Why are autists hyping up this console?
Why are autists hyping up this console?
games you fag
What games?
they're hyping up the Switch because it's a handheld that you can play in your home just like GameBoy, GameBoy Color, GameBoy Advance, DS, 3DS, PSP and PSVita.
>considered getting a console
>most recent one that seems even remotely worth buying is a ps3
Ah yes, cant wait for "WAHOO Bing Bing 69!" and all the other totally not remakes on a device that everyone claims is so convenient yet might take out of their house maybe once, and afterwards will spend its life gathering dust because gimmicks never last.
Buyer's remorse
Its a handheld
Spitting truth. Can't wait for Shitch to fucking tank and nu-shitendo to file bankruptcy in several years.
This. Also cuck master/slave mentality because they can't afford a real console.
Why are retards so terrified of the Switch they need to shitpost constantly?
Is it time to admit this is the wii u 2.0 yet.
Shut up you little fagot or I'll hype your fucking funeral.
its funny. I thought the wii was the shittiest console of all time when released. Then when the wii u came out i thought that the wii was surpassed. Now the switch is out and i think it surpassed the wii u in awfulness. Nintendo fans are a sad, sad group
Are you a genuine child? Seriously anyone who sticks to a single brand is a actual fucking moron, if you actually care about playing games at all you should at the least have a nintendo console, a ps4/xbone and a pc. Brand loyalty is for fucking morons just don't be a fucking poorfag.
hi pokebarneyfag!
God imagine how shit their next console will be. Based thread BTFOing the new worst company in gaming.
It should have been a midgen upgrade to the WiiU like the PS4 Pro, XBOX. Fuck you Nintendo for cucking us WiiU owners.
What games you fag?
Only Mario looks good.
Uhh.... Portability????
Dude, don't delude yourself that this isn't the greatest launch line up this gen
Can't wait for Shitch to fucking tank and nu-shitendo to file bankruptcy in several years.
>What games you fag?
None. All the games are shit and he just pretends to like them because thats the toddler way.
Because that's what all Sup Forums wants now. Expect mass refunds and sales tanking kek.
for peace user. Only then can Sup Forums be peaceful when we all just become ps4 players and talk about our progressive gaming experiences and walking sims :3
Why are Sonynogs sod butt devastated?
it already beat the ps4 and xbox one in terms of exclusives
Switch (3)
ps4 (1)
xbox (0)
Isn't it time for you to go suck Sony's dick?
>Only Mario looks good.
That statement could make less kiddies call you a sonynegro but it's actually untrue.
>thinking it's just sonyfans
Typical Nintendelusion. Everyone is turning against the Shitch, especially after that blunder Direct
>no fucking smash
Sonigros being sonigros. Go back to your third world shithole with your sopa do macaco.
>thinking it's just sonyfags
It literally just is though. PCbros don't give a shit and XBONEfags have already killed themselves.