>Switch gets 3rd party games
>Switch gets 1st party exclusives
What the fuck do you faggots want exactly?
>Switch gets 3rd party games
>Switch gets 1st party exclusives
What the fuck do you faggots want exactly?
Other urls found in this thread:
for nintendo to die. JUST DIE
why are you already this defensive?
is like you just watched and came here to defense force
not even to talk about the games
you literally just goth Beth published games, and nothing else, really pathetic
>switch fag making up his own criticisms
sounds more like insecurity
Sonyfags are starting to feel threaten thats all.
Square Enix is owned by Nintendo now?
They just want to shitpost, user.
Only like, maybe 100 people out of all of them are actually that dumb.
what was that game again? ah right, who knows?
>keeps moving the goalposts
you lost user. just accept it.
it was 2 games btw
wow.... really births my bloodes
This third party support are five year old ports.
I can actually tell you're a 3rd worlder by your terrible english.
what games again? literally whos?
at least if you got bayo i would've been surprised.
>switch sells
Its shit posters user,
>switch gets both
octopath traveler isn't even out yet, retard
*goes back to replaying bloodborne for the 239th time*
They're on Sup Forums. They Can't function unless they have a new thing to complain about.
>Switch gets 3rd party games
Oh boy, those 3 Bethesda game ports, have fun!
have fun never ever playing octopath
Games published by Nintendo don't count as 3rd party.
>oh no, no one will get to play Square's literal shovelware
The whole world.
switch is a shovelware and BoTW machine, deal with it kiddie.
>another generic 2D jrpg
Oh no, how will I ever continue to live?
lmao seething
uhhhh.... i hate to make you look like more of a retard.. but.... it's published by SE...
By playing Knack 2 I think. That's all you have for the rest of the year, lard ass.
>not having a pc to play even more games than whatever nintendo shits out to you
>they said the ps3 had no games
>they said the xbox had no games
>they said the wii has no games
>they said the ps4 had no games
>they said the 360 didn't exist
>now they say the switch has no games
I will not stand for this not my switch, fuck you pc cucks you guys are the ones that don't have any games that their own
>not being an idort
Good luck emulating Mario Odyssey
>not have a pc to play even more games + all your nintendo games.
>implying Odyssey isnt going to be emulated by November
So what games besides doom and and wolfy got announced for the bitch?
For Nintendo to crash and burn
Also Sup Forums isn't one person you faggot
What do you mean? Theres plenty of third part games to play, and I mean new ones, not ports from years ago.
maybe we don't but we sure have the best options for every multiplat, stay mad consolenigger
Nothing, Nintendofanboys are paying the retard again.
Yeah like.... uh.......... Assassin's Creed WE WUZ Edition?
>poorfags not having Switch and PC
literally zero reasons to own Xbone or PS4.
Not sure, as I don't engage in console wars shitposting.
How about a good game?
It's no secret that Nintendo has spent the better part of two decades pissing off developers with their hardware, but I can't find anything to like about their inhouse dev. teams either.
There's zero reasons to own a switch. it's just a $400+ doorstop
Are you having a stroke, bro?
Guess how I know you're a 3rd worlder
i want payday 2 my KaChigga
>sony niggers are getting triggered again
No surprises here.
Come on man ia that it wolfy and doom? Damn i mean i never thought that would happen but eh.
>$300 base without nothing else
>$60+ for pro controller
>$60+ per game + amiibo DLC for those who want it
>next year, $20/year for online
I want dedede buffed.
>What the fuck do you faggots want exactly?
To be right. I don't care how it's done.
So does that make the PS4 $500+?
nintendies defense force inbound
>$400 for the PS4
>$60+ for an extra controller
>$60+ per game + season passes for those who want it
>this year, $50/year for online
>$10/week for grape soda and fried chicken
I don't know and don't care. I'm only talking about the switch. Consoles are for retards.
A proper Wario game.
Other than that the Switch can fuck right off, I bought the Wii U and it was a nice party console with easy multiplayer access through being able to reuse Wii peripherals, then they go mega-omni-Jew with this bundle of bullshit.
Have fun constantly convincing yourself you don't want to play console exclusives.
I used to be like you. PC only. Then I got a job and now I'm an idort and can play any game I want. Get a job, user.
>Bu-but sony!
embarasing, they can't even defend themselves
Not him but nice projection faglord
There's no console games these days worth buying a console for. I came from the generation when console games was the thing from the NES to the N64 era. This went for PS1 and PS2, Sega Genesis, the works. Games have become shitty service-based experiences now. Nintendo tricks you think it's trying to be like it always has, but even they quit making video games.
Face it, console gaming is dead. It only exists as a honeypot for shilling and jewish market practices. There isn't even anything on PC, but at least a PC is infinitely more useful than a limited computer.
Sup Forums just wants a reason to shitpost.
not him but stop using words you don't understand
>you use PC only?
>i bet u dont have a job bro LOL
What is it about about nintendo that riles up shitposters so much? It's pretty funny.
How is that projection if you say that and you DO have a job? Learn what that word means you fucking subhuman.
Yeah keep convincing yourself.
The shitch is bad.
Sure buddo
have fun never playing bloodborne or even fucking MADDEN lmao
Okay retardo
> What do you faggots want?
To shitpost. About everything. About nothing. Why the fuck do you give a shit? They're fucking children. Stop killing threads asking fucksticks to explain why they are fucksticks, you fuckstick.
When people say Nintendo needs 3rd party, they don't mean years after everyone else has it. They mean simultaneous releases with other platforms.
Sounds good, Nintendo
Tale you all night for those hot words nigger?
Then why would you care when the PC version is the best?
Hahaha you're so fucking mad it took you this long to reply.
Lard ass.
I am watching Napolean dynamite Are you sad im not paying attention to you sweetie, its okay baby i understand mommy will take care of you now
hahaahhaahhaha oh darling... FUCK OFF
you guys are fucking embarrassing
why do you need 2 controllers?
What third party support?
Okay sweetie you need your milkies and a nappy poo, heres mommies titty be careful not to burn yourself on my cigerette
"Kisses u"
why is it like this? is it about the licence fees?
Sup Forums hates nintendo as much as nintendfriends hate monhun world simply for not being on 3ds/vita/switch.
It's mostly cause porting games to a smartphone-tier console isnt inexpensive, nor is there a high demand like the other platforms.
Now that Doom and the new Wolfenstein game is coming to the Switch, I wonder what new bullshit reason developers are going to come up with for not porting games over to the Switch? Will we get another 'not enough buttons'?
Holy fuck, 3 times in like the past hour, you're mad as fuck.
*unzips dick*
>nintendfriends hate monhun world simply for not being on 3ds/vita/switch.
is the truth, you don't like it? :^(
You literally can not contain your rage
When RE7 get's announced in the January direct I implore you to eat a bag of dicks
stfu with that shit. it's an arms tablets
Nintendo dying and leaving Sony and Microsoft as the market dominators would be depressing. Video games would never change and you'd never know what you wanted. It would be like the phone market. Just a battle to get the most bottom of the barrel popular shit on their consoles.
Nintendo would be a literal religious symbol in the post-nintendo world. Sup Forums would make depressing threads about how many of Nintendo franchise genres aren't good anymore. You'd be starving for good games, with 400 reply threads on fuckin indie games because they seem new and personality full.