How the fuck is this not a winning hand?

How the fuck is this not a winning hand?

Yakuza thread

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>have 3 pair
>winning hand
are you retard?

Don't you know how to gamble?

You needed to ditch one of your pairs to complete a set of 3.

Learn to play mahjong.

Man fuck this cheating ass AI I can't beat anyone at Shogi

>not gambling russian roulette

download ShogiUI, make a match of you vs you, copy the opponent's moves on his side and turn on hints on your side.
Easy ranks easy money

Of course it's easy when you cheat.

You need 4 sets and a pair to have a winning hand OP. (Or at least be 1 tile away from finishing it at the end of the round) You have 2 sets and 3 pairs.

How is that a winning hand at all? Its not even complete.

I would tell you to look up the yakus in the rules but what you have doesn't even qualify as a complete hand


Nigga you ain't even in tenpai yet

>3 pairs and only 1 set
Gee I wonder.

No, he should just complete one of his pairs, and then he'll be in tenpai to complete his last meld from either pair left.

You don't know anything about mahjong, do you?

Actually n/m you're right he does need to get rid of a pair.

Don't forgot to hit square every turn to see if you can richii

yakuza 0 came out two years and a half ago, and it's still full price

is it worth it


Yes, it's actually on sale on PSN for $35 right now

>put like 20 hours into mahjong
>did all the completion points except winning enough money in it, and I can't win anything at all

>How the fuck is this not a winning hand?

You have 3 pairs. I don't know much about Japanese mahjong but every other version that doesn't fly.

i still can't believe i actually 100%'d the JP version of Yakuza 5.

took me over 300 hours

Leave the table after every game otherwise you'll be in the negative and winning essentially won't count.

So what is it, 4 triples and a pair for the most BASIC of winning hands. And then you move into more complex territory of straights, different dragons, things like that?


Why the jap version? Also fuck that.

i wanted the physical version

Dont blame you there.

Which Yakuza game is this?

every yakuza game has a mahjong mini game

Sounds like a series I need to get into.

0 because he plays as Majima

Learn to play Mahjong, I haven't played it in years and know that's not even a complete hand, let ignoring that it's missing a yaku

Because you have four doubles and two triples. That's not even remotely close to a legit hand. You either have to go for all doubles by getting rid of wheel 4, 5, a single 6, and the bamboo triple, or you pray you get a lot of wheels and make triples of a lot of those tiles.

>300 hours
Dear lord, I only hit 250ish when accounting for extra Hard and Normal playthroughs.

Why everyone saying he has 3 pairs when I'm counting 4?
[11 M] [789 S] [22 P] [456 P] [66 P] [99 P]

when you're gonna begin playing Ishin?

I just finished that car chase section in yakuza zero.
I was under the impression kiryu doesn't kill anyone?

>That's not even remotely close to a legit han
What's 7 pairs Yaku then?

Rubber roads

>currenrly halfway done in 2 and then play 3 through 5 before 6 releases in March
>Xenoblade 2 announced to release on Dec 1st

Someone should make a mahjong solver and put it online.

Fuck Mahjong I can't understand it to save my life.

Couldn't they come up with a simpler game?

They're probably counting the Wheel 6s as a triple and thinking the 4 and the 5 are just in there for no reason/he's waiting for a Wheel 3.

A month probably,

That's exactly what I said, you could go full doubles with that hand if you wanted but as he was it would take a lot of luck to rework that hand and a lot of wasted tiles and turns.

why would that be a winning hand? you have a bunch of incomplete triplets, not to mention they're 1 and 9.


I've finished 0 and Kiwami and am about to start vanilla 2 on PS2. How fucked am I? Is there a ton of censored shit in 2? Is it stripped down like I heard 3 was when it came to the states? Also is the combat going to feel super different?

Look at the bright side, at least it doesn't lock off a significant portion of the game if you can't beat it, requiring hours of wasting time to beat an AI that plainly cheats.

BvS Wasted too many hours of my life.

Car scenes don't count to his kill count

only Y3 got fucked by localization

I got this tool you can use whenever you're playing.
Pretty useful.!8sd1QLSB!BqdO3hoNxD3bvwaM_xFAu8AD_il9XfV57ObOHARXTVs

>is the combat going to feel super different?
yes because you didnt play at release order. we warned you about this

if you're new, just aim to form an All Simples hands every single time. don't steal, don't call riichi, just try to from 4 sets of 3 (either straights or triplets) of tiles 2-9 and a pair (of tiles 2-8).
discard all 1s, 9s, dragons and winds.

>20 Indigo stones for rusty pistol in Ishin

how the fuck do i farm this? its worse than farming dragon materials

Mahjong is like the simplest fucking game ever. It's EXACTLY rummy except the conditions for a winning hand are different and it's not always advisable to lay down your melds on the table.

Sit the fuck down, faggots. Right row, third button from the top.

Pretty much.
See Keep in mind that you can mix some of these yaku, like Pinfu + Tanyao (only 2-8 in sequences only and no special tiles).

Some of these are hard to make, so don't try too hard if the draws aren't with you.

Two more people. You know you want to play the maajan.


No idea. It won't work if more than one window is open, so try in web or something.

>Is there a ton of censored shit in 2? Is it stripped down like I heard 3 was when it came to the states?
No, that only happened in 3 and only 3 and they only really removed the Taichi porn mag substory in what could be considered censorship. The rest of the games only lose the licensed songs like the title songs and certain fight songs so they get replaced for generic rock or something else that sounds somewhat generic to fit the scene.

>Also is the combat going to feel super different?
A bit, the general way you fight is the same throughout all games, but styles were only introduced in Kenzan and then weren't in the games until Ishin to Kiwami. You won't have as many Heat Actions, you can't freeflow your hits (I.E. punch forward, punch behind, finisher forward, second finisher behind) without pretty much stopping your movement and breaking the combo (Doesn't get better until around 4), and there's way less minigames to deal with. It's just something you have to deal with if you're going back into the older games, if you're starting from 0 or Kiwami and then jumping to 1 or 2 you're basically doing the equivalent of playing something like one of the latest Ratchet and Clank games and then going back to the original PS2 one that has no strafe or aiming. The newer games are the culmination of years of progress and refinement, removing and adding things to see what works and what people like.

>tfw managed to get a Riichi Ippatsu
>tfw managed to get Mangans
>tfw managed to get a Haneman
>tfw managed to get a Full Straight
>tfw managed to win 10 and win the required points

Feels so fuckin' good, holy shit.

Web works, but what do I do after that?

How much better will I become at Mahjong after watching Akagi?

How? Where you guys learned this shit? Watching Akagi is not enough.

you'll enjoy Akagi better if you have a basic understanding of Mahjong, I managed to learn about mahjong by just playing mahjong in yakuza, literally. Looked up what worked and what doesnt, rules etc.

You'll get worse because you'll start trying to do hype anime shit that works 1% of the time in real life.

I tried out Noten riichi mahjong; It's free, and in English. It has tutorials about the basic gameplay and winning conditions. I've tried it out and I've somewhat getting the hang of it now, I'd recommend it if you want to start learning mahjong.

the fuck is that hand!?

op, better for you to avoid this game. it'll consume you...

I'm playing in fucking parlors now

Playing Yakuza 2 now after beating Kiwami

Don't know why people like to say these PS2 games are unplayable compared to 0, the combat feels nearly the same, if anything the fixed camera angles and slow move speed bother me more

Hoping I can find 3-5 cheap somewhere

>Hoping I can find 3-5 cheap somewhere
3 and 4 are on Amazon for $40 because of reprints, 3 is physical only. 5 is either Japanese physical or $40 online digitally with sales not being that often. Take your pick.

I wish anyone in my city played, let alone there being parlors.

Thanks for this! I was mostly worried about the localization but you seemed to clear that up so thats cool! As far as what's missing from 3 that doesn't sound too terrible. Still not ideal. Sounds like I'm just dealing with less refined combat. I can handle that. I just want to be caught up story wise by the time 6 hits in March. Thanks again.


how long did it take you to get all those?

>As far as what's missing from 3 that doesn't sound too terrible.
There's a lot more than what I mentioned, I just listed what would be considered censorship. If you want the full list:

Again though, 3 is the outlier in this, the worst everything else gets is just music swaps due to licensing costs (Main theme music and stuff like that, not karaoke). Some are alright, others are completely forgettable (A lot of 5's boss fights have more impact due to the Japanese songs that we didn't get for example). For the most part it's just less refined gameplay, they're all still good and fun despite how negative that sounds, you just have to understand that the further back you go the less refined it was. Missable substories, missable locker keys, missable heat actions, missable items, substories don't show on the map, minigames have absurd minigame AI that if you've played Kiwami's pool is like that level of difficulty in every single game in 3, minigame completion requirements are pretty terrible, freeflow wasn't properly done until around 4, Kiryu gains and loses Heat Actions or they get thrown onto other characters (Shinada's dragging Climax for example was part of another move in 3 I think it was), Amon was completely missable if you made any incorrect choice in a substory until 3 or 4, etc.

Just keep with it, they're all fun games, even Dead Souls despite how awful the gameplay looks in videos.

123 is 1-2-3 lines.
4 is a box(4 lines)
5 is 5
6 looks like a person
7 looks like an upside down 7.
8 is two zeroes, but here 8 is two lines.
9 is 9.

Thanks, I tried downloading microsoft mahjong and I couldn't get it.

>those bruising

THERE WAS GORE? only played 0,1 and 2 btw

user up there scared me with his pon palace

What's your favourite yaku, Sup Forums?

It's true.
Watched Saki now I automatically kan like an autist in almost every opportunity.
I did get Rinshan once though.

Mangan, bitches. Nice game, although I have no fucking idea what you were doing with the kans.

>this tsumo comeback win
Just like my japanese annie may. Holy shit.

>I lost to someone who can't even read the tiles properly

Do you like the new combat system or prefer the old one?

All simples, baby. Even though I almost never seem to be able to get it.


Feels bad man

Tried to Kan, game Pon'd for me. Kan'd by accident the next turn. That's moon for you.

>dealing a 4-pin at the end of the game after my riichi
Serves you right, lesbian.

>tfw you learned Mahjong a long time ago just to play all those old porn arcade games

I'm up for one more game, two spots open at this time. Bullshit ron's and wins out of the ass happen pretty often in mahiong, luck is still a factor so I wouldn't be discouraged with some losses or whatever.

It's almost GUARANTEED that some fucker will deal into a hand worth a thousand points when you're two steps from a Kokushi.

Read Ten instead of Akagi and try to pull the hype anime shit by cheating. People will spit on you but that's how you descend into the darkness.

How can Akagi make mahjong look so damn cool?
How can Akagi have such a wonderful voice? It's quiet, but it has just the right amount of edge to it so you still listen

Beginner's luck

Is it actually possible to pull a Kokushi? How lucky is that?

I've only ever been 2 tiles away from it, when the game ended in a draw.