Guess the framerate and resolution

Guess the framerate and resolution.

Other urls found in this thread:

720p / 60fps

In other words: perfect.
Autistic retards will argue otherwise.

Probably use the same variable resolution, I'm gonna guess somewhere in the ball park of 800p docked and 600p handheld

The real downgrades are going to be in the fancier visual effects and texture streaming and quality


i'm sorry

more like autistic retards will argue "it doesn't matter" when is obviously sub 60 and low quality shaders

900p 60 docked
720 or 600p 60 hand

more like guess the loading time.
get ready for the loading screen to fly to 95% and then sit there.

You guys are some real optimists.

I would be fine with 720p/30fps if it don't look like fucking ass.

30frames for a fps is bad they have to make it 60

if it's 60fps it's going to be like 500p or something

Literally the whole point of idTech is to hit high framerates on low end hardware. Megatextures, son.


No way Wolfenstein will be 60 tho

You haven't been following Nintendos chain of 60 fps games have you?

leaked image

I can barely tell the difference.

>low quality shaders
g8 buzzwords and memes dude

I'd play a Doom version of Doom.

It's using the same tech as Doom, right? Whatever that runs at will probably hold true for TNC

ok but those games don't look like doom lmfao

you're memeing but this would be sick

The switch can't even run the fucking Sonic Mania special stages at a solid 60.
If DOOM runs well on that thing I'll fry up my dick and eat it.

Because it's a 480x360 jpg thumbnail.


Wish Vulkan, I'm picturing this with about a "High" quality setting

Better have gyro

>he doesn't know that id has a deal with the crytek and carmackDevil with Idtech7

>it actually has gyro
>automatically better than the other console versions

60fps with dynamic resolution

that is of course, if Bethesda's willing to not be half-assed

How is this game gonna fit on a Switch cart? Its like 60GB on PC. Surely they can't cut down the textures that much to fit something smaller?

The other consoles ran at 60fps, and they seem to be gimping this version graphically.

Switch supports Vulkan

80% of switches catalog runs at 60fps

>The other consoles ran at 60fps
The other consoles are more powerful than the Switch.

The Bone had to run at 900p to hit 60fps.

60 fps for sure bros.
*drops to 15 on BoTW*

I wish it was Ultimate Doom.


I remember snakepass, first and last eshop purchase, switch is a piece of fucking garbage and I'm going to sell it after mario.

that is looking like ass, faggot. turn down textures and shadows for a smooth 60 and then it won't look like ass

99% of the switch's catalog are less intensive games than Doom

this, it would be pretty fucking sweet

isn't this game like 70GB? how the FUCK is it gonna fit?

All the 3D rendering in mania is in pure software, it probably doesn't work well with the switch's shit cpu despite being like 10 polygons.

The technowizards of id though ? They gonna crank that nvidia chip to the max

>no multiplayer
>low res textures
>single language audio
it can fit down to 32gb easily

Multiplayer was confirmed. Probably won't include Snapmap, though.

>Multiplayer was confirmed

>Portable Doom with gyro aiming

Muh dick

yall dumb as shit. that motherfucker was designed from the ground up to run on toasters. its a fucking tech demo for vulkan.

>Doom and Wolfenstein II Are Coming To Switch
>Patricia Hernandez
holy fuck she still works there?

judging by my absolute toaster, that can't move the game in the most crowded sections...
720p + resolution scaling + dips to 35fps


now tell me the loading times of this
>crush your friends in online multiplayer

Didn't they get both Wolfenstein TNO and Doom at 1080/60 on PS4/Xbone, and they both ran pretty fucking solidly? Both were pretty well optimized on PC too aside from fuckhuge file sizes.

My guess is 720/60 or some dynamic resolution shit/60, the fact they got both of them even fucking running is impressive on it's own.

The gameplay footage looked okay graphically and the framerate was solid. The texture and lighting were noticeably downgraded.


>Didn't they get both Wolfenstein TNO and Doom at 1080/60 on PS4/Xbone
no, heavy dynamic resolution. both sit around 900p average
>and they both ran pretty fucking solidly
yes because of said dynamic framerate

Upscaled 1080 in docked at 30fps
720 at 30fps in hh

Unacceptable for a shooter to be sub 60

>Thinking this will run at 60

Yeah, maybe if they put the textures down to N64 quality.

newfags leave

on switch
...oh, user

Doom hits 60 FPS pretty easily even on a GTX 1050 2GB at 1080p.

Not sure if serious.

A snazzy version of the original games would be much better.
I fucking hate the new game

600p 30fps
You can already can frames under 30 in the trailers
All effect got cut

>the framerate was solid
it was 30fps video

A 1050 is more powerful than a PS4

Not sure if serious

Dynamic on both but probably will cap out at 900p docked and 640P portable. Likely 60FPS for Doom though I don't rate Wolf 2's chances at 60fps.

Wolf TNO was a fucking awful PC version that was obviously ported from the consoles and DOOM only ran spectacularly well when the Vulkan update was introduced. But TNO spent most of the time at 1080 on both PS4 and Xbone and Doom was mostly same on PS4 but dipped lower on the horizontal axis on Xbone (About 1380x1080 was the floor on Xbone). Switch version should be fine but expect a lower cap and floor than the PS4 and Xbone

Pick a graphics card a few years older, and it'll still be more powerful than the Switch senpai

900p 45 FPS docked

720P 25-30 FPS undocked

>Fanboys here are too retarded to remember the articles and discussion on the Unreal engine update

Either way, combined with the simple fact of what the coding showed back then and the fact that Switch supports Vulcan, it's pretty much absolute fact it'll be 720p / 60 fps minimum. It's not a matter of Switch being as powerful as PS4 or Xbone but that the engine is super optimised and Vulcan API is goddamn great for this.

Wolf and Doom drop vertical res, not horizontal. At least on PS4, I think the XBO versions are more prone to dropping around the 900p range.

>vertical res, not horizontal
Other way around my bad

Even if it is 60fps, you have to deal with no lighting and a 60 degree field of view.

854x480@25fps low settings

720p, 30fps. The fact that it will be mobile would still make it cool as hell.

Fucking horrible and fucking horrible.

that was because TNO used Idtech5.1 while nuDOOM uses FUCKING idtech6 aka

>user: my video card is a old ass 600 series with vulkan suport, it will never run this game on high settings, 60 fps and 1920 resolution
>idtech6: Hold my beer

And again, you people seem to have forgotten about the UR update prior the Switch release, where it was revealed in the coding that Switch were on high (PS4, PC and Xbone were a step above in settings as I recall).

You can shitpost all you like, it wont change the simple fact that the engine is heavily optimised and Vulcan API likely will be involved too.

It'll be interesting to see how well the Switch can handle games like this, would probably make a good reference point for future ports. As for my guess, if they're hitting 60 then Doom is definitely getting a ton of gimps across the board, otherwise could probably run a somewhat stable 30 if the graphics are turned down a bit. No idea what it'll be like portable aside from RIP battery life.

Doom doesn't use Unreal Engine.

oh well what do ya know

You got a sauce for that pasta? And Doom doesn't use Unreal, it uses IdTech 6.

name of the 1%

It's gonna be 30fps, I'm calling it. Unless they dial down enemy density worse than the PS4/Xbone already did. The CPU in the Switch is garbage, and there's no way they'll make the game look like complete ass for 60fps.

Apologize to me now.

handheld mode, 720p looks like 1080p when playing games.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

For real though it's a few years old game ported to a weaker console, this isn't TLoU Remastered which you can sell to normies. Why are they doing this?

doom came out last year

Sorry Todd-sama, I will buy a Switch along with pre-orders of Skyrim Special Edition™, Doom™, and Wolfenstein™ 2: The New Colossus™!

>720p looks like 1080p
this is your brain on consoles

the 1050 is substantially more powerful than either current gen consoles

the ps4 is the equivalent of a 7850 and a laptop cpu from half a decade back, the xbox slightly less powerful on the whole, and the switch much further down the ladder

>pre-emptive damage control in the very first reply

oh nintenkids

>playing FPS games on consoles
pleb filter

360p 30fps

720p, no AA, low settings at 60fps

>60 fps


>all these fags saying it will be 60fps
a friendly reminder that botw a massively less demanding game with first party optimisation could barely hit 30fps