Best N64 multiplayer games

best N64 multiplayer games


All the Mario Parties

besides RE:Outbreak, I don't think I've had more fun in a multiplayer game.

Perfect Dark/Goldeneye
Pokemon Stadium 1&2
Mario Kart 64
NFL Blitz

Great start OP

Me on the right.

bomberman 64 online multiplayer when?

It's already a thing, bro.

>Nobody listing Conker

for shame

also any given wrestling game on n64 that wasnt ecw or wcw mayhem


Battletanx Global Assault
007 The World Is Not Enough

Donkey Kong 64






Blue is a moron.
White is a pussy who didn't even attempt to kill black when he was going after Red.


So, who's hosting a SM64:O server?

Someone host, faggots

Road Rash 64
Fighter's Destiny

road rash 64