You have 10 (ten) seconds to tell me why you arent playing Absolver right now

You have 10 (ten) seconds to tell me why you arent playing Absolver right now

Therer's a Nintendo direct going on right now you fucking cuck.

I don't have it. Is there character customization? If I can't dress up my fighter, I'm not interested.

There aren't any OCE servers.

It is not a genre of game I enjoy playing .

1.Game is pretty much fucking dead
2.Only thing to do after getting the deck you want is to PvP against the same 2 decks over and over (Low sweeps, dodge attacks and a couple charged attacks that have absurd tracking) and either eating the loses or building a boring as fuck counter deck that just stops their unfun cancer with more unfun cancer
>Grinding for cosmetics is so bad it puts most F2P games to shame
>No staves despite them being in nearly all the fucking promotional art
>Servers still shit despite ded game


It doesn't look like something I'd enjoy playing

The charicter creater is basically
Hair color
Hair style
Skin colour

However armor customization is fantasic. The closest thing i could compare it to is morrowind's armor system
Where you pick each peice as well as under armor and clothes

>Multiplayer focus

Yeah, nah, fuck that.
Suck too, because mechanically this seems to be what Jade Empire should have been.

Its really not tho it has a pretty good single player. With very souls-like level design and enemy placement.

They're also adding the ability to destroy a piece of equipment to get a pigment of that item's colour. A pigment you can then apply to another piece of equipment to change it.

>not wanting multiplayer focus
you are a dying breed.

Fuck yes now i can max my fashion

>no staves
what the fuck
all interest deleted

>dark souls esque exploring/world
>4 kung fu fighting styles that plays like for honor
>with the graphics of borderlands 1 without the huge fucking sharpy
>mostly online as playing offline would take away from the game immensely
>30 usd pricetag

are you actually a player or some fucking faggot shill? oh wait i know.

>You have 10 (ten) seconds to tell me why you arent playing Absolver right now
you have 10 seconds to tell me why nobody is playing it right now
hint: its shit

Lemme continue real quick
>indie with high price
>developers name is slowclap
>sloclap is the leftovers of ubisoft paris who became a group and made this piece of shit

pls try to shit on me if you enjoy this game

>nobody is playing it right now
But that says there's at least 1k playing

>not wanting multiplayer focus
>you are a dying breed.
So, games are a dying breed? Good to know.

those sounds like all pluses to me minus the price tag
I didn't realize it was a souls clone in that you could get invaded. Can you co-op with friends?

single player focus games, yes.

Cause I did my time, 40 hours in, and game got boring once it became a grind and the servers were some of the most abysmal thing I've ever experienced.

Waiting to see the new content that are adding in the next patch and hopefully it'll be 3v3s with more server patches.

>from all regions

>wanting multiplayer focus

You are the cancer that's been killing videogames for the past 10 years

No money.

>awesomenauts has average player rate of 700
this is a 2d lol that came out in 2012
>contagion has average player rate of 500
this small fps zombie game came out in 2011

>absolver just came out which is when a game will be the hottest
>only 1k players

yah its fucking dead, not aborted like stillborn but pretty dead

now stop shilling fag

Because online melee combat is utter garbage

So you're admitting to being the cancer killing video games?



I actually taught that guy a bunch of sword moves

I just barely managed to pay the bills and afford a week's food, and I've still got payments to make elsewhere. Vidya can wait a bit

These days the only reason I can make time out of my schedule is to play games with friends.
This is true of most people with lives.

>say no one plays the game while posting a pic showing people are playing right now
I mean, ok.

we may be dying but at least we arent a faggot taking a big ole dick in our mouth which we rely on for sustenance like you

You sure? I mean I'm the only me I know and I haven't learned any sword moves since didn't really care about them.

But guess there is another one out there, very least my akuaku mask is very distinct so if he didn't have it, it was a different person.

Heard the grind was insane and I dont like fighting games to begin with.

it doesn't use servers bro
if nobody is playing it in your region, you'll be forced to play with people in other countries
this says its fucking dead, and the player count will continue to drop
on the plus side, we get 'MP focused' retards like OP and his delicious tears

co op is one of the biggest selling points of this game, if you and your bros like kung fu movies you might enjoy this more than "kinda" even though the decks and fighting style plays on speed, mashing, and constant aggression (meta)

Fuck that webm didn't have my name i normally use thought it did, since I change my steam name up a bit. But characters name is def coffee

Because even though I have a good computer the second I got people to drop into my game it shit itself and became unplayable

Bought it and refunded it. I was having lag issues, NPCs and players would rubber band around. Checked my ping and it was fine. I also didn't feel this game would sustain a very active community. Combat felt clunky too.

>4 kung fu fighting styles that plays like for honor
Why do reddiots always have to talk about shit they know nothing about?


because its a bad game
>hey, you know what would make fighting games better? comboing on whiffs!
what the fuck were they even thinking

this game failed pretty hard and im glad it did

i have no idea why. but i feel like it deserves it. something so half baked about it all.

>shit time to do what v has done lately which seems to works...
>wew, that was a close one

I don't have a job, and I spent the last of my money on Nex Machina

online was laggy as shit and I got close to the two hour mark and wasn't interested enough to risk it, so I refunded it

I bought it and refunded it. It is definitely unfinished. I paid full price for For Honor. I may be stupid but I learn from my mistakes.

Already played For Honor, no thanks

>game failed
>literally small indie devs first game and it sold really well
>this isn't even accounting the ps4 sales that are coming
You are a moron and Sup Forums the post

It has less players than For Honor.

Tryhards should just be banned or put on their own servers with other tryhards.
Nothing kills a game quicker than these nolife faggots developping a cancerous meta a week after the game releases.
God forbid you want to have fun with games and experiment with them, and not abuse spamming broken moves to get a hollow victory; god fucking forbid we don't take games so seriously as if it was the only thing in our lives that makes us feel good about ourselves.

Here's your (You)

Here's your fuck (you)

depends what you consider failure
if it's just money that you count then why even bother trying to make a good game? Just go the bethesda route and pander to lowest common denominator, or better yet make porn on patreon
Most people consider success for a multiplayer focused game to be having an actual player base last longer than a week

What is the counter to sweeps?

nobody knows, maybe ask someone on twitch

oh thats right nobody plays on twitch either :/

Using your defense abilities

Because fighting games are for colored people.

Also hyper armor is the counter to everything, bar a few moves

>shit time to do what reddit has taught me....
>zoo-wee-mama! glad I got outta that one!

axe kick

clever reply :)


Don't you ever fucking (You) me again you stupid bitch.


>kung fu game
>no judo
>no grapples
>no throws
>but dumbass drunken master shit gets in

>we want the meme crowd
>doesnt even make a satisfying combat system

what's wrong with it?

basic hits/block systems are much more easy to extend and adapt than grappling systems in terms of animations. quick throws/one off grapples would work but full judo systems almost certainly wouldn't without
consider the positioning system. Moves end in a certain position, and they start from a certain position. All you have to consider is the start and end point, and literally every move in the game can chain onto others very easily
With grappling, it's much harder because moves tend to end in very specific poses and thus need to be able to start from them too. Making every kind of grapple chain into each other would be exponentially time consuming, not to mention adding animations when players reverse their positions

Im too poor right now and got already so many games to finish

got bored in in about an hour and the servers are constantly down so i got a refund
the game is stale and repetitive imo, but then again i never fought against a real person
there still wasn't enough single player content to keep me interested though, and i wasn't interested enough to fight against anyone else so

I like online games with actually functional online.

I'm working right now.

What did he mean by this?