying it.
And yes, far doesn't fix shit about it.

>is this game worth buying on PC?

It's not even worth pirating
Biggest fucking mistake of my life listening to Sup Forums and their shitty vidya fapbait choices
The ignorant incompetent devs can go fuck themselves too with their shitty excuse of a port

did it make you realize you bought a shitty computer?

I own the fucking predetor 21x you fucking poorfag

>some brand name piece of trash
Nailed it. How's that buyer's remorse?

Got enough money to throw around unlike you

So you throw it on shit shit? Kek.

he bought a rediculously expensive gaming laptop
>he cant even upgrade it
meanwhile i built a pc for the fraction of the cost with a 1080ti and i can upgrade it when something better comes out

hows it feel to be an idiot

Nice Hearthstone machine you fucking retard.

Fun is a social construct.

>predetor 21x
oh sweet jebus my sides

Stay mad poorfags
while I'll just dump this hunk of junk when a new toy comes out lmao

no user we're laughing at you

And probably waste daddy's money on the next hunk of junk. Oh Lord rich fags never cease to amaze.

Good for you dumbass

>bought a shitty giant brick of a laptop that fails as a laptop and fails as a desktop that's going to lose almost all of its value within 3 years
>and its a fucking ACER

ahahaha oh fucking christ you retard, if you want to piss away money go hire some prostitutes. you'll get less diseases from them than you would that giant hunk of garbage.


Anyone want to help a poorfag out and buy me Nier? Spirithunter45 at

At least the diseases make you money on medical research, Kek.


Please don't toy with my user...

But why?