Nintendo 3rd party is back

>The Switch will never get decent 3rd party support
>pfft 6-year-old game.,,
>I-is one year old...
>Wolfenstein II

It seriously feels like we are back on the Nintendo 64 times, when we use to get really good FPS's.

Other urls found in this thread:

All thanks to Id's programmers. I don't think it will be a trend with other developers.

>WANTING Bethesda shit
Zenimax pls...

That was the literal only surprise but yeah it was actually a genuine surprise for sure.


Why do people hype up inferior multiplats that are way better on PC? The only games that matter on consoles are EXCLUSIVES, everything else is filler.

This. It takes effort to bring games over, the problem isn't the hardware it's the developers, this proves it though which will be nice for shitposting threads to watch people deconstruct.

Nintendo: Putting the 'PORT' in 'portable'.

I thought Fallout 4 would be coming, not these games.

Switch definitely is getting more exclusives in general than competing consoles did at the same point in their life cycle.

so I can play a port with shitty graphics on a laptop



Thats because Doom/Wolfenstein run at 60fps on ps4/Xbox. Also Idtech6 engineer are the best.
Enjoy your 30fps/720p version.

So hype those games, don't hype scraps.

Shut you dick sucking mouth faggot it's PORTABLE DOOM how do you not see the value

>Why do people hype up inferior multiplats that are way better on PC?
Because not everyone is a PC gamer, genius.

O take Wolfstein II over Fallout 4 any day, but it would not surprise me if they opted out because the game is open world, meaning it would be tougher to keep decent performance.

Don't forget to buy a nice meaty microSD because you know damn well you're gonna have to download 60-70 GBs worth of shit to play these games.

I can play it on the go.

I mean I do personally but most people who play games like the 3rd party AAA multiplats, they bitched and moaned all last gen because those didn't show up on Wii U.

The Switch has the advantage of offering these games with portability, which is actually something worthwhile, compared with consoles. You could argue that laptops do these too but laptops are also a different form of portability, not quite AS convenient.

All this delicious butthurt over based nintendo
It seems nintendo won guys

it's sad only advantage switch has is portability sad pc has exclusives modding 60 fps 4k sometimes cheap ps4 has exclusives cheap bigger playerbase on fighting racing fps games xbox one x more powerful than ps4 no exclusives this is just sad what does switch even have

>Switch Selling better than PS4
>Switch gets 3rd Party from big devs


Daniel Bryan plz

I mean, PC has been superior on a technical level since 1999 at least. Switch is portable at least which PC doesn't offer.

>intendo 64 times, when we use to get really good FPS's
>Nintendo 64
>good FPS's

>Doom/Wolfenstein run at 60fps on ps4/Xbox

With no enemies on screen, dips otherwise. Worse on Xbox.

I own DOOM on PC but having a portable version of it just seems a lot more compelling

Delete this right now, it will be 30 fps on Switch anyways fuck you dad


the new Doom and Wolfenstein games are fucking terrible though

yea. just saying why they can afford to port this on switch.

Wolfenstein 2 for Switch is coming next year. It already has an October 2017 release date for everything else.

fuck you dumbass*


I'd rather buy DOOM twice over Fallout 4 once

On another note. Fallout 4 games had poor performance on consoles too. It was never able to hit 60FPS and it stuttered at 30. And even on PC the game needed tweaks to run optimally.

>Still no original doom on 3ds

I don't know, since it's Doom I would choose the option with better graphics. Still hoping it sells good numbers on Switch, we need more Doom.

Nintendo won

>old ports
last time I check Wolfenstein II is not out yet.

When it gets hacked it will absolutely get it.

>Switch has Vulkan Support

>Idtech6 is fucking polished with vulkan, enough to run on a 660gtx from 4 years ago with 1920x60fps on high settings

Don't we have a Doom mod on Homebrew?

Fallout 4 is poorly optimised and ran like dogshit on the PS4 so I doubt the switch could even run it. Doom with vulkan can run on a potato PC at solid 60fps and Wolfenstein 2 uses the same engine.

>yfw id is making Prime 4

Capcom post if you're ok

I get your point. But I'm sacrificing graphics for portability. In a game that's already full of content (that's assuming SnapMap, Arcade Mode and Multiplayer are in the Switch version)

Capcom decided to give us Revelations 1 and 2. So it's something I guess.

No idea about SnapMap, but they confirmed online multi during the DOOM reveal.

>its going to outsell the ps4 version

>Bethesda = 3rd party support
this is the same company that released the same game 5 times

I doubt it honestly, though the switch getting it at all surprised me.

I do hope it sells a lot though, the game deserves a good sequel

steam install for nuDoom is like 90 gb
will they cut stuff or figure out how to compress their textures and audio
everything about the game and wolfenstein is a complete joke anyway

That's one thing at least

Nintendo is officially DOOMED.

Beth knows fallout 4 sucks and no one wants it.

>everything about the game and wolfenstein is a complete joke

Ah so that's what they meant. Nintendo haters saw the future

>Todd even admitted it was ass
I liked the character creator though, allowed for some nice waifus

holy shit, I did not realize we don't even know the devs yet. It lines up well, port DOOM to test the engine on switch.

>Todd even admitted it was ass

>Good FPS's

l m a o


DOOM multiplayer better have Samus based unlocks.

Xbone version for sure.

Fallout 4 runs like shit on Xbone and PS4, Switch would probably catch on fire.

>It's a neo-Sup Forums hypes up Zenimax thread

He did an interview a while back where he admitted a bunch of shit went wrong and that the shooting was the only good thing.

Well, he's right on that regard.

>Lost Souls changed to look like Metroids

Do you even Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Turok?

Nah. They did say the studio for MP4 was new.

Because they are portable.
Because being able to take and play a game ANYWHERE is SUPERIOR to graphics.
Because any multiplat that ends up on the Switch gains portability above its counterparts, and becomes the DEFINITIVE edition.
You heard me, fight me faggot.

Turok fuccboi

None of those hold up at all, N64 shooters were only good if you lived in a void and didn't know what PC shooters were like.

Turok holds up perfectly, as seen in the remasters.

It fits with the old ass Rumor that id may be working on Prime 4 because they hired the Original Prime team from retro to work on D44M level design

well this would really deserve it's own thread but the wolfenstein games are little more than bloated clunkier Cod clones with a name change and Doom is a complete abortion of game design
All the fundamental things movement, weapons, enemies, levels are just wrong on a completely new level.

>Because any multiplat that ends up on the Switch gains portability above its counterparts, and becomes the DEFINITIVE edition.
This is very debatable.




Why would I play these on a 480p screen when I could hook up my computer to a 4K television and play with literally any controller I want

The switch is a joke

Who would want to play fps on console. On a console that can't run it 60+ even with shittier graphics.

It's pretty legit honestly. Who cares about 4k (most games won't get this on console anyway just some) or like... I dunno, what does the PS4/Scorpio really offer over PC in any way? Portability is actually something different that could be considered an advantage over a PC multiplat, other consoles have nothing over PC.

>Wolfenstein II
The problem with that is that it will come sometimes 2018 for the switch easy half year later after the other consoles

PC is the definitive version though

Gaining portability isn't debatable.
Better options over better graphics also isn't debatable.
That's as debatable as physical not be superior to digital.
WIth Physical, you can sell it, it will likely stand the test of time if you take care of it, and its actually something you can show off to people. A actual function. A actual option. That is easily more valuable then something that just alters the appearance. Absolutely 100%.


Wolfenstein 2 is already coming out the same day as Super Mario Odyssey. No point in letting it get cannibalized.

As happy as I may be about portable DOOM and Wolfenstein he's right

Nigga you just played yourself

>Switch selling better than 4 year old console that goes from selling less than switch to more than switch every week
yeah very impressive

Maybe they're using the doom engine. There has to be a reason beth and Nintendo are so buddy buddy

Unless you're playing with the Steam Controller. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Is the PS4 supply constrained?

>it will likely stand the test of time if you take care of it
Absolutely 100%, sure. Your whole post is opinions, if not wishful thinking.

Where's the mouse and keyboard for the Switch?

honestly i can imagine it considering there is nothing else to do on switch so they latch onto anything.

Gyro aim, best control method besides Mouse, better than any twin stick

>Todd abandons the Xbox as his console of choice and now all future Elder Scrolls games are optimized for the Switch first

yeah but no touch screen controls tho


What said