What are some good Dune games?
What are some good Dune games?
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I don't know how you'd make a good game out of Dune.
Sorry you were saying
(cough) no idea
Dune 2000
Emperor: Battle for Dune
I didn't like Cryo's Dune game, but the Westwood ones are gold-standard classic RTS.
Every Dune game is good, except Dune 2000 and Frank Herbert's Dune.
W-what? You do realize the RTS genre only exists today because of Dune, right?
I'd rather see something like a Souls game with a Dune theme, though. That'd be fucking amazing.
is this porn
The original Dune adventure/turn-based strategy game.
Its sad that this is the best representation of dune in all of media besides the books.
The Dune series doesn't hold up, much better scifi has been written since then. It's a "classic" only in the sense that it innovated for its time, but it's definitely not timeless. It doesn't have too much that a modern-day reader hasn't read better versions of hundreds of times before.
arent those the only ones that ex- oh...i get it.
lewd level : difficult
disagree, it holds up today
>The Dune series doesn't hold up, much better scifi has been written since then
Such as?
Can't wait for that guy's new project to get somewhere.
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy for one
I wonder why every big scale Dune media always ignore the fashion as how it's actually extensively explained in the books.
That slut can only be an Honorada Matre in the book canon but I somehow doubt she actually is.
>Dune souls game
oh my god i've never wanted anything more
Nah, I'm not rusing. Dune from 1992 is good and Dune II is a classic. Even EA's Dune game is pretty good.
what a shame
>Star wars is better written then Dune
Wait, what? So I know you don't read books, that is obvious now.
I read the first dune book, but i heard it goes down hill, are the rest worth reading?
The Frank books are extremely political but are also good, you can stop after God Emperor because the next books are a bit confusing.
Frank's son books aren't as much interesting but are still better than the generic action novel, also, are loosely based on Frank's notes about unfinished plot so they are kinda canon.
Literally anything from Ian Banks
Dune 2 is a good game (for its time, anyway), but not a really good game.
Yeah, it does go downhill. But if you really liked the first one, there are good things scattered across the sequels that'll make the read worthwhile.
I haven't read the son's sequels, tho, and what I heard about it put me off the idea.
Why does everything have to be like MUH SOULS
i love that picture. can really feel the murderous hard boiled tiredness, that guy is all willpower and objective.
Yeah but it's not a proper desert attire REEEEE. He's going to lose all his moisture from his exposed head.
The Hyperion Cantos
>since then
You just naming random sf series?
Because most of Sup Forums are normal fags. I'm not sure if I hate every game becoming souls or every game becoming skyrim worse. That being said a dune game in the style of blade of severance or the original vampire the masquerade would be awesome.
Seconding this question
The Hyperion Cantos is meme-tier until the last book at which point it becomes good.
Dune starts out god-tier, drops down to good, then goes past goat straight into mindfuck-tier.
Isnt that the matriarch lady with the gom jabbar in the beginning?
there's virtually no fremen drawings where they display anything resembling water discipline
not to mention all those water-fat tits on the females
Frank's son completely fucks up the canon though, especially where the main antagonists of the later books are concerned.
If only we had gotten a completed series before he died.
Brian's books are non-canon, pretty much the entire fandom has already agreed on that
Dune II is an absolute RTS classic, but its user interface hasn't aged well. After any RTS past Starcraft, it feels like trying to build a house using nothing but an axe.
>Dune souls game
>oh my god i've never wanted anything more
Your phrasing annoys me. Please kill yourself.
Blade of Severance is Souls but way more gamey and shitty. VTMB was never good and you are LITERALLY retarded if you think it is a good RPG.
Dune would work with Souls because the unforgiving gritty setting would fit and the numerous deaths could just be one perceived timeline among many.
thats why there's only 3 dune books
I've read Foundation like 15 years ago, from what I remember it started pretty good, I liked the idea of predicting future mathematically, but later books were just boring as fuck. I loved Asimov's earlier stories in the setting, Caves of Steel etc., the robopsychology stories are GOAT, but Foundations just goes into really weird territory from what I remember, and not in a good way.
>that part where they meet R. Daneel on the moon thousands of years after the events of first books and he was behind.... something
It's absolutely disgusting. We need another Jihad.
A-at least we got Butlerian Jihad capeshit. ;__;
...yes :(
I actually liked the first book and the parallels of the Canterbury Tales. And how every story where separate events and still linked. Makes it fun to go back to later.
I played the shit out of Dune 2000 when I was young
The Genesis port of Dune II is absolutely awful.
It created the genre none the less.
The first two Hyperion books were pretty good, but the next two went full retard with the loli messiah plotline.
The pseudointellectual literary references also got old pretty fast.
>I don't know how you'd make a good game out of Dune.
>turn-based combat
>squad-focused gameplay, groom squads of Fremen soldiers
>canon "hero" characters confer badly needed bonuses to bases/squads
>visual novel elements that advance story
>planetary strategy sessions in between tactical engagements
>need to secure resources for sietches
>goal is to conquer Arrakis via a number of methods (capturing emperor, etc)
>have to use diplomacy to rally natives to your cause
>sandworm riding for quick squad transport and base raids
Basically a mix of X-COM and Front Mission 3.
could also work as an open world stealth-action fremen simulator
>He thinks other stories can better tell the 3000 year musings of God-Emperor Leto Atreides II
Wouldn't work very well due to the relatively poor "monster-ish" bestiary in Dune.
A sandworm would make for absurdly epic boss fight, but after that all that's left in the "boss worthy" opponent are humans : swordmasters like Duncan and higher ranking Bene Gesserit. Maybe you can squeeze a guild Navigator somewhere, tho you couldn't fight it directly since they already need permanent life support. Sardaukar and Fremen would be "difficult trash mobs", maybe mini-boss for Bashars and higher ranks Fedaykins.
The question is "can you fill a Souls game with nearly nothing but variations of weaponmaster dudes and psycho-bitches" ?
Behind the dune
Thank god I downloaded this in a 4am drunken masturbation fever
There are only 4 official dune games, and they are all good, at least they were, for their time.
It was the best game of the genre at the time. Your complaint is like dissing cavemen for making fire with flint instead of a lighter.
There was no way to have more fun with an RTS at the time, so it was objectively the very best game.
>loli messiah plotline
Please, tell me more.
>be giant, horrible worm man
>no one can touch you because you see all their evil plans in advance
>your eternal enemies give up on killing you
>use their knowledge of you from years of diplomacy to genetically engineer you the perfect waifu
>can't fuck her or even hug her because of your horrible worm body
>despair sets in
>realize you've been outplayed
>A sandworm would make for absurdly epic boss fight
>no weapon except nukes can harm it
>the only way to kill it is to throw an estus analogue of water of life flask into its maw
My post is retarded because I didn't actually finish it, I wanted to say it's not a good DUNE game because well, it had to invent too much to make itself a passable game. As a game, it was good for its time.
Got any more Dune pics? Not from the game but the art?
The game was amazing though, Dune 2000 downloads are available everywhere and some got mods with them for graphics,glitches,etc.
>best scene in the game is the first one
Man, I felt so bad for Leto and at the same time I was so glad Duncan "won" at the end.
Most of all I want a Hwi Noree for myself.
The last two books are about some guy who has to protect a super-intelligent 12-year old girl from evil immortal space Catholics. They eventually fall in love, but only after she turns into a 21-year old as a result of time dilation and becomes the leader of a cult that ultimately destroys the space pope with the power of friendship.
Don't read it, it's not as entertaining as it sounds.
Wait there are more than 3 Foundation books? I've only read up to Second Foundation and the 5-level ruse
I still have to read the last two and I probably will anyway. Is there anyone as cool as Colonel Fedmahn Kassad ?
Ideally it would be loosely inspired by Dune, not directly in the universe, like how Souls, and to some extent Bloodborne, was inspired by Fighting Fantasy. Dune was full of all kinds of wildlife, just none of it was given a great deal of attention.
I wish grand strategy didn't only do real world history.
Forging a fantasy empire in some universes would be cool as fuck.
Especially ones that have very detailed descriptions of the geopolitics and trade.
Yeah, there's more, and apparently those are the really weird ones.
It's honestly been so long since I read the books that I can't remember anything more than the most basic details.
I don't think anything in the rest of the series ever really tops the second book, though.
>a mix of X-COM and Front Mission 3
That sounds fun
I haven't played the game, but this box makes you think you dick is burning off, doesn't it?
It used to be "like God of War"
I want hugs.
Frank's books were better, but as a kid I actually liked the Butlerian Jihad and House books a lot. A lot easier to digest when I was 15 or 16.
If I remember correctly the game describes it as giving immense pleasure, you fail if you pull out
>it feels like trying to build a house using nothing but an axe.
>there are people who don't think that sounds fun
I'd also like a fantasy GS. even if it just boring tolrein-wank like most fantasy.
Shame about Stellaris, I was hoping that would be the new sci-fi GS but it still seems I'll have to keep being content with Distant Worlds.
what's so great about distant worlds?
What happened with stellaris?